Companion app for iOS 2024.1: CarPlay is here!

CarPlay depends on you phone for connectivity. So if your car has build in hotspot, to which phone is connected then it goes iPhone → Car Wifi → Car Modem → Internet. If no hotspot, then phone modem is used to connect to Internet directly. But for HA user it is transparent. It works this way for all apps.

Thanks for this explanation. In this case it should be possible to set up a VPN on the iPhone to connect back to my home network, even if the connection goes through the Car modem. That’s good news!

Interesting - clearly I’ve been out of the loop here. Thank you!

Being able to differentiate which vehicle would also be super useful. I’d like to have an automation that opens the garage door, etc. based on geofence but it would be helpful to know which vehicle to determine which door.

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Being able to determine which car is which, and also the location that you parked would be amazing.

Use cases:

  • We have street parking and my wife and I are always swapping cars. I drop my daughter off in the morning and she picks her up at the end of daycare.
  • We also have street cleaning on certain days of the week during certain times of the day. So getting the address that we parked would help me setup a notification to move the car to avoid it getting a ticket or towed.


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That‘s right. I‘ve got one of these in my 2010 BMW. BUT there is a big problem with the current version of the app. I use my original display (without touch possibility) and the only way to control my carplay is the I-Drive-Controller. It is working fine in all my used apps, except the new homeassistant-integration. I am not able to select any item because the cursor is stuck at the end of the listviews :frowning_face:
Can anyone reproduce this issue? My carplay retrofit kit is from roadtop. It is plugged between original I-Drive-Controller and OEM-Car-Display.

Are there any plans to pull in “Scene Actions” into the list of actions for CarPlay?? They seem to pull in everywhere else in the iOS ecosystem (phone, watch, etc.). Was surprised to fire this up and see “Create your first action” when I have and use tons of Scene Actions already.

A couple of inputs. Actions work however it would be nice to hide the internal actionID and keep only the name like the widget.
I didn’t add the <show_in_car_play: true> but the action’s still show up.
About the areas not all appear (seems it is the pagination) … and the same with for the switches or maybe there is as maximum. I think and this is a suggestion, that we need a flag on the entities to enable what will be available in car play.
Finally, for the first version, this is a great feature with room space for fine tuning. Thank you home assistant developers.

I am getting errors when using the show_in_carplay option in actions created in the cofiguration.yaml as well.

This is a really excellent addition to Ha that I’ve been waiting for.

Sadly, I don’t see the companion app in the list of available carplay apps.

I’m on the 2024.1.5 and 2024.1 version of HA and the companion app.

Any ideas why this should be?
Is it available to all  markets? I’m in the UK.

Could I have missed something that I’m supposed to configure?

Indeed there are plenty of devices (only checked Amazon).
Most of them to add, some to actually replace existent devices, even few for motorcycles.

The cheaper ones are all China based with pretty poor hardware (1.3 GHz dualcore, no power beasts, sometimes two bluetooth chips), for cars the replace-type ones e. g. from Panasonic get pretty expensive (300 € minimum).

All of them have no internal battery, which is a problem for motorcycles as it takes up to 40 seconds after starting the engine to have CarPlay operational (again). And there seem to be issues with additionally connecting headsets (e. g. a SENA) via the CarPlay device instead of the smartphone.

Couldn’t find “perfect” devices yet neither for cars nor for motorcycles, but nice to see the market seems to grow meanwhile.

Will do some research, e. g. how heavy the iPhone’s battery will drain (Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS, mobile data - everything used for navigation, “just” the display stays off). Likely one needs to additionally power the iPhone because of this…


@ashscott go to settings on iphone General>CarPlay>Select your car>Customise

look there to add and remove CarPlay apps

Have you solved this absence? I have the same too.

Yes, I was aware of that. It’s not showing up in the list.

Yes, I have. Though nothing to do with my input.

There’s definite bug somewhere that’s preventing HA app showing up in Carplay.

After about 30 minutes of driving it popped up in Carplay.

However, the HA app is still not showing up in the Customise menu of the iPhone Carplay settings.

I have an iPhone 15 Pro Max with iOS 17.3.

Good morning everyone, I read that Car Play is compatible with the iOS 16+ version. I, who own an iPhone 7 and therefore 15+, have any hope of making it work? I’ll tell you one thing if I connect my iPhone to CarPlay I don’t see the app, but if I first connect an iPhone with iOS 16 and then an iPhone 7 this works! Unfortunately until I turn the car off and on again…

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Dude - you are a scholar and gentleman!!!

It would be great also to be able to filter the entities inside the Control tab with something like the “show_in_carplay” boolean. I really don’t need to power on my kitchen light from the car.

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Is it possible to change the icon/color of action depending on some sensor state?
I mean, in case of a gate opener I would like to see feedback about the gate state.

BTW pitty, that actions defined in yaml still require HA restart.

Finally! congratulations! Referent to windows size on MacOS I hated that I did not save the size of the window in OS descktop app. Another wish in IOS app, please that the background of the app occupies the whole mobile also the noch area as the background of the Apple Home.