Compact Custom Header

Yes I have tried this, I also tried without quotes, with single quotes, with dashes and the way you just shared. None of them seem to work. As soon as I put in the swipe_groups swiping doesn’t work at all.

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Okay, this seems to be an issue with swipe_wrap: false with swipe groups and I will get a fix in soon. Can you confirm by either removing the swipe_wrap option or setting it to true?

I have commented out the swipe_wrap line, but no change (I also cleared cache to be sure). Same problem, it won’t swipe at all. Only if I omit the swipe_groups I am able to swipe, however those tabs I wanted to swipe on are hidden, could that be the problem?

Edit: yes that was the problem. So it does work. I hope you will fix the wrap problem :joy::rofl:. Thanks a lot and sorry for the inconvenience. But I guess more people might run into this.

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@mayker thanks again for all your hard work. Thanks to your cch and some other custom cards My config has existence.

Would it by any means be possible to have cards in the header like in my screenshot? I currently use an entities card for that however that way the fake header won’t stay fixed when you scroll down like the real header would do.

I don’t think that’s something that will be added to CCH, but that seems like a good idea for another custom lovelace addon. Something like a sticky card.


How can I change icons size in the header? It is possible?



Not currently possible.

how do i set a background color for a card?

This topic is definitely for the Compact Custom Header, not about cards.

I have an issue with CCH not working right since the upgrade.
Im getting a error message in the logs: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of undefined

It also comments ‘components/system_log/ (error) - message first occurred at 4:29 PM and showes up 11 times’

4:29pm this afternoon was when I restarted hassio

I have uninstalled cch via HACS and deleted the cch script in the lovelace.yaml. I then restarted hassio, reinstalled CCH and pasted the cch script back into the Lovelace.yaml.

Any help or advise would be much appreciated.

Going to need a bit more info. What did you upgrade HA or CCH? What does your CCH config look like? What version of CCH are you using? The latest version does not have anything on that line of code that would create that error. Have you cleared your cache? Do you still get the components/system_log/ error with CCH uninstalled?

I upgraded CCH.

CCH config:

background: center / cover no-repeat url("/local/background.jpg") fixed
    - conditions:
        user_agent: Android
        chevrons: false
        clock_format: '12'
        date_locale: en
        default_tab: []
        disable_sidebar: true
        header: false
        hide_tabs: []
        menu: show
        notifications: show
        options: clock
        show_tabs: '1'
        voice: show
    - conditions:
        user_agent: iPhone OS 10_3_3
        clock_format: '12'
        date_locale: en
        default_tab: []
        hide_tabs: '0,1,2,3,4,5'
        menu: hide
        notifications: show
        options: hide
        show_tabs: []
        voice: hide
  - type: module
    url: /community_plugin/compact-custom-header/compact-custom-header.js

Im using the current version of hassio and CCH.

When you speak about clearing the cache, I did add a ‘?=v0.01’ to the end of the resources line for cch and restarted then deleted the addon code bit and restarted again thinking that might clear the cache

I haven’t tried uninstalling cch and seeing if the error message comes up, but will try that now and report back.

If you are using HACS then there is no reason to add a version to the end of resources. When I say clear cache, I mean your browsers cache with either a CTRL+SHIFT+R or manually.

OK, thank you, I try clearing the cache and restarting hassio before I uninstall cch to see if clearing the cache works first.

Using hassio 0.98. Installed CCH with HACS and added module info to lovelace rawconfig editor.
I have this error both on Firefox and IOS Companion: NotSupportedError: 'compact-custom-header-editor' has already been defined as a custom element

UPDATE: Ooops, clearing cache worked…

I uninstalled cch via HACS, removed the entries in the lovelace.yaml and cleared the cache and restarted this morning at 8:30. Ive just popped in for lunch and have this error again.

I know you said early @mayker that if cch is uninstalled it can’t be cch, but I’m curious why it refers to cch.

If you have removed CCH (and don’t for some reason have it installed twice or in your resources twice) then chances are that you have a device with HA open that hasn’t had it’s cache cleared / refreshed. If that’s the case then that’s probably where your errors are coming from as there is probably a device that has been using an old version of CCH this whole time.

Protip: if you manage it with HACS, use the URL HACS suggest instead if /local, that way cache will not be an issue.

Believe Ive sorted it @mayker, thank you for your help.
I searched the config folder for any files containing ‘cch’ and up came a hacs file with entries in referring to cch, I deleted the block referring to cch last night and not had a issues. Just reinstalled cch via hacs and all looks good.

Oh dear, replied to soon. After reinstalling cch I now have a similar error message:

Any ideas on what to check please.