Control Liftmaster LA400 Gate Opener via HA?

Is your ratgdo flashed to the dry contact mqtt firmware?

Yes. The ‘front gate’ is added as a device under the MQTT integration. In fact, when I unplug the RATDGO, the controls ‘grey out’ as they likely lose connection.

I do have two operators whereas all the diagrams show a single operator.

Nevermind. I got it, I had the configuration set in correctly. Works perfectly! This is amazing! Thank You @HamBandit and @Chmynard

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Well now you can help me LOL

When you open the gate, does it then show the open status? I was having an issue where it would go from opening to closed

Perhaps my connections were bad!

I had a similar symptom when I took mine off to re-install it for a youtube video. After re-seating the wire from the RATGDO inside the actuator wiring harness it worked. Maybe give that a shot!

Edit: Screenshot of Open -

Let me know if not allowed but I made a video on this. I call out this thread specifically so we might see some new folks looking for help. Maybe this will help the more visual people. I tried to add a section on the Relays / expansion board but without having one it’s not great…

Thanks, I actually watched and referenced the video. Thanks for making it

Maybe my gate opener being newer than some of yours means something is different, because I cannot get the “Open” status at all. It all works fine, but I never get an open status

I wired some stranded THWN into some wagos so I could easily reconnect things, no luck. Multimeter confirms continuity all the way through

The new add-on board is supposed to get here today, so fingers crossed that solves my problem.

I just installed the ratgdo 2.5 board with a LA400 gate opener and I have the exact same issue. The status never updates to ‘Opened’, it stays stuck at ‘Opening’. ‘Closing’ and ‘Closed’ work just fine.

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Well, I hate to say it, but I’m glad I’m not the only one!

When my add-on board arrives, I will report back

Same issue here as well, can’t get open to show as a status. Switches between opening and closing status when the gate is opening, but finally always shows closed whether open or closed.

Got the add-on board, working perfectly!

Now I just need to figure out how to get it into HomeKit as a gate, and not as a garage door. Should be easy enough. Here are some pictures. Copied @bigdvette and it just worked, no problems

Its not very neat, but we have a lot of storms in the area so I wanted to get it done quickly. Will come back on the weekend and make it neat and tiny and put the ratgdo in its 3D printed case

I’m curious to know.

Does anyone have a drive up sensor that opens the gate ?

I have one and I’ve noticed that when I drive up to my gate and open the gate, the sensor does not update the status in HA.

As much as I hate to buy another Chamberlain product, I guess I’ll get the add-on board just so I can be completely done with them. Thanks for figuring this out!

Are you using the add-on board or the other method?

Does it behave properly with a button? Mine does, I would assume the drive-up sensor should be the same as a button

Yeah, last thing I’ll buy! Now I can completely turn off the internet access for my Garage Door Opener

Why are you wired into the white and yellow gate opener wires? If you have the add on board this is mini or any reason to add those wires. And the ground wire that goes up to the two relays should come off the rack. Go board. The white and yellow wires actually pull power.

They are wired into some Wago’s that now go nowhere

I was using them to test with the other configuration, will remove them over the weekend. I found wiring them with THWN and into some Wagos made the connection perfect and easy to re-connect if needed

Everyone in this thread, can you please post the EXACT model of your board, and the configuration you are using that works? There is a lot of different boards out there and I’d like to update the main post with solutions that work to save people from reading through all these comments

Also, what is a good name for the Yellow/White wire method?


  • LA400 Opener
  • Single Gate
  • 001D9040-1CC REV B control board (Circa 2019)

Yellow/White Wire Method did NOT work
Liftmaster K1D8080-1CC Expansion board did NOT work
LiftMaster K1D8387-1CC Expansion board DID Work

Final configuration is LiftMaster K1D8387-1CC Expansion board connected to Ratgdo with this config

And relays set like this on the board

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Something I’ve noticed is that it can become “Unavailable” every now and then, anyone had this issue?

It doesn’t seem to be causing any problems, but I would like if it didn’t happen

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