Controlling 433 mhz switches

Hello everyone. I’ve bought some rf light wall switches, trying to get control on them by RP3. Heard about “PiLight”, but not sure how to make everything work.
Here is a manual, and there is no info for hass, so can I use linux debian instructions? And whats next? If someone works with it - i would be gladfull for getting help.
Have some smile today.

p.s, light switch,searchweb201602_5_5920015_10065_10344_10068_10342_10343_10340_10341_10543_10084_10083_10618_10307_10615_10301_10313_10059_10534_100031_10103_441_10607_10624_442_10606_10623_10622_10621_10620_10142_10125,searchweb201603_25,ppcSwitch_5&algo_expid=5a4d73c7-4245-4bdb-bad9-e77e1470b01b-0&algo_pvid=5a4d73c7-4245-4bdb-bad9-e77e1470b01b&priceBeautifyAB=4

Have you even got a 433mhz transmitter to plug in to the pi?

I don’t think pilight will work with as nobody has written an addon for it as far as I know :frowning: If you wanted to go the pilight route you would need to change to hassbian install i think. You would also need the hw as James said above.

I do have a transmitter
So What can be done to control switches? There are so many things in HA, and 433 protocol seems to be common. There are lots and lots 2$ remotes for that kind of switches.
I mean, I have to create smart home system and everything is ok done by Z-wave but the lights.
There are just z-wave relays, it is hard to install in Russia (I have just L and dont have N in switches…) and wall switches which I use are really easy to work with.
So, please, if youu know, give me an advice:

  1. How to control 433 light switches.
  2. If not, whitxh switches I can use? Maybe Zigbee switches?
  3. Maybe there are transmitters with built in protocols?

I think RF Link should work with and rfxtrx.

Really bad solution. It would be even better to use broadlink in every room. I am doing this not for myself now, I need it to be pretty

I use the broadlink device. It works well with hassio. You can capture the signals to include into your config so that is sends the correct signal via the rp3. Not sure why you want to use one in each room. 433 hi travels through walls, i have one in my living room and works everything upstairs as well as downstairs

I thought even if broadlink would have shorter range, It still better to use
Thank you, I will think in this way. Would be even more grateful if you will share some links with instructions

Is this what I need?

Lots of help on this community too, have a search.

Here is an issue I struggle on and got quickly resolved, might be helpful:

But you can also read on much more

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Look at

Or get a homewizard which can easily be integrated via REST api.