Compact Custom Header

Thanks very much… must have missed that one :grinning:

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Can someone please inform if Compact Custom Header works with splitted Lovalace config?
I tryed with no success. I don’t know if I am missing something or it’s splitting incompatible.

Works fine for me. It just has to be in every view, with one of them as the main config. My GitHub repo has a working example of a split Lovelace config with CCH:

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I will take a look. Thanks for the feedback.

EDIT: I got it. Thanks.

Okay, so I need everyone’s opinion on this. I’m currently reworking CCH to remove the need to have it in each view which would also remove the need for stacks when using panel mode. These two things seem to be the biggest issues with setup.

To do this I would also need to remove the UI editor for the card. Building a UI editor that will work with the new config method would be a fair bit of work and I thought I would get an idea if people actually use it or not as many config options aren’t included in the editor as it is.

The new config options would stay the same, so don’t worry about that. It would just no longer be a “card” and would work like lovelace-swipe-navigation’s config works now by putting the config once in the root of your lovelace configuration.

Either way I will implement the new config method, but this is just to gauge whether I should put in the work on creating a new editor or remove the UI editor all together.

Please leave feedback and let me know.

  • Please, keep the UI editor.
  • I don’t use it, I don’t care, yaml mode!

0 voters

Thank you all for the input! I will make sure to include a UI editor moving forward.

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…hoping yaml will always be an option in the future versions…:thinking:

Of course, wouldn’t dream of removing it. I prefer yaml, but wasn’t sure if the UI editor was useful to folks.

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Update Version 1.1.0:

Breaking changes:

  • CCH is no longer required to be a card and only needs added as a resource.
  • Configuration happens at the root of your lovelace config in cch: (see links below).
  • The UI editor can now be found in the options menu after selecting “Configure UI”.

Non-breaking Changes:

  • New feature hide_help this will hide “help” from the options menu. ( I kept accidentally hitting it while working on this update ) :laughing:
  • With the exception of styling config, everything can now be configured using the UI.
  • Fixed a conflict when using hide_tabs in main config and show_tabs in an exception and vice versa.
  • Persistent notification of 1.1.0’s breaking changes if you’ve upgraded, but are still using the old config method.
  • A fair few under the hood tweaks and fixes that should improve performance.

A new quirk since this is no longer a card: After using the raw config editor you will need to refresh the page to restore CCH.

I’ve made a quick guide for the upgrade process and updated the docs quite a bit. You can now submit PR’s to the docs, so please contribute if anything is unclear or missing.

This has been marked as a pre-release as it is the first version after a good bit of CCH was modified. To help with versions in HACS I will be marking pre-releases from now on.

As with any major changes there may be issues, bear with me as I work through them. Thank you!


Getting these in the console log in chrome:

CCH conditional styling: undefined does not exist.
compact-custom-header.js:740 CCH conditional styling: undefined does not exist.

What does your config for conditional styling look like?

I only have swipe: true… no conditional styling defined.

Cool, thanks. Just tested and its a bug, will be fixed later tonight. Want to wait a bit and see if anything else pops up before I push an update.

Sounds good… it’s not a show-stopper. Thanks for this update.

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I’ve just upgraded to the latest version using HACS but I can’t get it to work. It did briefly once for some strange reason now it won’t load at all.

Can someone please confirm the correct resources line for my yaml config as the github page says this:

  - url: /community_plugin/compact-custom-header/compact-custom-header.js
    type: module

but the add-on page in HACS just says to add this:

  - url: /community_plugin/compact-custom-header/compact-custom-header.js

Which one is correct?

This is all that is in the log for HACS.

HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)
Version: 0.9.0
This is a custom component
If you have any issues with this you need to open an issue here:

2019-06-27 19:38:17 [homeassistant.core] Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved

And this is my LL config from the raw editor.

  voice: hide
  - url: /community_plugin/compact-custom-header/compact-custom-header.js
    type: module
  - url: /community_plugin/bignumber-card/bignumber-card.js
title: Poaka NUC
  - badges: []

The cch section goes below resources and you need the type: module.

If one was to hide header how would one unhide?

Thanks. CCH when it did appear briefly to allow me to edit the via GUI popped the config that way, not me. I’ll try changing it manually and see what happens.

Have this now and did CTRL + F5, logged out, CTRL + F5 again, logged in and still no CCH and no CCH GUI settings in raw editor location.

title: Poaka NUC
  - url: /community_plugin/compact-custom-header/compact-custom-header.js
    type: module
  voice: hide
  - badges: []

Tried in FF (default), Chrome and Edge, all the same.

SOLVED: HACS installs the stable version 1.0.4b9 which does not work. On the top right of the add-on page, click install Show Beta, wait for the add-on page to refresh then go to the bottom and click upgrade. CTRL + F5 to refresh the page and it should now be working with CCH version 1.1.1

“You can disable CCH by adding “?disable_cch” to the end of your URL”