GPT Multi Calendar Agenda notification

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

GitHub Link Click Here

Hello, :grin::raised_hands:

This is a modified version of @allenporter’s blueprint

Video Tutorial

Version: 2.0

  • Allows you to use up to 3 calendars and 3 notify services to send the message.
  • Consider increasing the maximum tokens to return in a response to get the full information processed by ChatGPT as shown here. (400 - 500 would be a starting point, for two calendars)
  • This blueprint will send you a personalized message every morning to help you prepare for your day.
  • Using OpenIA conversation, it will generate a summarized message using the weather and your calendar information.
  • You can customize the prompt to get better-detailed messages according to your needs.
  • And also customize the time that the message is sent.

Need help? or Just want to say hi :slightly_smiling_face:?
Let me know what you think about this blueprint in the comments
All feedback is welcome, so let me know if you have any questions.

Hope you find it useful :smile:

:spiral_notepad: My Other Projects

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I am getting this error for the conversation agent?

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I am also receiving this error. Started I believe with this months major HA release

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For weather entities, the fotecast attribute was removed, which breaks this blueprint.

Hello, thank you for this blueprint.

I made a slight adaptation to display the notification on the dashboard. I find it convenient to be able to easily find the LLM’s response on my dashboard.

Here is the code I added:

  • alias: Save speech

service: input_text.set_value


entity_id: input_text.speech


value: “{{ agent.response.speech.plain.speech }}”

With a help from discussion to original blueprint I’ve fixed the issue with forecast attributes like this:

add this:

- alias: Get Weather Forecast
  service: weather.get_forecasts
    type: daily
    entity_id: !input weather_entity
  response_variable: weekly_weather_forecast

and in text replace section {%- if weather_entity ... {%- endif %}

with this:

{%- if weather_entity is defined %}
        {%- set temperature_unit = state_attr(weather_entity, 'temperature_unit') -%}
        {%- set todays_forecast = weekly_weather_forecast[weather_entity]['forecast'][0] %}
        Weather: {{ todays_forecast.condition }} ({{ todays_forecast.temperature }}{{ temperature_unit }}, {{ todays_forecast.precipitation }}% precipitation)
        {%- endif %}
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Does anyone have the skill to update this due to the breaking change of removing calendar.list_events and switching to calendar.get_events


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I have the same issue, but don’t have the ability to fix this either.
I was about to rebuild this as a standalone automation, but realised that this was waaaaay above my pay-grade!