Hello, I used Jarolift_MQTT to control the RF Jarolift roller shutters with a wemos d1 mini + CC1101 and successfully tested on 2 for the moment! Where I’m stuck is for the integration into home assistant with mqtt. As the repository is no longer up to date, the proposed configuration does not seem to work.
I can see that my wemos communicates with mqtt but I don’t understand how I can control it.
i have already try with stat/jarolift/…
The instruction:
MQTT topics send back with the updated status of a shutter:
The status of a shutter is:
0 - open
90 - shade position
100 - close
stat/jarolift/shutter/0 100
Integration into Home Assistant
Here is a configuration example for Home Assistant:
You only need to configure the cover properly in configuration.yaml and restart HA. Then you should find cover.jarolift in your entity list and add it to the UI.
Any other errors? You can Post your error log. Did you also check Mosquitto error log? That is selectable on the top right in setting - > system - > logs
I found the problem! It’s a bit curious. In my yaml I had a duplicate key “MQTT” I have one of my mqtt devices which had an excess offset.
By deleting the duplicated key, it detected a block error, I put the correct format back on the “climate” and “sensor” concerned and the cover appeared! What is curious is that my different mqtt entities worked perfectly, but obviously the cover type one put upstream in my config file was not taken into account.
I don’t know if I’m clear.
I take this opportunity to ask this question, I have planned to remove all the mqtt configuration from my configuration file to separate them in another file, Can I make 1 file per entity or should I still not have 1 single “include” with all my mqtt entities declared manually?