Control Worx Landroid S via Hassio

Dear All,

I got a new Landroid S -101 and I really would like to include it on HA… however I saw that only 2 models of worx are supported (WG796E.1 or WG797E)

I start searching in internet and I found an adapter for ioBroker… my question is: Is there anyone capable to include this component into Hassio?

Waiting your feedback


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Same here … it would be great if someone would be able to “translate” that ioBroker thingy into something that Home Assistant can consume.

I have created a working addon to communicate with the Landroid S. Unfortunately the latest version is broken.
When I find the time to fix it I will post an update here.

Hi Slaheij,

Any update? this robot is becoming very popular so creating therefore integrating it in HASSIO would be great

Hope someone can find a solution


I just updated the add-on to make it work again. You can check it out by installing it from this repository:

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Hello, That’s great news, thanks a loro !

I just addestramento your repository on my hassio but I couldn’t install it… tomorrow I will give another try and let you know


Hi @slaheij and thank u for your work. I’m trying also to install the add-on without success. Is it normal? Or i miss something?

What error do you get?

Hi, so i’ve added your repository and then selected Worx Landroid S plugin. When i install it the Install button become red in a second but no plugin installed.
In the log i see:

18-08-13 20:32:27 ERROR (SyncWorker_1) [hassio.docker.addon] Can’t build ceecc69e/armhf-addon-landroids:0.62: Please provide a source image with from prior to commit

Do you think it’s my guilt or it’s an error of your plugin?

Hi @steno, I have no clue to be honest. Are you using the pre-built HassOS image?

Yes i use the pre-built Image. Offline i install other plugins in your repository it work. I get this error with the Landroid one

Hi @Rik, were you able to install the plugin?

There is now a nodejs server relating to mqtt . Look for landroid bridge on google

Hi Steno, I installed the plug in however i never managed to actually get access to the Landroid S… i tried via ip and mqtt however no entity or service is created in my hassio…


Ok thanks…anyway i think that in Hassio it need the Docker Enabler addon:

Is it correct? I’m trying now but i need the Landroid S addon target. Do you know which is?

I’m working on a component for Landroid S machines.

Any input on what functionality you’re looking for specifically?

Battery status, WiFi status, is it charging, mowing or something else are need to have in my opinion.

To have the start, pause and return to home button would also be nice.

The statics from the Landroid app would be nice, but not need, to have



I am trying to install the addon but the install button just flash red and nothing happens.
I am able to install other addons from other repositories.

Anyone having the same issue?

Hello It installed after 10 min. but nothing shows up in home screen??? Please provide toturial.