Control Liftmaster LA400 Gate Opener via HA?

I can report that with the expansion board, its been 100% accurate and reliable

Where are you all ordering the expansion boards from? Seeing a range of prices from 140-250. So wanted to see. Thanks

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eBay mostly. I luckily snagged a used one for $30!

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What is the model number of the expansion board for LA400? I had the same issue with the reserve state

Anyone get this working with ESPHome firmware yet? Tried it today just for fun and the door status seems to work, but the SBC connection doesn’t. That was the one thing I thought would definitely work. I may have knocked a wire loose. Before I go in there with a tiny screwdriver and better reading glasses, was wondering if it works at all?


Answering my own question. It doesn’t look like Paul released a firmware version with dry contact support. I’m thinking that’s needed to to change how the control button behaves.

What is the date of manufacture of your LA400 board?

The expansion board (K1D8080-1CC) is compatible only with pre-2016 Liftmaster operators

K1D8387-1CC is a UL325 Expansion Board. For use with various LiftMaster Commercial Swing and Slide Gate Operators; manufactured after 2016

Thanks! the gate is from 2020 aprox so is the 2nd one you provided. Thanks again.

LA400 Opener, Single Actuator, 001D8052-1CC REV A control board (October 2015). Using Liftmaster K1D8080-CC Expansion board. Thank you @HamBandit for providing expansion board.

Wiring configuration identical to @HamBandit diagram but using Liftmaster K1D8080-CC expansion board.

ratgdo case purchased from Etsy @WatchTower3D. Awesome ratgdo case. Provides a few ways to mount case including magnets built into the case.


I am also having this issue. I think it might be reversed depending on which side of the gate your actuator is installed. For me, the gate closes on actuator extension. As for how to get it to flip on the reading, I have no idea.

This exact setup works great for me, thanks!
Main board: RSL12UL
Expansion board: K1D8387-1CC
Ratgdo 2.5 with MQTT firmware

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Also looking into a local solution for LA400 gate control after myQ stopped working, I ended up using a ZEN17 relay. I didn’t want to buy the expansion board so tried to figure out how to get gate status from just the relays available on the main board (and only using the documented relays/switches, not any of the operator wires).

I managed to get reliable opening/closing/open/closed statuses but with two caveats:

  • It’s stateful. If HA restarts, the state of the gate is unknown until the gate is opened or closed at least once.
  • The state is not correct after obstruction of photoelectric sensors and gate reopens (state will be closed instead of open).

Still thought it would be worth sharing in case people are looking for alternative options. I find it good enough for my use case.

I have the ZEN17 set up this way:

NO C R1 relay connected to SBC terminal to trigger opening/closing the gate, and configured to auto turn-off after 1sec to act as momentary relay
S1 C (input 1) connected to NO COM of Locks terminal
C VC (input 2) connected to switched accessory power terminal
Both inputs configured as on/off report (not controlling the relays)

When the gate opens, the Locks relay activates 1sec before the accessory power switches on.
When the gate closes, the accessory power switches on first.

The sequence of events is the following:

  • When opening: Locks ON, Power ON, Locks OFF, Power OFF
  • When closing: Power ON, Locks ON, Locks OFF, Power OFF

So I created the following template to get the gate status based on the order of these triggers:

  - trigger:
      - platform: state
        id: lock-active
        entity_id: binary_sensor.gate_lock_relay # input 1 of ZEN17, connected to Locks terminal
        to: "on"
      - platform: state
        id: moving
        entity_id: binary_sensor.gate_moving # input 2 of ZEN17, connected to SW acc. power
        to: "on"
      - platform: state
        id: stopped
        entity_id: binary_sensor.gate_moving
        to: "off"
      - name: Gate Status
        state: >-
          {% if == 'lock-active' and is_state('binary_sensor.gate_moving', 'off') %}
          {% elif == 'moving' and is_state('binary_sensor.gate_lock_relay', 'off') %}
          {% elif == 'stopped' and is_state('sensor.gate_status', 'opening') %}
          {% elif == 'stopped' and is_state('sensor.gate_status', 'closing') %}
          {% else %}
            {{ states('sensor.gate_status') }}
          {% endif %}

Then created a cover entity based on that:

  - platform: template
        device_class: gate
        friendly_name: Gate
        value_template: >-
          {{ states('sensor.gate_status') }}
          - condition: state
            entity_id: binary_sensor.gate_moving
            state: "off"
          - service: switch.turn_on
              entity_id: switch.gate_sbc
          - condition: state
            entity_id: binary_sensor.gate_moving
            state: "off"
          - service: switch.turn_on
              entity_id: switch.gate_sbc

Note that I added the condition on binary_sensor.gate_moving: "off" to prevent stopping the gate while it’s moving as it would confuse the state…

Not an optimal solution as I said, but quite easy using ZEN17 relay only and no expansion board. And I’m sure there’s maybe a better solution to get the state of the gate using some of the undocumented operator wires on the board, but I didn’t want to mess with that for now.

