Configuring Yale Access Bluetooth Integration

Some locks only send push updates when they have an active HomeKit pairing. If your lock is not sending push updates, ensure it’s paired with a HomeKit using an iOS device or the HomeKit controller integration. The lock cannot be paired via HomeKit Controller and the Yale Access Bluetooth integration on the same Home Assistant instance as they will both try to access the lock simultaneously and fail.

One easy way to fix this is to create a new/second home in the Apple Home app and add the lock to that new home. Push updates should occur as intended after the lock is added.

Alternatively, call the homeassistant.update_entity service to force the integration to update the lock state.

Apple-free home… hmmm.

Disable the Yale access integration for the lock, pair it with HomeKit controller, disable the HomeKit controller integration for the lock, reenable the Yale access integration for the lock

OK, I’ll give that a try. Thanks.

With the Yale Access Bluetooth integration disabled I get this when trying to add the Homekit Controller integration

Note that I currently have the Bluetooth integration disabled, with Bluetooth only operating through esphome Bluetooth proxy

I’m in the same boat as you. Cloud integration works, but not as fast and sadly not local. The BT integration is way too slow and unreliable for me to use. I have the YRD-226, not sure if it’s home kit capable bc it doesn’t show up, even after completely removing and disabling the integration.

Yes, it’s not good.
I had a door open event take 30+ seconds to reflect through cloud the other day, and the BT integration doesn’t show it opened at all.
With Yale BT disabled nothing happens with Homekit Controller integration, it never sees anything.

I have an old Android phone that I rooted. I tried installing the Yale client and enabled auto-unlock; after leaving/returning home several times over the past couple days, the local bluetooth key is still not being stored on the device. In fact, the /data/data/com.august.luna folder is not being created.

Hey I was having the same issue as you but I finally got this to integrated into Home Assistant via just Bluetooth without entering in any account information.
(Update: after a few hours it stopped working see below)

My problem was I was using an old rooted phone with Lineage OS 19 which is Android 12. It appears that the /data/data folder is restricted even from rooted devices starting with Android 11. So it may look like the /data/data/com.august.luna folder and PeripheralInfoCache.xml file aren’t created by the Auto Unlock procedure but they are.

I used a different old rooted phone and followed the process in the Yale Lock Documentation to (finally) get the file.

Update: The first lock I had set this up on had it’s Bluetooth radio fail after 3 days and I had to return it and go through the entire process of getting the .xml and keys again. This time I found an app that works (with root) to view the /data/data/ in Lineage OS 19 and it allowed me to copy the .xml file to a folder where I could copy it to my PC. Its called Total Commander. This also meant I could use the latest version of Yale Access to generate the .xml file instead of a clunky old version.

Update 2: It looks like after a few hours (or maybe uses of the integration) the Offline Key Changes and all the integrations stop working. Home Assistant even prompted me to enter the new Key.
Sadly, after everything, I just had to set up the August Integration here which requires signing in with my Yale Account- but at least then the Yale Bluetooth Integration worked locally without the need to gather the offline key manually, use Homekit or purchase/use a Wi-fi module. Lets hope it keeps the keys up to date like the Documentation says at it stays integrated.

I purchased the Yale Assure SL in Australia this week and managed to connect it to Home Assistant quite easily. After auto unlock triggered once, I was able to add it in Home Assistant and the offline key populated automatically.

A few hours later the lock stopped working - it just became unavailable and although Home Assistant kept trying to reload it wasn’t successful.

I removed the lock thinking I would re-add and it might work again but now when I try to add through Yale Access Bluetooth I get the error “No devices found on the network”.

The lock and bluetooth receiver are both in the same location so signal shouldn’t be an issue.

Could Home Assistant be remembering the lock somewhere so won’t add it as new since it already cached the device? Or does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance for your help.

I experienced this same behavior. You mentioned that the locked “auto unlocked” once. Is anyone still using the Official Yale App and/or the Bluetooth Proximity features of the Yale app on their phone or are they only using the Yale Lock in Home Assistant?

I found that if I used the official app it would constantly rotate the offline key and then Home Assistant wouldn’t be able to access it anymore. Once I uninstalled the Yale app from my phone and ONLY used Home Assistant for all functions it stopped going unavailable.

I only used the official app to do the initial setup of the Lock (i.e. initial firmware update, calibrate locking/unlocking, calibrate Doorsense, set an auto-lock timer, but I skipped the setup of the Bluetooth proximity lock as I presumed that would need the official app).

After the initial setup is done and I confirmed the lock was useable in Home Assistant I uninstalled the Yale app from my phone and all has been well. I’ll reinstall the official app every so often to do Firmware updates on the lock and it will inevitably need to be re-setup in Home Assistant shortly after.

I hid a NFC tag near my door so I can just unlock my phone and tap to unlock the lock. Not quite as convenient as Bluetooth proximity auto-unlock but it was sort of clunky anyways and, while unlikely, Bluetooth relay/repeater attacks are possible.

I do still have the Yale app on my phone and using it to auto unlock. I’ll have to do some further experimenting with my set up to see if I can get it to work.

I also suspect the bluetooth signal isn’t strong enough so might end up getting the zigbee module and using that to integrate into Home Assistant instead.

I was fiddling with my August Pro 3rd Gen and stumbled upon this thread. I am using the August Cloud integration at the moment, but my Connect device keeps disconnecting from the Wi-Fi randomly for some reason and I am hoping that Bluetooth will be more reliable (ironic I know). I currently have a Bluetooth dongle setup on my Home Assistant.

With the Bluetooth dongle setup, I was having issues getting the lock to be discovered by Home Assistant (The famous message “No devices found on the network”). I forgot I made tests in the past with a temporary Bluetooth dongle, to see how Bluetooth in Home Assistant was working prior to getting a dedicated dongle. Turns out I ignored the Yale integration once and even when it comes back up with a different dongle, well the integration doesn’t show anymore and even if you try to manually select “Yale Bluetooth” in the list, doesn’t seem to work.

So I hit “Show ignored integrations” in the filter under Settings → Devices & services at the top right of the Devices tab and lo and behold! My lock showed up and I was able to grab the offline key by reloading my already-setup August Cloud integration.

I am waiting to see if that is reliable before removing the August Cloud integration, especially with the previous posts mentioning it stopping after a few hours.

TL DR; while totally silly, I wasted hours trying to figure out why my August Pro would show up in the devices discovered, and I previously ignored the integration during tests in the past, which hid it from the list of discovered devices. Hope that can help someone in the thread!

How’s the reliability been? Also do you have “Always Connected” configured? I found usability to be much faster with that setting on. Granted it might be because I have a sub-par USB Bluetooth dongle…

Update: Thought I might as well share my own testing: Reliability when using the “Always Conencted” setting has been fantastic for me. Near instant functionality from Home Assistant.

As for battery life: When using Panasonic BK-3HCCA8BA Eneloop Pro Rechargeable batteries I was able to get very good battery life- almost 4 months even with the “Always Connected” Option configured. I don’t even let them get below 20%- I bet you could squeeze another month out of them if you let them go lower.

(Rechargeable Battery Voltage is different so they will appear to be 70% - 60% when fully charged rather than 100% and hover around 50% - 25% for much of their life).

Something to note about the Eneloop Pro batteries specifically is that they seem to be so dense that they effected my “Door Sense” calibration! If you swap between two sets of batteries like I do the batteries you might have to mix and match all 8 batteries to get two sets of 4 that actually showed the door “Closed” correctly.