Compatibility with Cecotec conga robot vacuum?

Sorry I didn’t mention it, I have the 3090 model.

The command part works but you cannot change the mode. The maps part doesn’t work for me at all.

I will look more deeply this weekend but with my little knowledge I doubt that I will get something clear.


Awesome news!

Have you tried to contact the guys of Valetudo? They have made an incredible job with Xiaomi / Roborock Vacuums.

Hi, any news of this? I also have the Conga 3090 but I can not found any integration that works properly.
Thanks in advance.

Hi, I have the 1490 conga. As I see, there is still no integration. but some work in progress !! nice!! Meanwhile. I would like to know if anyone has the IR codes for 1590. since 1490 and 1590 are the same model. but with infrared remote control. but i am sure it supports the same IR codes.
If someone could provide them to me, I appreciate it. Thank you

Hi! I finally installed the badconga integration and my 3090 seems to work well, the only thing missing is the map. At least it works and can be automated and it is amazing. The error that gives the camera entity is that it doesn’t have a unique ID, let’s see if it goes further.

Hi Andres,

There is a group in Telegram that has a port of Valetudo, that works for conga3090, go to telegram and search for freeConga. I’ve been off for a couple of months, but nest week I will try to write a detailed set of instructions in my github for the conga 3090, and the required software.



Hi Christian,
just for curiosity, do you have access to the scanner of the vacum through Tina linux? I just have a dream using the scanner as movement detector, when the vacuum is charging.
Additionally has Tina Linux https requests capabilities?
I will continue tying to “kidnap” the mine one.


Hi Karlos,

I’m having some issues with the BadConga integration, it claims it not has an unique id. I’ve tried to rename the entities, but I’m still getting the error message.

Any idea?

Hi! There is a fork for our Congas in Valetudo, I will give it a try and keep this post updated with the results (Or you can join the telegram group mentioned above if you can’t wait :rofl:).

I am going to follow this:

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Any news about conga integration?

Greetings, I join the request, any progress? :smiley:

This works:

thank you very much for the answer, is there a dumb tutorial about valetudo? video or something?

Just the telegram group and some tutos, it could be a little tricky but it works. All this stuff is just for the map in the 3090, if it is not very important for you just take a look at badconga integration for home assistant, it just works.

Hi! The people from Valetudo just created an HA addon, and it works flawlessly, including the map!

Here you have the how-to and the addon: GitHub - txitxo0/valetudo-addon: A home assistant addon to provide a Valetudo server for Cecotec Conga vacuums

It is very easy:

  1. Add the repository.
  2. Install the addon.
  3. SSH to the conga and execute a command (It is explained in the link).
  4. Reboot the addon and check for a robot conexion in the addon log.

Here you can have the Conga working from the addon webservice. Now if you want to add a lovelace card do this:

  1. Install the addon valetudo lovelace map from HACS.
  2. Add the lovelace card manually (It is explained in the valetudo lovelace addon page).
  3. Enjoy!!!

Gracias Raúl. Funcionando perfecto.

¿Sabes si hay manera de configurar las programaciones del robot (las hechas desde la app) desde el addon?

Le hice un reset de fábrica para borrarlas y resulta que la app está dando muchos problemas y no conecta. Por lo visto le echan la culpa a las operadoras y dicen que el robot requiere una red de 2,4 GHz “no hibrida”. Evidentemente esto es provocado por la mierda de app.

Al no poder conectar la app al wifi no te deja poner los datos de conexión al robot, así que los he tenido que meter manualmente. Lo dejo por aquí por si a alguien le sirve:

  1. Rootear el robot.
  2. Acceder por ssh.
  3. Editar el archivo /etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf.
  4. Añadir al final del archivo lo siguiente:
  1. Reiniciar el robot con el comando de consola “reboot”.
  2. Comprobar en el addon valetudo si se ha conectado el robot, si no es así, reiniciar el addon.

Thanks Raul. Working perfect.

Do you know if there is a way to configure the robot’s programming (those made from the app) from the addon?

I did a factory reset to erase them and it turns out that the app is giving many problems and does not connect. Apparently they blame the operators and say that the robot requires a “non-hybrid” 2.4GHz network. Obviously this is caused by the app shit.

Not being able to connect the app to the Wi-Fi, it does not let you enter the connection data to the robot, so I had to enter them manually. I’ll leave it here in case it helps someone:

  1. Root the robot.
  2. Access by ssh.
  3. Edit the /etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf file.
  4. [u] Add [/ u] at the end of the file the following:
  1. Reboot the robot with the console command “reboot”.
  2. Check in the valetudo addon if the robot has been connected, if not, restart the addon.

Sé que los modos de funcionamiento no están disponibles, pero no estoy seguro de si las programaciones aparecen en el addon, no las he usado nunca. Aunque si no funcionaran ahora ya no es un problema, puedes crearte automatizaciones para hacer lo que te dé la gana y gestionarlo todo mucho mejor. Lo que también quiero probar son las zonas, algo que mi 3090 no permitía y creo que con el addon si que se puede…

I try this with conga5090, but I can’t get it to work.

I have successfully gone through all these steps:

Click the button below to install this repository:
Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add add-on repository dialog with a specific repository URL pre-filled.

Click on the new add-on named "Valetudo"
Click Install on the add-on page
Click Start and then Open Web UI to confirm everything is ok
The add-on adds a file named valetudo.json in the /config directory of your HA installation.

This add-on is automatically configured if you have a MQTT service in Home Assistant.

Connect your robot
Now you need to connect your robot to your add-on.

Ensure your Conga is connected to your WiFi

Access your Conga through SSH (follow this instruction to overpass the root password here)

Edit the hosts file in the robot with your home assistant ip and reboot:

$ echo "<your home assistant ip>" >> /etc/hosts
$ reboot
Check the add-on logs to see if the robot is registered

I can still see robot in my conga app.

Do I have to do anything else?

Please, go to the telegram group and ask there, It could be not compatible or maybe you did something wrong (It could be the IP that you need to write in the command).

Thx, I alreday opened issue on github