- platform: integration
name: TV Energy Consumption
source: sensor.tv_power_consumption
method: left
I tried moving these to command_line.yaml without any luck. With the platform I get an error saying that platform is not supported, while for the template I get a generic error.
/Flame ON
I just don’t get why anyone thinks “hints” are documentation.
This thread is evidence of a disaster.
The “error” message needs
a) To be much clearer about what has changed
b) To provide a link (short link or similar if required) to clear documentation
c) Of What has changed and how to migration from was to what should
Writing code is not doing the job. The job is only done when it is clearly documented and the users can find the documentation.
I hand wrote all my YAML, but I don’t work in HA from one month to the next.
I’m having to wade though this discussion, to try and understand what has changed because hints are not enough. Link to clear documentation required.
You are right. I thought the warning was really cryptic. “Command Line YAML configuration has moved” doesn’t mean anything to me. I thought that some YAML had been moved elsewhere. The “…move your YAML configuration to integration key…” is mystifying in the extreme. What does that even mean?
Very new to home assistant, super excited about the product, and glad I got it to work the way I wanted to… until I suddenly got the “Command line sensor YAML” warning message … I read the documentation, but I dont understand how to change what I have to what I need. Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction? THANK YOU so much in advance for your support - Marco
this is what i have in my configuration.yaml file that I think is causing the warning
i’m struggling with this update command_line. i made the modification but i still have a error.
Below my Code:
in Configuration.Yaml, I add: command_line: !include command_line.yaml
in commande_line.yaml File : i put the following code:
# OPTIONAL CPU Raspberry Pi Temp
- sensor:
name: CPU Temperature
command: "cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp"
unit_of_measurement: "°C"
value_template: "{{ value | multiply(0.001) | round(2) }}"
I’m still getting the following error when configuration checked
Invalid config for [command_line]: [command_line] is an invalid option for [command_line]. Check: command_line->command_line->0->command_line. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 18).
what did i miss in the new code?? Thanks for help
been scratching my head for days over this.
Thank you Ruben vad der Steenhoven. This is the solution.
!include sensors didn’t work.
Create command_line: !include cmdline.yaml in configuration.yaml and then create a new file as Ruben mentioned.
All new sensors go in cmdline.yaml.