Control Liftmaster LA400 Gate Opener via HA?

I am not using an add on board. It appears the gate is reversed (reporting open when closed and vice versa).

The only thing I can think of is that the gate opened when I pulled up at the RATDGO did not change its status.

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So, my sensor that opens the gate when I drive up is not the issue BUT for some reason, the gate status has reversed meaning the gate shows closed when open and shows, open when closed.

Is there a way to fix this? Restarting did not fix it?

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Tried just switching around the Open and closed wires to the ratgdo?

So far so good with the add-on board. Notifications are 100% reliable and instant

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Switched the open close. The status of the gate is still reversed.

So, as an update to everything, I switched the open and closed wires nothing changed. I reversed the connections for the SBC. Nothing changed.

Everything about the gate is reversed. When I call the service to open the gate, the gate closes, when I call the service close the gate, the gate opens. The status of the gate is also completely reversed.

One thing I can tell you that might ambiguously help, I set my gate up intentionally so that when it opens it does not close automatically. Meaning to say that on the control panel, I turned the timer to close the gate to off. I did this so that I could have more control over when my gate automatically closes.

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Is anyone else experiencing similar behavior where all the controls and statuses of the gate are reversed?

Can you post the model of your LA400 board and some pictures? I have no idea, but surely someone must be able to spot something

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This post Here

Here is a better shot

Great wiring diagram, I bought the RATGDO but sadly I got the 2.53 rather than the 2.5 Any ideas on how that wiring will look? I am trying to get the board exchanged.

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Also, it should be noted that I have two control arms whereas most setups show one control arm.

Question: would it be beneficial to run two sets of wires from the open and close dry contacts – one into each arm?

I would not do that personally, but someone who knows more may be able to give better advice

If you add another set of wires and shove it into the same port on the ratgdo, you are bridging the two, and the Liftmaster might not want that to happen. That could tell the board the gate is closed, when perhaps one arm is not closed for some reason

If they already are saying the same thing, then I wouldn’t think adding the second wire would help

Have you tried using the same port on the other gate and seeing if you get any difference?

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Tried the other port with no luck. Is there a manual setting on the LA400 Gate control panel itself that would cause the gate to reverse itself?

I’m trying to find any information on that, but so far nothing. It seems using those outputs is not very reliable especially on the newer boards

Have you thought about just getting the add-on board?

Actually fixed the issue a different way. I created a cover template to read the sensor and reverse the status, then to issue backward service commands. Here is the code in case anyone comes across a scenario where the gate is reversed. Just replace the cover, with the name of your gate and away you go:

  - platform: template
        device_class: garage
        friendly_name: "Front Gate Reversed"
        value_template: >
          {% if is_state('cover.front_gate_door', 'closed') %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
          - service: cover.close_cover
              entity_id: cover.front_gate_door
          - service: cover.open_cover
              entity_id: cover.front_gate_door

what worked surprisingly well for me was a Shelly 1 connected to the open contacts and the blue dial slightly turned so it automatically closes when the shelly is off. By default now, the gate is closed. When I want to keep the gate open for an extended period of time, I leave the Shelly relay in the On position. The gates own logic keeps it closed.

I do have wireless gate magnetic contact sensors that are completely separate from the liftmaster board as a redundant system. These let me know if someone tried to force open the gate or if the gate didn’t close properly as I found the control board to be unreliable.

So I was wrong… the cover.front_gate_door is NOT reversed, rather it is reporting incorrectly.

When I run cover.open_cover to cover.front_gate_door the cover shows open and then reports closed (even though the cover is open)

Does anyone know what could be causing this??

I also find detecting the position of the gate to be extremely unreliable/impossible on my version of the LA400. I got tired of wasting so much time so i ordered the expansion board and it worked right off the bat. I ended up building my own ESP unit so I could have separate outputs for open & close. Basically, if you are having problems with the gate limits the expansion board seems to be the only option.

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Coincidentally I just ordered the expansion board as well.