Compact Custom Header

Clock should work fine. Looks like the last user condition in your config hides the options button, which is what you have set as the clock, could this be the reason? If not, do you get any errors?

that was it!

now it all works fine! :slight_smile:

Br Mathias

Are there supposed to be check boxes or something next to each option? I feel like something is missing.

Home Assistant 0.100 changed the toggle elements. This is fixed in the latest pre-release of CCH. If you use HACS you will need to make sure to select “show beta”:

I’ll be releasing a full release soonish, but want to finish up a new feature before I do so.

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new to the show/hide tabs option, I try to do this:

  - conditions:
      user_agent: iPhone
      menu: hide
      notifications: hide
      header: true
      options: hide
  - conditions:
      user: gezin
      menu: hide
      show_tabs: 0 to 3, 5,6,11,15-17
      menu: hide
      notifications: hide
      header: true
      options: hide

but logged in as Gezin (user gezin) all tabs keep being displayed… Is this an incorrect config?


please ignore, found it had to be the true Username, not the login name… sorry, hadn’t been able to find it in the instructions.


I am using conditional styling to indicate which tab contains some active devices (e.g. having a tab containing the states of all windows in my house, tab icon should turn yellow if one window is open).
Often, this works perfectly. But sometimes, the icon is yellow even though I verified that e.g. all windows are closed and the group entity containing all windows is in state off. If in such situation and opening and closing one of the underlying windows helps, so that the tab icon is not yellow anymore after the group state changed from off to on and off again.

Here is my config:

    - condition:
        state: 'on'
      entity: group.all_windows
          color: yellow
  menu: hide
  notifications: hide
  options: hide
  voice: hide

Does anybody have any suggestions what to try out or whether I need to correct parts of my config?


Hi all,
I’ve tried to hide the top bar with cch and now I’m trying to disable it using ?disable_cch as per instructions, but the browser reload the login screen instead, and when I log in it show me the Lovelace interface still without the top bar.

Is this the way to use it?


@ohrensessel Thanks, will look into it.

@infiniteloop That is the correct way to use it. The only reason I can see for returning to the login screen after a page reload would be if the user’s login wasn’t saved or cookies were cleared. If that’s the case just be sure to hit “save login” in the bottom right after logging into HA. If that is not your issue and you installed with HACS, you could uninstall CCH temporarily to gain the header again. Another solution to get the header back would be to paste the following code into your browser’s dev-tools console (F12) and hit enter.

document.querySelector("body > home-assistant").shadowRoot.querySelector("home-assistant-main").shadowRoot.querySelector("app-drawer-layout > partial-panel-resolver > ha-panel-lovelace").shadowRoot.querySelector("hui-root").shadowRoot.querySelector("#layout > app-header").style.display = ""

let me know if I can help with debugging

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Not sure what I did but I’ve lost the buttons in the CCH Settings pages making it impossible to change any of these settings:

Checking the logs I see that error but this might be me messing with the page to unhide these buttons…

ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.201910022] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: defaultTabRedirect, 0.100.2, CCH 1.4.1
Any idea what I messed up ?
Thank you

Update to latest pre-release:

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Yeahhhh! Toggles are back. I had to google the “Show beta” option :slight_smile:
Sorry I did not find that without your help. I was looking for “buttons” I should have been looking for “toggle”…

Thank you very much

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Uuups… my bad…


Thanks, I had not saved login indeed.
However I was able to solve my problem setting "header": true in the Lovelace configuration file inside .storage folder.

I’m sure this is covered but I haven’t found a way so I apologise in advance.

How can I hide the header in just certain tabs? Since the config is at the root of the config it seems all on or all off.

For example tabs 6 and 8 I would like to hide the header. How can I accomplish that?

Per tab conditions are not currently possible.

So after a while I came back to this to try the swipe groups which weren’t working for me last time. Guess what? I still can’t get it to work. The problem is: the moment I put swipe_groups in my configuration, swiping doesn’t work at all. I have even tried to put all the views I have in the swipe group but no change. I tried with single quotes, double quotes, I have tried 2-10 and 2 to 10 formats. But nothing seems to work. Even if I use swipe_skip_hidden: false it would not swipe at all.

Removed swipe_groups and swipe works again. Any ideas @mayker?

Would you mind sharing your config with one of the swipe group attempts so I can test?

# Card Config
# Do NOT change this unless you know what you are doing!
menu: hide
options: hide
notifications: hide
voice: hide
header: false
chevrons: false
notify_indicator_color: "#e80000"
swipe: true
swipe_wrap: false
# swipe_groups: "2-4, 10-18"
background: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.3)'
hide_tabs: '4 to 60' # Changed/Added in 0.13.0
default_tab: 1
redirect: false

Obviously it wasn’t commented out when I was testing this.

I have tried many different variations on the swipe_groups but once enabled not a single view would swipe, not even the ones that used to work without the groups enabled.

Have you tried swipe_groups: "2 to 4, 10 to 18" ?

I’ve been meaning to change it to accept both - and to as seperators, but keep forgetting.