Control LEDs and LED Effects on Inovelli Red and Blue Dimmers, Switches, and Combo Fan / Lights by Floor, Area, Group, Device, or Entity

This blueprint and script can set and clear effects as well as configure the LED or LED strip on Inovelli dimmers, switches, and fan / light combo dimmers from the “Black”, “Red 500”, “Red 800”, and “Blue” series. Devices of different types can be called simultaneously. It will accept entities, the device ID, groups, areas (or area: all ), floors (or floor:'all'), and find all Inovelli devices in the house. This blueprint and script can set everything at once—even if the devices are different series and being called from different combinations of sources (e.g. 2 areas, and 3 entities).

Supported Inovelli devices:

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

[2024-06-23] Floor selector and individual LED support
[2024-01-24] Black series support, correcting some effect values in the Blue series, and some general cleanup.
[2024-01-05] Added support for Blue Series devices
[2022-05-17] Fixed a typo that caused an error when setting “pulse” effects on switch devices.
[2022-06-06] Areas and devices no longer need to be lists (entities were already being converted if they were in list format). This should make the script much easier to call from automations and scripts using templates.
[2023-05-01] The script will use the areas() function introduced in 2023-04 to accept “area: all”. This will search each area Home Assistant knows about, and apply the settings to all compatible Inovelli devices.
[2024-01-05] Adding support for Blue Series devices and groups of devices. These groups can be of the light.* or group.* domain, and any combo of Blue or Red series switches, dimmers, or fan / light combo devices.

Notification effect examples:

    service: script.inovelli_led
      area: 'Family Room' # This can also be an area ID, if you're using a template.
      duration: Forever
      effect: CHASE
      brightness: 8
      color: Teal
    service: script.inovelli_led
      area: all
      duration: Forever
      effect: Blink
      brightness: 8
      color: 'Light Pink'

    service: script.inovelli_led
      entity: fan.front_porch, light.front_door #Mix and match device types!
      effect: pulse
      brightness: 8
      color: red

Clearing the effects above

    service: script.inovelli_led
      area: 'Family Room'
      entity: fan.front_porch, light.front_door

LED color example:

    service: script.inovelli_led
      LEDcolor: blue
      LEDbrightness: 7
      LEDbrightness_off: 3

LEDbrightness_off example: (maybe part of a nighttime routine?)

    service: script.inovelli_led
      group: group.bedroom_lights
      LEDbrightness_off: 2

Thanks for publishing this script, saved me so much time and frustration. I thought I was just going to have to go without led Notifications. I’m coming from Hubitat and the driver sets up the led options as devices so you just set your automations to turn on whatever you want by picking notification 1,2 and so on. So this was a big change when switching to HA. I’m wondering if this script will work with the new Blue and future Red switches? Im thinking about ordering some. I’m guessing it won’t work with the Blue because they’re Zigbee?

I’m glad it’s working for you!

It won’t work with the Blue Series, but it wouldn’t be hard to modify the commands to make it work. I don’t have any Blues though, so it would be tricky to test. I handle a lot of corner cases in different firmware versions and I don’t know how to test that without Blue devices. I think my logic was reused for this script for Blue Devices so take a look at that: [Z2M] Inovelli VZM31-SN Blue Series 2-1 Switch LED Notification Script

It’ll work for all of their current Red Series devices, and I think it’ll work for future devices too. I’m waiting on their 5-button controller but I think that’s it for them. They seem to be focusing on the Blue Series Zigbee and Matter devices more these days.

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I’m curious, should I just input whatever inovelli device I wish to use no matter how many devices I’ll be sending notifications to or is there another way like create a group? meaning to lessen the zwave load?

I don’t think I understand your question completely, so I’ll try to answer it with scattershot.

Let’s say you want to configure three devices with a notification. Each one ultimately needs to receive its own configuration commands over the Z-Wave network. Whether you want everything in a room configured, everything in a group, or you list those devices individually doesn’t matter. It will all get broken out and sent to individual devices. That part can’t be reduced into one over-the-air command for multiple devices, as far as I know.

If you’re only setting effect and duration, that’ll be two commands per device going over the air in the Z-Wave network, even if it’s only one command from Home Assistant to the Z-Wave JS container. If you’re setting effect, color, duration, and brightness all together, then it’ll be set in one bulk parameter command. That would reduce the number of commands flowing from Home Assistant to the Z-Wave JS container, but I’m pretty sure it still gets sent over-the-air as individual commands to the devices. I’m not completely sure if bulk parameters are one command to devices or not. In my automations I set all the parameters each time to ensure the effects are configured correctly. I only have about 55 devices on my network though, so I don’t tend to run into issues with having too much traffic. Even so, when the sun sets, I can see everything in the house turn red, and then get dim–in what looks like two passes. It takes about 20 seconds for everything to change. That’s why I think that bulk parameters are still multiple over-the-air commands, but I’m not 100% sure.

You could save a bit of processing power by listing the entities (e.g. switch.family_room, Looping through every device in a room to figure out which entities are Inovelli Reds is less efficient than if you list them. That could be helpful if you’re running a Raspberry Pi and doing a lot of other automations. I’ve never benchmarked it, myself. Listing a room let me add and remove devices without breaking things, and that was more important to me.

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Lol perfect shot :slight_smile:

I’ve been goofing around with Home Assistant for a little bit, but apparently not long enough to know what the heck I’m doing with your script.

Are there variables in it that I need to change?