@HamBandit trying to follow the discussion here to get mine installed.
I have the Ratgo 2.53, black PCB, with the blue push header on only one side.
I am trying to map it to the video shown and to connect.
I have a liftmaster with the opto detectors and a SBC connection.

Is there a connection diagram for it? I assume the motor wiring we tap into would be the same.

Any guidance will help.

More details: mine is a LA500 with dual swing doors. Everything is the same except 2 motors. I plan on tapping into the primary which is the master, and will act like a single door for ratgo.
Here is the picture. I already have a button connected to the SBC.

I have the GND and SBC connected only for now. Trying to see if the door actually triggers.
No luck so far.
I know my SBC works because I had a switch connected to it before.
I am at a loss.
This is what I am doing

mind you, I do not have the same board, so I am trying to trace signals. I have the 2.53i

This is what mine looks like:

My paint skills are not sharp. So with that, am I missing anything?

You already have the expansion board, so I wouldn’t even bother tapping into the openers. If you try wire it up the same as I have it with the exb, it should work perfect

Did i miss it in the video?
Can you tell me where the expansion board connection is described please?
At least trying to be able to open and close, and also know if its open or closed. Ideally knowing opening and closing…

OK, this worked. That’s awesome. Now I get the status open and closed.
I am trying to get the SBC to work now with the button press from HA.
I see the white lines on your board. Do I need to connect the signals on my board as well to match your drawing?

What I would like it to have the garage controller be controlled by HA through ratgdo, but also have a button on the wall for someone inside to need to come out.

How do I wire that up given I have a different board?

The SBC port is literally single button control. So if you wanted to control it via a button in the garage you could just hook it up to that port and short the pins. That said not all button boxes are built the same. The other option is to control it via HA and use a button connected to a device that connects to home assistant.

Love the this was figured out and is almost exactly what paul from ratgdo said we would have to do before he closed out the github comments.

I have it hard wired from my wall button to the liftmaster. That works.
I also have another door whuch has an ESP32 controlling a relay that triggers the liftmaster SBC.

Now that i have the ratdgo, i am wonderig if i can use my wall button to be read by the ratgdo, and the ratgdo controls the liftmaster SBC.
If thats not the case, then i will revert to my prior solution.

Thanks for clarifying.

I have a LA500 from 2018 with one swing arm and metal gate. The main board is 001D8388-1CC Rev A with expansion board (cannot read the back of the board for model number the front shows 014D1339A).

Flashed ratgdo 2.5i with ESPHome and HomeAssistant detected it right away.

Followed @HamBandit 's relay setup for ratgdo to show open and close states on its webpage:
When gate is fully closed,
ratgdo webpage shows the Dry contact close as ON and Dry contact open as OFF

When gate is opening,
ratgdo webpage shows the Dry contact close as OFF and Dry contact open as OFF

When gate is all the way open,
ratgdo webpage shows the Dry contact close as OFF and Dry contact open as ON

When the ratgdo starts up, the gate seems to cycle through the open, stop at about a foot, close a few times and ends up at the physical full closed position. The ratgdo webpage shows the Door state as OPEN and shows the Dry contact close as ON and Dry contact open as OFF

After fully booted, I cannot get the ratgdo to control the gate at all with the Toggle door button or in Home Assistant. The output to the SBC doesn’t seem to change at all.

Anyone have any tips?


@acs540, I had a similar issue, and I had to review the documentation for the relay setup. Do you have an expansion board in your gate controller box? It is a separate board, usually mounted above the main board? If so, look into the relay setups. It seems the Open relay is working fine based on the info you provided. When gate is open, close is off and open is on.
You need to look at the close relay.
If you do not have the expansion board, and have plugged into the motor connector, then it may be a wiring issue.
The setup from @HamBandit worked for me on both my LA500 controllers for the Open and Close.

A pic of your controller box showing the boards and the relay config may help. I will try to get a pic of mine with the working setup and compare if helpful.