[Yes, as you say, but does not work.
I have in configurations.yaml, automation:! include automations.yaml
and in automation.yaml has this file.
# Tänd lamporna kl 22.20
- alias: Grow on
hide_entity: True
platform: time
at: '22:20:00'
service: homeassistant.turn_on
entity_id: switch.telldus_tzwp100_plugin_switch_switch
# släck kl: 22:45
- alias: Grow_off
platform: time
at: '22:45:00'
service: homeassistant.turn_off
entity_id: switch.telldus_tzwp100_plugin_switch_switch
# Tänd lamporna kl: 17.10
- alias: Light2 on
hide_entity: True
platform: time
at: '17:10:00'
service: homeassistant.turn_on
entity_id: switch.telldus_tzwp100_plugin_switch_switch_2
# släck kl: 22:50
- alias: Light2_off
platform: time
at: '22:50:00'
service: homeassistant.turn_off
entity_id: switch.telldus_tzwp100_plugin_switch_switch_2
# Tänd lamporna kl: 17.10
- alias: Light3_on
hide_entity: True
platform: time
at: '17:10:00'
service: homeassistant.turn_on
entity_id: switch.telldus_tzwp100_plugin_switch_switch_3
# släck kl: 22:50
- alias: Light3_off
platform: time
at: '22:50:00'
service: homeassistant.turn_off
entity_id: switch.telldus_tzwp100_plugin_switch_switch_3
# Tänd lamporna kl: 17.10
- alias: Light4_on
hide_entity: True
platform: time
at: '17:10:00'
service: homeassistant.turn_on
entity_id: switch.telldus_tzwp100_plugin_switch_switch_4
# släck kl: 22:50
- alias: Light4_off
platform: time
at: '22:50:00'
service: homeassistant.turn_off
entity_id: switch.telldus_tzwp100_plugin_switch_switch_4
# Turn on kitchen light
- alias: Turn on kitchen light when there is movement
platform: state
entity_id: sensor.aeotec_zw100_multisensor_6_burglar
to: 'on'
service: homeassistant.turn_on
entity_id: switch.telldus_tzwp100_plugin_switch_switch_4
- alias: Turn off kitchen light 10 minutes after last movement
platform: state
entity_id: sensor.aeotec_zw100_multisensor_6_burglar
to: 'off'
minutes: 10
service: homeassistant.turn_off
entity_id: switch.telldus_tzwp100_plugin_switch_switch_4
How to set the aeotec senson6 into home assistant
which configuration has each sensor.
I have into the, /config/zwave_device_config.yaml
ignored: false
polling_intensity: 2
Into the, /config/OZW_Log.txt
56.237 Always, OpenZwave Version 1.4.3254 Starting Up
2018-12-06 23:43:57.624 Info, Setting Up Provided Network Key for Secure Communications
2018-12-06 23:43:57.624 Warning, Failed - Network Key Not Set
2018-12-06 23:43:57.624 Info, mgr, Added driver for controller /dev/ttyACM0
2018-12-06 23:43:57.624 Info, Opening controller /dev/ttyACM0
2018-12-06 23:43:57.624 Info, Trying to open serial port /dev/ttyACM0 (attempt 1)
2018-12-06 23:43:57.625 Info, Serial port /dev/ttyACM0 opened (attempt 1)
2018-12-06 23:43:57.635 Detail, contrlr, Queuing (Command) FUNC_ID_ZW_GET_VERSION: 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x15, 0xe9
2018-12-06 23:43:57.635 Detail, contrlr, Queuing (Command) FUNC_ID_ZW_MEMORY_GET_ID: 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x20, 0xdc
2018-12-06 23:43:57.635 Detail, contrlr, Queuing (Command) FUNC_ID_ZW_GET_CONTROLLER_CAPABILITIES: 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x05, 0xf9
2018-12-06 23:43:57.635 Detail, contrlr, Queuing (Command) FUNC_ID_SERIAL_API_GET_CAPABILITIES: 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x07, 0xfb
2018-12-06 23:43:57.635 Detail, contrlr, Queuing (Command) FUNC_ID_ZW_GET_SUC_NODE_ID: 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x56, 0xaa
2018-12-06 23:43:57.635 Detail,
2018-12-06 23:43:57.635 Info, contrlr, Sending (Command) message (Callback ID=0x00, Expected Reply=0x15) - FUNC_ID_ZW_GET_VERSION: 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x15, 0xe9
2018-12-06 23:43:57.652 Detail, contrlr, Received: 0x01, 0x10, 0x01, 0x15, 0x5a, 0x2d, 0x57, 0x61, 0x76, 0x65, 0x20, 0x34, 0x2e, 0x35, 0x34, 0x00, 0x01, 0x93
