Compatibility with Cecotec conga robot vacuum?

In case if someone have same problem as me:

I added this additional hosts in robot /etc/hosts file:

Anyone can share configuration for adding conga commands (start, stop, home, …) to HA?

You can add a button card to your frontend and change the tap action to call service

type: button
  action: call-service
  service: vacuum.start
  service_data: {}
    entity_id: vacuum.valetudo_robot
entity: vacuum.valetudo_robot

No need to copy this code, you can configure all from the UI

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Thx @karlos :slight_smile:

Recently bought a Conga S1790, can anybody tell me if this is compatible ?

Have you added like the other?

echo "<your home assistant ip> cecotec-download.3irobotix.nett" >> /etc/hosts

Hello to all.
I have a Conga 3090 with valetudo 2021.09.1 version. How can I upgrade to the latest versión?

Valetudo for Conga has been discontinued due to issues with the original creator, now its called Congatudo:

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Ok. thank you. I want to put a button in home assistant that, when I touch it, the conga clean a room. One of the defined zones. Can you help me?

It is possibe to do, I also have some automations for cleaning diferent rooms depending on the day and hour. First of all you need to create the zones, then you need to take the id of each room, and then you need to try the command like this:

In the topic you just need to change “conga” for the name that you configured, if you did not changed this parameter, the name is random. The payload is the id from each zone. If you can send your conga to cleaning a zone like this, the rest is easy.

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fantastic! it works perfectly! Thank you

That looks beautiful and I tried to reproduce it. Nonetheless I’m stuck in setting up the Congatudo with the MQTT server (Mosquitto broker). After setting up the broker and configure the Congatudo MQTT settings, it gives me the next error (from log).

[ERROR] MQTT error: Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND homeassistant.local

I’ve tried changing homeassistant.local by my HA host IP but the result is pretty much the same. How did you do this MQTT setup? Thanks in advance. :smiley:

Hola, yo intento hacer lo que le indicas al otro chico, reviso el mqtt broker y veo mi mensaje, pero la conga no hace nada de nada, desde valetudo si que puedo mandarla a limpiar zonas sin problema

Podrias orientarme?

No sé que es lo que me muestras en la captura, estás intentando hacerla funcionar desde donde indico? Hay que hacerla funcionar desde servicios del HA primero.

Sorry, I don’t know how to help you with this topic, try in the telegram group, maybe there someone can help you.

si, lo hago desde desarrolador, servicios, tal como muetras, esa captura es del broker mqtt, el mensaje que mando llega, pero la conga no responde, sin embargo desde valetudo responde sin problemas

Pues parece que tiene buena pinta, lo único que te puede estar fallando es el nombre de la aspiradora o el Payload, imagino que el payload lo habrás copiado de la zona en cuestión, verdad? En cuanto al nombre, en configuración del addon existe la opción de nombrarlo tú, te recomiendo que lo hagas ya que alguna vez me ha llegado a cambiar el nombre por estar trasteando con el addon, actualizando, etc.

si, el payload es el id que me da valetudo en la zona.
La cuestion es, si miro el mqtt el mensaje set se publica en el grupo de limpieza por zona de la conga, que es la imagen que subi arriba, y mi mapa dibujado en la tarjeta suele borrarse,como si hubiera empezado una limpieza, pero la conga ni pita, ni hace nada.
Intentare el cambio de nombre

Solucionado, la estaba liando con el topic
muchas gracias por todo compañero

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Why Spanish ? Its unreadable for the rest :slight_smile:

Installed the Congatudo, and everything is working like a charme . But the Valetudo version is 2021.09.01, how to update to the most recent : 2021.12.01 ?


Conecto bien con el robot, mqtt me da respuesta de todo ok, incluso puedo por ejemplo decirle al robot que empiece a aspirar, arranca, sale da la base, pero 2 segundos despues se escucha un pitido, para el motor y se vuelve a la base, i el addon se para solo.

En el registro de Congatudo, sale todo bien al principio y despues del mesnaje “Mqtt configured” saltan estos errors en bucle, quizas tiene algo que ver con mi problema:

[2021-12-29T09:23:01.003Z] [ERROR] AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: read(1): empty value from stream
    at read (/snapshot/app/node_modules/@agnoc/core/lib/utils/stream.util.js:21:25)
    at readCleanRoomInfoList (/snapshot/app/node_modules/@agnoc/core/lib/decoders/map.decoder.js:109:36)
    at readCleanPlanList (/snapshot/app/node_modules/@agnoc/core/lib/decoders/map.decoder.js:128:26)
    at decodeArea (/snapshot/app/node_modules/@agnoc/core/lib/decoders/area.decoder.js:42:51)
    at fromBuffer (/snapshot/app/node_modules/@agnoc/core/lib/value-objects/payload.value-object.js:69:12)
    at Function.fromBuffer (/snapshot/app/node_modules/@agnoc/core/lib/value-objects/payload.value-object.js:138:20)
    at unpack (/snapshot/app/node_modules/@agnoc/core/lib/value-objects/packet.value-object.js:48:36)
    at Function.fromBuffer (/snapshot/app/node_modules/@agnoc/core/lib/value-objects/packet.value-object.js:128:23)
    at PacketSocket.onReadable (/snapshot/app/node_modules/@agnoc/core/lib/sockets/packet.socket.js:124:33)
    at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:464:21) {
  generatedMessage: false,
  code: 'ERR_ASSERTION',
  actual: null,
  expected: true,
  operator: '=='
[2021-12-29T09:23:04.991Z] [ERROR] unhandledRejection {
  reason: DomainException: Timeout waiting for response from opcode 'DEVICE_MAPID_GET_GLOBAL_INFO_RSP'
      at [as _onTimeout] (/snapshot/app/node_modules/@agnoc/core/lib/emitters/robot.emitter.js:1181:16)
      at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:557:17)
      at processTimers (node:internal/timers:500:7) {
    metadata: undefined
  stack: "DomainException: Timeout waiting for response from opcode 'DEVICE_MAPID_GET_GLOBAL_INFO_RSP'\n" +
    '    at [as _onTimeout] (/snapshot/app/node_modules/@agnoc/core/lib/emitters/robot.emitter.js:1181:16)\n' +
    '    at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:557:17)\n' +
    '    at processTimers (node:internal/timers:500:7)',
  promise: Promise {
    <rejected> DomainException: Timeout waiting for response from opcode 'DEVICE_MAPID_GET_GLOBAL_INFO_RSP'
        at [as _onTimeout] (/snapshot/app/node_modules/@agnoc/core/lib/emitters/robot.emitter.js:1181:16)
        at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:557:17)
        at processTimers (node:internal/timers:500:7) {
      metadata: undefined

Sabeis que puedo hacer? lo he reinstalado todo.

Edit: Añado captura del error cuando doy a start clean y se para:
