Companion app for iOS 2024.1: CarPlay is here!

Any way for HA to show in 3 pane window(map/music/other app) in CarPlay?

Can anyone confirm me that the following action parameter still doesn’t work?

show_in_carplay: false

I guess we need to wait the February HA release (7th of February)


Hi good job.
But it’s possible to disable the car play ?
Because now if user not admin he can see all automation or scripts, please do user condition maybe only admin or management per user.
Thanks for all

Installed few days ago and slowly started to play with. Awesome work!!!
As I understand current version is sort of playground from where the app will evolve into something more useful. So from this perspective either filtering off meaningless entities or (preferably) explicitly configuring these that should show in CarPlay would be most welcome functionality for me. As I have quite large instance of HA (with 2.5k+ netities), probaby half of it qualifying to be exposed to CarPlay, current interface makes it barely usable. Finding the swith to open garage door or to turn of driveway lights takes quite a bit of time. So could we have, along with current possibility of Actions, Areas, Control to have alse dedicated Main Dashboard, that we could explicitly select what Items to be placed there? Perhaps in form of buttons rather (so perhaps it resembles more main CarPlay display itself), than ‘menu intems’ as it is right now? Just a thought…

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I fully support it.
Recently I looked into various tabs finding that there are tons of helpers, entities created to transfer some information from one part of the system to another etc.
As mentioned, the number of entities makes those lists hard to work with.

Explicit configuration to show entities in CarPlay is preferred by me too.
Still would prefer to expose selected entities to the main page instead of actions. Probably I don’t understand the value behind them.

Another thing, supposedly a bug: Areas shows “Loading…” infinitely.

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For now you can disable the action for the specified “sourceDeviceID” of the user using if/else

I have to garage door and open garage based on the user performing action. If trigger event as below

platform: event
event_type: ios.action_fire
actionName: Garage
sourceDeviceID: iPhonename
id: triggerid

You can use an if/then action to block execution basically if trigger id, then do nothing. This does not prevent them from seeing it is available however.

Fully agree. This is a welcome developement! Thank you to those who made this happen. It would be super helpful if user could set which entities are exposed on Carplay. The first obvious use case for me is to be able to easily access garage door cover, with as few clicks as possible, to see if cover is open or closed, and then decide if I want to toggle cover to either open or closed depending on the state displayed. If I am using an action button to toggle garage door, I am not able to see the state of the cover. Again, many thanks to those who developed this!


Hello everyone!

Has the required watchOS version changed?

Previously had installed the app successfully, and, while it’s showing up in the iOS Watch app, when I press Install button it circles for a little then fails silently.

Other apps are able to install, I’ve tried unpairing and re-pairing the watch, restarted both watch and app, deleted app on iPhone then reinstalled. Same thing - shows with an Install button in the Watch app, but it fails with no message on screen.

However, I’ve been able to capture the console log from the phone during an install attempt, and it seems to me these are relevant lines:

|default|14:05:09.676390+1100|appconduitd|0x16dd43000 -[ACXCompanionSyncConnection _onQueue_handleAppInstallFailureMessage:]: Got install failure message from watch for io.robbie.HomeAssistant.watchkitapp (UI=Y): Error Domain=IXErrorDomain Code=6 Failed to locate an existing coordinated app install with bundle ID io.robbie.HomeAssistant.watchkitapp for client appconduitd (pid 128) UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to locate an existing coordinated app install with bundle ID io.robbie.HomeAssistant.watchkitapp for client appconduitd (pid 128), FunctionName=-[IXSClientConnection _remote_createAppInstallCoordinatorWithSeed:createIfNotExisting:requireMatchingIntent:completion:], SourceFileLine=387, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Failed to locate coordinated install.}|
|default|14:05:09.676630+1100|appconduitd|0x16dd43000 -[ACXRemoteSystemAppList systemAppIsInstallableWithBundleID:error:]_block_invoke: 274: No available system app found with bundle ID io.robbie.HomeAssistant.watchkitapp for this device.|

It would seem (?) there’s no app bundle for my device. I have a Series 3 (with watchOS 8.8.1) and earlier versions installed (stated requirements are Series 1 or later, watchOS 5 or later).