2018-12-06 23:43:57.652 Detail,
2018-12-06 23:43:57.652 Info, contrlr, Received reply to FUNC_ID_ZW_GET_VERSION:
2018-12-06 23:43:57.652 Info, contrlr, Static Controller library, version Z-Wave 4.54
2018-12-06 23:43:57.652 Detail, Node045, Expected reply was received
2018-12-06 23:43:57.652 Detail, Node045, Message transaction complete
2018-12-06 23:43:57.652 Detail,
2018-12-06 23:43:57.652 Detail, contrlr, Removing current message
2018-12-06 23:43:57.653 Detail,
2018-12-06 23:43:57.653 Info, contrlr, Sending (Command) message (Callback ID=0x00, Expected Reply=0x20) - FUNC_ID_ZW_MEMORY_GET_ID: 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x20, 0xdc
2018-12-06 23:43:57.658 Detail, contrlr, Received: 0x01, 0x08, 0x01, 0x20, 0xff, 0x20, 0xe7, 0xeb, 0x01, 0x04
2018-12-06 23:43:57.658 Detail,
2018-12-06 23:43:57.658 Info, contrlr, Received reply to FUNC_ID_ZW_MEMORY_GET_ID. Home ID = 0xff20e7eb. Our node ID = 1
2018-12-06 23:43:57.658 Detail, Node032, Expected reply was received
2018-12-06 23:43:57.658 Detail, Node032, Message transaction complete
2018-12-06 23:43:57.658 Detail,
2018-12-06 23:43:57.658 Detail, contrlr, Removing current message
2018-12-06 23:43:57.658 Detail,
2018-12-06 23:43:57.658 Info, contrlr, Sending (Command) message (Callback ID=0x00, Expected Reply=0x05) - FUNC_ID_ZW_GET_CONTROLLER_CAPABILITIES: 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x05, 0xf9
2018-12-06 23:43:57.661 Detail, contrlr, Received: 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0x05, 0x08, 0xf7
2018-12-06 23:43:57.661 Detail,
2018-12-06 23:43:57.661 Info, contrlr, Received reply to FUNC_ID_ZW_GET_CONTROLLER_CAPABILITIES:
2018-12-06 23:43:57.661 Info, contrlr, There is no SUC ID Server (SIS) in this network.
2018-12-06 23:43:57.662 Info, contrlr, The PC controller is a primary controller.
2018-12-06 23:43:57.662 Detail, Node247, Expected reply was received
2018-12-06 23:43:57.662 Detail, Node247, Message transaction complete
2018-12-06 23:43:57.662 Detail,
2018-12-06 23:43:57.662 Detail, contrlr, Removing current message
2018-12-06 23:43:57.662 Detail,
2018-12-06 23:43:57.662 Info, contrlr, Sending (Command) message (Callback ID=0x00, Expected Reply=0x07) - FUNC_ID_SERIAL_API_GET_CAPABILITIES: 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x07, 0xfb
2018-12-06 23:43:57.665 Detail, contrlr, Received: 0x01, 0x2b, 0x01, 0x07, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x86, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x5a, 0xfe, 0x81, 0xff, 0x88, 0x4f, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfb, 0x9f, 0x7d, 0xa0, 0x67, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x80, 0x86, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe8, 0x73, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfa
2018-12-06 23:43:57.666 Detail,
2018-12-06 23:43:57.666 Info, contrlr, Received reply to FUNC_ID_SERIAL_API_GET_CAPABILITIES
2018-12-06 23:43:57.666 Info, contrlr, Serial API Version: 1.1
2018-12-06 23:43:57.666 Info, contrlr, Manufacturer ID: 0x0086
2018-12-06 23:43:57.666 Info, contrlr, Product Type: 0x0001
2018-12-06 23:43:57.666 Info, contrlr, Product ID: 0x005a
2018-12-06 23:43:57.666 Detail, contrlr, Queuing (Command) FUNC_ID_ZW_GET_RANDOM: 0x01, 0x04, 0x00, 0x1c, 0x20, 0xc7
2018-12-06 23:43:57.666 Detail, contrlr, Queuing (Command) FUNC_ID_SERIAL_API_GET_INIT_DATA: 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x02, 0xfe
2018-12-06 23:43:57.666 Detail, contrlr, Queuing (Command) FUNC_ID_SERIAL_API_SET_TIMEOUTS: 0x01, 0x05, 0x00, 0x06, 0x64, 0x0f, 0x97
2018-12-06 23:43:57.666 Detail, contrlr, Queuing (Command) FUNC_ID_SERIAL_API_APPL_NODE_INFORMATION: 0x01, 0x07, 0x00, 0x03, 0x01, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0xf9
2018-12-06 23:43:57.666 Detail, Node001, Expected reply was received
