With community assistance, I have achieved to install zigbee2mqtt in two raspberries pi, each one with its own coordinator cc2531. Reasons and procedure here.
On top of these two raspberries, I’m running a thin client x64 with HAOS and the MQTT in it, its coordinator is a sonoff cc2652p.
Each coordinator is running in different channel, 11, 15, 20 respectively. My zigbee network is like this picture
while I was doing trials, I had achieved to have all of them in operation after channel adjustment, deletion of json files etc (readings from this forum).
As started to move raspberries to their operational position, deleting devices from the base unit, pairing to new coordinators, I had a lot of crashes. So far I have no achieved to have all of them (zigbee2mqtt) in flawless operation.
Im diving in panID an ext panID issue and I have no idea how to solve it. From time to time I have achieved to start up one by one the zigbee2mqtt and changing the panid’s but its not something stable. In a few minutes, my setup is collapsing and remaining only one in run.
Last night, it was down the main one and one raspberry, today are off both raspberries.
I have no idea how to come out of this rabbit hole and how to have a stable system.
As I have no idea what other info I should post here before seeking assistance, please have a look in this weird case and propose something.
My zigbee devices are magnet sensors, light sensor, flood sensors, removable wall sockets, motion detectors, switches and temp sensors. Mainly xiaomi -aqara and sonoff.