Condition within automation not working

I’m trying to alter my current automation. I have created a toggle switch via Helper. Now when I set the switch to ‘on’, then this automation shouldn’t run. So I have set it to ‘Off’ so it will always run except when guest at home and I toggle the switch and the condition will be false and won’t run.
However, it’s executing every time. Any idea why ?

id: '165744'
alias: Daikin 10pm Test
description: ''
  - platform: time
    at: '22:00:00'
  - condition: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.guest_switch
    state: 'Off'
  - service: climate.set_temperature
      hvac_mode: heat
      temperature: 21
      entity_id: climate.daikin_ac
      area_id: living_room
      device_id: 7c0635af
mode: single

Should be:

state: 'off'

Home Assistant is case sensitive. Check Developer Tools → States for the actual state as dashboards can change the state to prettify it.

I tried both ‘Off’ and ‘off’ but I’ll test again.

It is definitely 'off'.

It’s ‘off’ while history log has ‘On’ and ‘Off’, that’s why I tried both. Thought this would be straightforward thing before I apply complex conditions:(

I think, the option in automation screen is test or Run ‘Action’ I need to test automation as a whole. This seems to be by passing the condition, is it ?, How to test the automation as a whole ?

“Please note that if you click on Trigger of an automation in the frontend, only the action will run”
I think that was the issue :roll_eyes:

Automation.trigger under services and opt for don’t skip trigger

Tom, your solution from another post Conditions for switch automation