Has this changed for some reason without notice? The app seemed to work absolutely fine on the watch previously.

Hopefully it’s just a temporary oversight.



Could this be made available on iOS 15 as well?

2024.2: Thanks for the Update. It’s now starting on MacOS 12.7.2 again.

Unfortunately restoring Window Postion and size still won’t work on 12.7.2

First off, as others have said, thank you so much for this great update! It’s genuinely thrilling to have a nice, clean interface for HA on my nice big CarPlay display. Also, FWIW, this is the first time my spouse has ever been really impressed by something to do with my HA hobby - it’s usually her responsibility to set the alarm and make sure the doors are locked when we leave the house, causing her to open several apps and perform multiple functions within them. Now, she’s psyched to have a single button on the CarPlay screen that she can tap from the passenger seat.

In terms of opportunities for future updates, even as I understand completely why this wasn’t a “1.0” feature, I wanted to echo others’ suggestion that it would be great to be able to filter entities. At the risk of overcomplicating things, maybe a Settings toggle like “show only entities tagged ‘show in CarPlay’” could allow all entities to be shown by default and, when toggled, show only entities with the pertinent toggle / tag flipped. I realize this would be a significant update (since it would require an additional variable on all entities). Thanks for reading and considering!


This works great, thanks for adding CarPlay functionality. Now I am trying to work around a problem with CarPlay and wondering if HA + CarPlay can overcome my problem.

I ride a motorcycle with CarPlay. I would love to be able to run an iOS shortcut on CarPlay but that is not supported directly. Is there a way that I could run an iOS shortcut from HA? Then I could create an action on HA Companion App that would add an icon on CarPlay.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts or feedback…

I just figured out how actions work from this simple example. This should be part of the instructions.

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I’m not sure anyone has mentioned that a massive physical security hole is filled by bringing HA to CarPlay: having a garage door remote in your car, either handheld or built-in (HomeLink, etc.) allows anyone the potential to gain access to your home through your garage. With HA on CarPlay and working control over your garage, that concern disappears entirely.


Next step, able to create and display CarPlay dashboards?

Some useful things one could do is adding rest api’s as sensors to monitor charging locations, traffic times, etc…

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Just got new car and realized just this. I was going to program homelink buttons in car but just no longer needed it since I have CarPlay Action for this

Awesome work. Congrats!

My #1 feature request is the ability to display sensor values. We RVers have all kinds of stuff we need to monitor while driving: fridge temperature, charger state, etc etc.


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YES! What I did was create an input boolean that turns on if my fridge is at a good temperature and off if it’s not. I did it in Node Red but it’s probably easy enough to do in HA Automations. I would love to be able to choose only a few things to show in carplay, like fridge temperature and my ecoflow battery information. The real shame is EcoFlow and YoLink (for my fridge temp) are all cloud reliant now, but that’s not HA’s problem…

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Now the system is open or any user, its mean if i have user not admin and im using for him on kiosk mode, or only not admin user, now all the system is open for him all the scripts all the automations😬 its not good for us not all users need to see all reference of the system its gonna be big mistake.
Please put permission for admin user on Car play.
Thanks for your job

I have HA instance installed in my motorhome where I update the location to be the current GPS location. I have a Lovelace button such that when I click on it it launches Waze or Google Maps to provide directions back to where the motorhome is parked. These directions are displayed on the console via CarPlay.

I’d like to create an HA CarPlay action that when executed, will launch the appropriate Map application with direction to where the motorhome is parked.

Is there a way to create an Action to launch an app on the iPhone or preferably to open a generated URL (which will launch the app) ?