Create an input_text entity with a character limit of at least 200 characters. This will be used to store the output of the conversation agent. For example, input_text.agenda.
I love this blueprint, thanks to @allenporter.
I’m sure we can do lots of other cool stuff with OpenAI but I can’t come up with any ideas!
Feel free to share them here!
question i made a group for my Calendars as i have different Calendar for different things. Is there anyway to add the group I made for it? it’s called “group.calendar_group”
I think the principal stopper for your need is that the blueprint uses calendar.list_events service, which only supports calendar entities, not group ones.
My version supports up to 3 calendars because I couldn’t figure out yet how to create variables in a dynamic way to support N calendars, you can probably modify it to support more using the same logic I used for a fixed number of calendars.
I also modified the prompt to treat each calendar as if it were from different persons, you might want to erase that line.
This is great. It runs in my instance and says the automation executed successfully. However, it doesn’t update the text input I created even though it is referenced in the trace report. Any ideas why not?
Immediately after installing the blueprint I indeed get an AI generated text in the sensor “input_text.chat_gpt_input_tekst”
unfortunately no new text will be generated after that. (just like user @ckworkshop) I also get the following error message.
the automation “Multi Calendar Conversations agent agenda notification”
(automation.multi_calendar_conversation_agent_agenda_notification_2) has an action that calls an unknown service:
Does anyone have an idea how to solve this problem?
@pin7of9 This just changed in 2023.12 and will continue working for a few months. See the backwards-incompatable change note below.
@timmo001 if you need some help updating the blueprint I’d be happy to take a crack at it. Awesome thing is that 2023.12 also includes a way to update the blueprint without copy+pastig the changes!
check my advise above. you only need to change or add the trigger. Working great, both on android tablet dashboard using Stream Assist with RtpMic and even better with Home Assistant Voice Preview: