Control Worx Landroid S via Hassio

Good morning,

Can somebody help with the mqtt integration?

“mqttenabled”: true,
“mqtturl”: “mqtt://”,

This way doesn’t seem to be right but I have no clue how to hand over the credentials for my mqtt sever.

Has anybody an idea?

Ok got it:

it is just: “mqtturl”: “mqtt://MYmqttUser:MYmqttPassword@homeassistant”,

without the IP


Just to confirm it works with my landroid M 2019 (WR143E). First, MQTT needs to be enabled in the addon configuration (together with the correct mqtturl information). Once the addon is connected succesfully to your MQTT broker, you can create sensors as follows:


  • platform: mqtt
    name: “Landroid status”
    state_topic: “landroid/status/statusDescription”

The addon logs tell what other topics can be read.

A new project: Worx Landroid Package

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Ok so now everything is working fine, my Landroid S is recognized correctly and I can run it through the webUI, but does anybody know how to integrate it with homeassistant?

Like creating a button or sensor…?

Precision: I’m NOT using MQTT

How have you got installed and working?

Hi, can some help me with my problem?
I am using the Landroid S addon from slaheij.

When I start the addon I get an error Mqtt url: undefined

[2019-06-23T07:35:15.464] [INFO] server.ts - Starting Landroid Bridge...
[2019-06-23T07:35:15.928] [INFO] server.ts - Setting port to 3000...
[2019-06-23T07:35:16.096] [INFO] Mqtt - Connecting to MQTT Broker...
[2019-06-23T07:35:16.108] [INFO] App - Adding static files path /usr/src/landroid-bridge/www
[2019-06-23T07:35:16.118] [INFO] Scheduler - Creating SQLite database at /data/scheduler.db
[2019-06-23T07:35:16.584] [INFO] LandroidS - Initializing Landroid Cloud Service...
Mqtt url: undefined
[2019-06-23T07:35:18.007] [INFO] IoBrokerAdapter - mower 0 selected
[2019-06-23T07:35:18.941] [INFO] LandroidS - First cloud update received, finishing initialization
[2019-06-23T07:35:18.942] [INFO] ScheduledTasks - Initializing scheduled tasks...

My config file look like this

  "email": "[email protected]",
  "pwd": "9UVcEa2MEKySkmC",
  "mqttenabled": true,
  "mqtturl": "mqtt://user:password@homeassistant",
  "mqtttopic": "landroid",
  "loglevel": "info",
  "scheduler_enabled": true,
  "cron": false,
  "weather_provider": "darksky",
  "apikey": "733aa285cab887589cffc311a19aa7c4",
  "latitude": 59.4686,
  "longitude": 15.364,
  "earliest_start": 7,
  "latest_stop": 22,
  "start_early": false,
  "off_days": 2,
  "square_meters": 300,
  "per_hour": 50,
  "mow_time": 75,
  "charge_time": 75,
  "days_for_total_cut": 2,
  "rain_delay": 120,
  "threshold": 30

Can anyone see what the problem is?

Is this the real config file? If so: you would have to insert the hostname or IP address of your MQTT server (instead of @homeassistant).

This is the config i can edit in hassio for the add-on.

after @ have tried to use my local IP and just typing in localhost but I get the same error.
like this “mqtturl”: “mqtt://user:[email protected]”, and “mqtturl”: “mqtt://user:password@localhost”

Yes but since then i sold the landroid

How to access Landroid Bridge HTTP REST Api?

Ok sorry for the delay…actually nothing is showing in the frontend but you can use mqtt in order to show something

Did someone ever managed to get something into frontend?

Maybe someone would share their config?

As Msv1 posted, there is a project, that packages the worx landroid component:

The Sourcecode can be found here:

If you only want the thing to show up in your HA instance:



I did.

First you have to enable accessing it via network by entering a port:

Afterwards you can access all values as you can see on Readings page and use them inside a rest sensor, e.g.

And you can even start or stop it via rest_commands:

Small hint: Within my start command I check whether my automation was already executed on the current day. So just for the first time my robot does the edge cut.

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Can you elaborate a little bit more as I am not sure how you did this on the api…?
I am using
Did you use the bridge or not?


Or can somebody help me to install this the hassio version as I get an error.


Can anyone help me on installing this in
I get the following error when installing this in out of the store.

[hassio.docker.addon] Can’t build ceecc69e/amd64-addon-landroids:0.71: The command ‘/bin/ash -o pipefail -c npm run build-prod’ returned a non-zero code: 3



I used the addon from

Did you restart your system? When I installed the addon I had some troubles and after some tries/restarts it worked

Thanks for the quick reply…
Yes I saw that post of “restarting”…did not help :frowning:
And the error is pointing “nowhere” on google so I really need to solve this add-on to progress

Any help welcome