2018-12-06 23:43:57.666 Detail, Node001, Message transaction complete
2018-12-06 23:43:57.666 Detail,
2018-12-06 23:43:57.666 Detail, contrlr, Removing current message
2018-12-06 23:43:57.666 Detail,
2018-12-06 23:43:57.666 Info, contrlr, Sending (Command) message (Callback ID=0x00, Expected Reply=0x56) - FUNC_ID_ZW_GET_SUC_NODE_ID: 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x56, 0xaa
2018-12-06 23:43:57.669 Detail, contrlr, Received: 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0x56, 0x00, 0xac
2018-12-06 23:43:57.669 Detail,
2018-12-06 23:43:57.669 Info, contrlr, Received reply to GET_SUC_NODE_ID. Node ID = 0
2018-12-06 23:43:57.669 Info, Controller Does not Support SUC - Cannot Setup Controller as SUC Node
2018-12-06 23:43:57.669 Detail, Node172, Expected reply was received
2018-12-06 23:43:57.669 Detail, Node172, Message transaction complete
22-07 10:08:30.306 Detail, Node007, Polling: COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM index = 10 instance = 1 (poll queue has 0 messages)
2018-12-07 10:08:30.306 Info, Node007, AlarmCmd_Get Not Supported on this node
2018-12-07 10:09:00.307 Detail, Node007, Polling: COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM index = 10 instance = 1 (poll queue has 0 messages)
2018-12-07 10:09:00.307 Info, Node007, AlarmCmd_Get Not Supported on this node
2018-12-07 10:09:30.307 Detail, Node007, Polling: COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM index = 10 instance = 1 (poll queue has 0 messages)
2018-12-07 10:09:30.307 Info, Node007, AlarmCmd_Get Not Supported on this node
2018-12-07 10:10:00.308 Detail, Node007, Polling: COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM index = 10 instance = 1 (poll queue has 0 messages)
2018-12-07 10:10:00.308 Info, Node007, AlarmCmd_Get Not Supported on this node
2018-12-07 10:10:30.308 Detail, Node007, Polling: COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM index = 10 instance = 1 (poll queue has 0 messages)
2018-12-07 10:10:30.308 Info, Node007, AlarmCmd_Get Not Supported on this node
2018-12-07 10:11:00.309 Detail, Node007, Polling: COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM index = 10 instance = 1 (poll queue has 0 messages)
2018-12-07 10:11:00.309 Info, Node007, AlarmCmd_Get Not Supported on this node
2018-12-07 10:11:30.309 Detail, Node007, Polling: COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM index = 10 instance = 1 (poll queue has 0 messages)
2018-12-07 10:11:30.309 Info, Node007, AlarmCmd_Get Not Supported on this node
2018-12-07 10:12:00.310 Detail, Node007, Polling: COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM index = 10 instance = 1 (poll queue has 0 messages)
2018-12-07 10:12:00.310 Info, Node007, AlarmCmd_Get Not Supported on this node
2018-12-07 10:12:30.310 Detail, Node007, Polling: COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM index = 10 instance = 1 (poll queue has 0 messages)
2018-12-07 10:12:30.311 Info, Node007, AlarmCmd_Get Not Supported on this node
2018-12-07 10:13:00.311 Detail, Node007, Polling: COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM index = 10 instance = 1 (poll queue has 0 messages)
2018-12-07 10:13:00.311 Info, Node007, AlarmCmd_Get Not Supported on this node
2018-12-07 10:13:30.311 Detail, Node007, Polling: COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM index = 10 instance = 1 (poll queue has 0 messages)
2018-12-07 10:13:30.312 Info, Node007, AlarmCmd_Get Not Supported on this node
2018-12-07 10:14:00.312 Detail, Node007, Polling: COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM index = 10 instance = 1 (poll queue has 0 messages)
2018-12-07 10:14:00.312 Info, Node007, AlarmCmd_Get Not Supported on this node
2018-12-07 10:14:30.313 Detail, Node007, Polling: COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM index = 10 instance = 1 (poll queue has 0 messages)
