Control Worx Landroid S via Hassio

Here again. Now it’s working fine and many thanks to you @slaheij
Anyway i’ve two Landroid S in the same network. Is it possible to manage both?

Hi @steno,

The current add-on only supports only one device. The code that is used supports multiple device by running multiple instances, but unfortunately it is not possible in Hassio to run multiple instances of one add-on. Maybe you can find some more help here:
This is the code used in the add-on.

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Can you please tell us how to get the Landroid to show up in the frontend? Installing the add-on worked like a charm, but I can’t do anything with it now. Thanks!

Anyone got this to work? I can install the add-on but cannot start it:( Would be great if someone could make a read me/instructions how to use and setup this add-on.

The container starts for me. Seems to recognise my landroid (MAC address shows up in logs). Unfortunately the webfront end stays kind of empty (no schedule, no details).
Also no updates to mqtt are written.

Anyone post this point?

Same here. Any update is appreciated!

Any progress on this topic? Thanks.

Hi @slaheij,

thanks for the nice work you did (providing the HA AddOn). It works fine with my Landroid M WG796E.1.
Got some very basic sensors integrated to my HA instance till now.

If you`d provide your Landroid specific Home Assistant config parts (sensors, actors, customisations), I´d cereate a howto in order to get the other guys in this thread on board :slight_smile:.

Thanks and regards


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The add-on installs fine and the log shows that there’s a connection. Now what?

Some documentation or just some examples would indeed be highly appreciated :slight_smile:

Hi guys, I will try to make some time this week to update the add-on to enable the scheduler. Hassio Ingress support would also be nice! :slight_smile:


…and maybe some ha related docs :wink:

First I was not able to start the addon. Simply deinstall and reinstall fixed this issue. But now I’m at the point trying to use it. What’s possible? Start/Stop/Going Home, reading values via sensors… How to do this?

Any solution for us not using hassio to integrate Landroid S?

Just ordered the new 2019 model so would be great to be able to control and show status in home assistant :smiley:

Could you please share your setup/configuration how you got it to work?

I’d like to know how to do that as well. Now that garden season starts again, I’d like to know what my landroid-s does. I can check out the hass-io addon, but making it work with “regular” hassbian (which i want to keep) is beyond my scope.

Tried the addon with landroid M 2019 model without any luck. Hope the official worx component will be updated for the newest models.

the worx component is broken since nearly one year. worx massively changed the firmware and tied it heavily to their cloud backend.

Hi @slaheij would it be possible to also post the code as a custom component for Home Assistant (in addition to hassio)? I’m using HA in a Docker on a Synology box. Happy to contribute to documentation for it… Thanks!

Hi @rosscullen, I am not able to create a custom component for this. It is absolutely possible, but I do not know how to do this, or have the time to learn it unfortunately.

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hi there

first of all, many thanks for the cool addon!

unfortunately, my battery is always saying 100% and its not changing at all.
everyting else seems to be working OK

any idea?
