Control Worx Landroid S via Hassio

Did you restart HassIO or did you restart the whole system (pi?)

I have HassIO running on an ubuntu and I restarted all.

This is very odd. I have the completely same problem as you with the same error code. But I did manage to install the add-on a few days ago however it isn’t possible now… The reason it’s weird is because i don’t see any changes in ( code.

So that makes me happy :slight_smile:
Sorry for you but at least we are 2 now as I was afraid it was some kind of error on my side.

So I did a update/upgrade of my ubuntu server to be sure it has nothing to do with that. Rebooted and tried again…same error.
Just for completeness… I am running 0.97.2 in HASSIO version 184

Has it something todo with the python version which has been upgraded recently?

This could very well be a reason (I run the same update as you)

Can @beejay or @steno maybe tell us which update they got it successfully running or installed on? :smiley: Thanks!

Same error here!

19-08-28 02:14:50 INFO (SyncWorker_8) [hassio.docker.addon] Start build ceecc69e/amd64-addon-landroids:0.71
19-08-28 02:14:57 ERROR (SyncWorker_8) [hassio.docker.addon] Can't build ceecc69e/amd64-addon-landroids:0.71: The command '/bin/ash -o pipefail -c npm run build-prod' returned a non-zero code: 3

I got it working in the middle of April, so I guess it was around HA 0.91 or 0.92

So already 3 people with the problem…

Does anybody know were to log an issue and or ticket?


I have logged an issue at so I hope it can be solved


I changed the Dockerfile to install the addon:

You need to run the npm build process.

Did you check your system log? May be there is a better error description regarding the failing installing

see here: Unable to install · Issue #8 · stefanlaheij/hassio-addons · GitHub

I’ve tried to install the addon right now, but the whole system comes unresponsive.

webinterface of hassio is not reachable and pings to the raspberry IP running over 5000 ms.

not sure what to do, even I’m not able to check any logifle.


I have tried an got the same…system start using all the memory…and after a while hangs…
So certainly something wrong.

I will reopen the github issue


My two cent on this topic:

I have seen this behavior when the RAM memory get filled on a rasp, I would think this is the issue here, the add on is eating up all resources and make the rasp crash. If someone have the new Rasp 4 or run Hassio on something more powerful can test it would be interesting.

Tested on my RPI4 (with 4GB) - it does not crash, but it does not install either. Same error as before.


I have Hassio running on ubuntu on a vm machine who has enough power and memory but it eats up all the ram and crashes…unable to install.

Problem is that I have to reboot and can not find error logs.


Can you share your config for your rest commands? (lazy me :sweat_smile: )

    url: >-
      http://localhost:3000/landroid-s/set/schedule/{{ now().strftime('%w') }}
    method: PUT
      Content-Type: application/json
    payload: >-
    url: >-
      http://localhost:3000/landroid-s/set/schedule/{{ now().strftime('%w') }}
    method: PUT
      Content-Type: application/json
    payload: >-
      {"startHour":{{now().strftime('%-H')}},"startMinute":{{( now().strftime('%-M') | int) + 1}},"durationMinutes":90,"cutEdge":{{ ((state_attr('automation.robocop_starten', 'last_triggered').strftime('%D') != now().strftime('%D')) and ((now().strftime("%w") | int) % 2 == 0)) | lower }}}
    url: "http://localhost:3000/landroid-s/start"
    method: POST
    url: "http://localhost:3000/landroid-s/stop"
    method: POST
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