Controlling House Alarm From HA

It’s possible I have to include some resistors on the circuit?

The LEDs are changed upon new states from the alarm via Mqtt and if a RFID signal is triggered. Are you sure that the esp receives any state change from HA?

I think the problem is just what you said: MQTT not publishing or ESP not receiving the states.

On HA logbook/diary seems fine:


I just don’t understand what does this do:

  • service: logbook.log
    name: >-
    {{ MQTT }}
    message: RFID 1 -> Alarm off!

How can I check if MQTT to ESP is being send?

Hi. If you have not given the alarm any name (which is optional) it should be ha_alarm. In your /dev-state you should find a entity like: alarm_control_panel.ha_alarm. This is your entity to put in the automation.

Sorry, I just edited my previous post while you were replying. I understood and fine my alarm, it’s called:


Can you kindly check my previous post after I edited?

I think I found the issue… ESP is waiting for state change on MQTT: “home/alarm”, but in my HA config I have nothing about “home/alarm”, all I have is: “home/rfid”.

What config and where should I add regarding MQTT “home/alarm”?

Hi, yes you are lacking the MQTT part of the alarm, so now it is just the manual alarm without MQTT.
It should be something like:

  - platform: manual_mqtt
    state_topic: home/alarm
    command_topic: home/alarm/set

Thanks @Rune, that totally fixed the issue.

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Hi Rune,

I just realized, that after some time running, the device stops reading RFID tags.

While the node MCU keeps pinging (you can ping the IP address of the device and it is up), if you approach a RFID tag to the reader it does nothing (that is: no blue light which means is not reading/processing the NFC). But the green light is still ON, which means the device is “kind of working”.

Any thoughts? Thanks a lot.

Hi, Does the light still change based on alarm status changes?

Yes. If I change the alarm status from Home Assistant panel the light still change.

Can you confirm if you had any issues like this? And what exact model of Node MCU are you using? I have some Weemos to try with.

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Hi, sounds like the RFID sensor have freezed on a error. I have not been running mine for more then a couple of weeks before removing it again (since I got my device tracker running as it should). I will connect mine again and see whats happens. I use these boards NodeMCU, but I have also ordered some Wemos to try them out. I will connect for a week and let you know. I also put the code on github in case someone else needs it :slight_smile: Github

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That’s great Rune, please let me know if you are able to reproduce the issue after some time.

P.S.: I’ll check the code you have in your GitHub to make sure is the same as mine.

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Hi, its still going strong. No issue yet :slight_smile:

EDIT: 2 weeks now and it is still working fine, since I dont use it anymore I will now turn it off.

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