This would be awesome for when I trigger my GoodNight scene with the configuration button. I have it wait for 30 seconds before it activates and to have the LED pulse or something during that countdown would be perfect.

Yes, you’ll have to pass it some variables. You can play around with it and get a feel for how it works by clicking “developer tools” in the left-hand navigation pane and then selecting “Services” and selecting the script. There are a number of options you can configure, and then select “Go to YAML mode” to see what the YAML looks like and paste into your automation. I also have several examples in the, including an automation example (which is rather complicated, now that I think about it).

The service call for what you’re doing would look something like:

         - service: script.inovelli_led_zwavejs
              area: {{ area_id( }}
              duration: 30 Seconds
              effect: Pulse
              brightness: 4
              color: RED

To clear the effect before the 30 seconds are up, you could have a choose option that calls:

         - service: script.inovelli_led_zwavejs
              area: {{ area_id( }}

If the script doesn’t have what it needs, the default is to clear effects from the entity, device, or area that’s been called.

Before I bark up the wong tree, will this work with the Black Series (LZW31 - 2nd Gen)?

Here’s the current service I’m trying to see work, but failing:

Your code is right. My script assumes the Red Series, but you can make it work with the Black Series. Just change any reference to “LZW31-SN” to “LZW31”. Looking at the documentation for the Black Series, I’m 90% sure this will work fine. I don’t have any test with though. In my next release I’m adding support for the Blue Series devices, and I can add support for the Black Series too.

This worked well for me with a bunch of Inovelli Red switches. I have them pulse the LED red when my security system is armed to remind us not to open doors without disarming that first.

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  • Adding support for Inovelli’s “Blue Series” devices, thanks to smenzer!
  • Adding support for devices in groups, thanks to smenzer! These groups can be of the light.* or group.* domain, and any combo of Blue or Red series switches, dimmers, or fan / light combo devices.

I opened a branch to support the effects in new Blue Series and Red 800 Series devices. Since I don’t have any of these, I’d like to get feedback from someone who does.

@smenzer would you be able to test the new effects in this branch?

@Mike1082 I saw you requesting this in another conversation. Hopefully you don’t mind that I point this one out to you.

Has anyone looked into the VZW31-SN yet? It looks like there may be some differences. I’m getting this when I try to run the script after modifying it to include my model no: VZW31-SN.

Failed to call service script.inovelli_led_control. Node(node_id=48) - NotFoundError: Configuration parameter with parameter name LED Indicator: Color on node Node(node_id=48) endpoint 0 could not be found

Edit: yeah, it’s different. I guess I’ll start working on this… Z-Wave 800 Series 2-1 Switch - New LED control parameter - #7 by mamber - General Discussion - Inovelli Community

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Are you using the 800 series branch I opened yesterday, or the master branch code? The error you posted looks like it’s trying to use the LZW31-SN code for your VZW31-SN. The 800 series branch adds code to separate them and the VSW31-SN should use “Default All LED Strip Color When On” which matches what I see in the firmware parameter documentation. If you don’t have the VZW31-SN parameters defined like this, I think you’re not using the 800 series branch from yesterday.

    VZW31SN_effect_bulk: 99
    VZW31SN_effect_color: All LED Strip Effect - Color
    VZW31SN_effect_brightness: All LED Strip Effect - Level
    VZW31SN_effect_duration: All LED Strip Effect - Duration
    VZW31SN_effect_effect: All LED Strip Effect - Effect
    VZW31SN_ledcolor: Default All LED Strip Color When On
    VZW31SN_ledcolor_off: Default All LED Strip Color When Off
    VZW31SN_ledbrightness: Default All LED Strip Brightness When On
    VZW31SN_ledbrightness_off: Default All LED Strip Brightness When Off

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Wow, looks like you’ve done all the work already! Yes, the new branch works with my VZW31-SN. Thanks for sharing all of this.

Can you confirm everything works? I don’t have any of the new series devices, so I want to be sure the new effects and LED color when off and when on (mine only has one color for both) but also the effect brightness, duration, and LED brightness are working correctly. If they’re all working right, I’ll get a full release out.

I plan to try this over the next couple of days and see if I can figure it out. Since it’s not currently in blueprint form, I just need to copy the Yaml correct?

Yes; that’s right. For anyone else wondering the same thing, here’s a step-by-step:

  • In Home Assistant:
    • Click on “Settings” in the left-hand navigation pane.
    • “Automations & Scenes”
    • “Scripts” near the top in a horizontal menu / tab.
    • Blue, “+ Add Script” button in the lower-right.
    • “Create new script”
    • In the upper-right click the vertical ellipsis (three dot) menu and then “edit in Yaml”.
    • Delete the pre-populated lines.
  • Open a new tab
  • In Github (
    • Since this hasn’t been merged into master yet, in the left-hand nav pane, under files, there’s a drop-down that says “master”. Change that to 800 series effects.
    • On the right side, click the “copy raw file” in between the “raw” and “download” buttons.
  • In Home Assistant:
    • Paste the contents into the Yaml editor.
    • In the vertical ellipsis select “Edit in Visual Editor”
    • Blue, “Save Script” button in the lower right.

To test the script, you can use “developer tools” → “Services” and type “Inovelli LED Settings and Effects” to use the UI, and “Go to Yaml Mode” to see the code for automations. That code can be modified with templates.

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I tested it as best I could, effects, duration, static colors all seems to work as expected.

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