Control your RPI 4 CPU temperature

So, once again something stopped working on this CPU temperature control.
This time it was the “sensor” that somehow not available anymore after of latest Home Assistant update.

Before Start, my current versions are:
Core 2024.4.2
Supervisor 2024.04.0
Operating System 12.1
Frontend 20240404.1

Yes, I’m not an early adopter of the updates, since sometimes I got some surprises, and I don’t like my wife complaining, “this and that is not working anymore, blah blah…” Outdated, but peacefull life :slight_smile:

here it is my configuration YAML:


I had this very tipical easy to find solution to control CPU temperature.

My last rework on this was to add the integration “System Monitor” and make visible the “CPU temperature” entity. Then changed the target sensor(line 33) to the one of the “System Monitor” integration (sensor.system_monitor_temperatura_do_processador -it’s portuguese my native language)

I have HACS installed to be able to use the switch with the “Raspeberry PI GPIO”.

Hope it helps some lost souls on this topic.

Here it my previous adventure after some system update regarding CPU temperature control Replace GPIO control by remote_rpi_gpio

Best Regards,

I thought about doing this with sensor then decided to leave fan on all the time. Fan replacement cheaper than RPI replacement. The cooler the RPI the longer it will last.

Agree with you, but in my case it’s was more like one of those things “humm I wonder if I can control CPU temp without external sensor and play around with RPI GPIOS…”

In the first months that I had this setup I had a fan working 24/7. The geek in me talked louder :smiley:

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