2018-12-07 10:14:30.313 Info, Node007, AlarmCmd_Get Not Supported on this node
2018-12-07 10:15:00.313 Detail, Node007, Polling: COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM index = 10 instance = 1 (poll queue has 0 messages)
2018-12-07 10:15:00.313 Info, Node007, AlarmCmd_Get Not Supported on this node
2018-12-07 10:15:30.314 Detail, Node007, Polling: COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM index = 10 instance = 1 (poll queue has 0 messages)
2018-12-07 10:15:30.314 Info, Node007, AlarmCmd_Get Not Supported on this node
2018-12-07 10:16:00.314 Detail, Node007, Polling: COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM index = 10 instance = 1 (poll queue has 0 messages)
2018-12-07 10:16:00.314 Info, Node007, AlarmCmd_Get Not Supported on this node
2018-12-07 10:16:30.315 Detail, Node007, Polling: COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM index = 10 instance = 1 (poll queue has 0 messages)
2018-12-07 10:16:30.315 Info, Node007, AlarmCmd_Get Not Supported on this node
2018-12-07 10:17:00.315 Detail, Node007, Polling: COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM index = 10 instance = 1 (poll queue has 0 messages)
2018-12-07 10:17:00.315 Info, Node007, AlarmCmd_Get Not Supported on this node
2018-12-07 10:17:30.316 Detail, Node007, Polling: COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM index = 10 instance = 1 (poll queue has 0 messages)
2018-12-07 10:17:30.316 Info, Node007, AlarmCmd_Get Not Supported on this node
2018-12-07 10:18:00.316 Detail, Node007, Polling: COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM index = 10 instance = 1 (poll queue has 0 messages)
2018-12-07 10:18:00.316 Info, Node007, AlarmCmd_Get Not Supported on this node
2018-12-07 10:18:23.408 Detail, Node007, Received: 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x07, 0x03, 0x20, 0x01, 0xff, 0x28
2018-12-07 10:18:23.409 Detail,
2018-12-07 10:18:23.409 Info, Node007, Received Basic set from node 7: level=255. Sending event notification.
2018-12-07 10:18:23.409 Detail, Node007, Notification: NodeEvent
2018-12-07 10:18:23.710 Detail, Node007, Received: 0x01, 0x10, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x07, 0x0a, 0x71, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x07, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x62
2018-12-07 10:18:23.710 Detail,
2018-12-07 10:18:23.710 Info, Node007, Received Alarm report: type=0, level=0, sensorSrcID=0, type:Burglar event:8, status=255
2018-12-07 10:18:23.711 Detail, Node007, Initial read of value
2018-12-07 10:18:23.711 Detail, Node007, Initial read of value
2018-12-07 10:18:23.711 Detail, Node007, Initial read of value
2018-12-07 10:18:23.711 Detail, Node007, Initial read of value
2018-12-07 10:18:23.711 Detail, Node007, Notification: ValueChanged
2018-12-07 10:18:23.723 Detail, Node007, Notification: ValueChanged
2018-12-07 10:18:23.729 Detail, Node007, Notification: ValueChanged
2018-12-07 10:18:23.735 Detail, Node007, Notification: ValueChanged
2018-12-07 10:18:30.317 Detail, Node007, Polling: COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM index = 10 instance = 1 (poll queue has 0 messages)
2018-12-07 10:18:30.317 Info, Node007, AlarmCmd_Get Not Supported on this node
2018-12-07 10:19:00.317 Detail, Node007, Polling: COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM index = 10 instance = 1 (poll queue has 0 messages)
2018-12-07 10:19:00.317 Info, Node007, AlarmCmd_Get Not Supported on this node
2018-12-07 10:19:30.318 Detail, Node007, Polling: COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM index = 10 instance = 1 (poll queue has 0 messages)
2018-12-07 10:19:30.318 Info, Node007, AlarmCmd_Get Not Supported on this node
Thank you for your help.