Could we have this?

User interface customization idea:

This looks close-ish

Thanks sparky. Though that is something I was interested in doing the suggestion was aimed at a drag and drop option to interactively edit the overview screen. It seems like something modern browsers and an RPi could do.

The add-on I linked does allow drag & drop editing of the GUI (from what I understand).

It looks like it’s beta version and written in C#. Since it’s not python it doesn’t work on the RPi :frowning:

give it a try… I think you’ll find it will work. The Git page says it will

Pi’s only run Python code? That is something I never expected to learn… my concept of things is a compiler builds machine code from some language into something the specific machine can read. I guess that doesn’t apply to python? Forgive my lack of knowledge… just took C in college for a non CS degree and been hobby coding a while. So this concept seems foreign to me.

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correct. I tried to be nice when advising @jsprenkle to try the add-on… The docs and the forum thread both say it will work. Not sure why there is so much talk about it not, rather than just installing it and testing it out :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


C# and python are interpreted languages. C and C++ are compiled. The pi can run either but interpreted languages require the interpreter program to be installed. Python is already installed in I don’t believe the c# interpreter is. The last I heard was “mono” was the linux version of the interpreter and it was in Alpha status (i.e. Not done yet). Getting it installed on the docker image sounds painful enough I didn’t want to bother

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I appreciate the suggestion. You took time and effort to try to help.

As of December it’s not version 1 and many issues are still unresolved.
My takeaway is it’s not a fit for what I wanted and still needs work.

My experience with HA has not been good. My frustration has leaked out. My apologies

That is absolutely not true. Mono has been stable and production ready since Buster came out. I use it often for side projects on my rPi3/4s with C# code. What doesn’t work is MonoDevelop (which is the frontend development IDE for Linux) as it requires libwebkitgtk-1.0-0 (which is deprecated).

What’s “buster”?

I’m not familiar with Docker. I did learn you can’t install anything into a container through the normal linux methods. I tried to install the mqtt command line utilities for debugging.

I’m surprised to hear programs inside one docker container can talk to programs in another container. Doesn’t that destroy the protection the operating system gets from having docker to begin with? What;s the point of having docker if it’s not security? The performance isn’t great to begin with so the overhead of docker without a good reason is counter intuitive.

I assumed addons had to be installed within the same container the supervisor uses. Therefore mono would need to be installed. I can’t install mono. Which sends me down the path that I have to build a dev environment to create a docker image, to install mono, to use this plugin. Which is way too much trouble.

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Hi Jay, I’m not sure where you have gotten all your misinformation but it seems to be confusing you rather than aiding.

I suggest you outline your current hardware / software arrangement because without that we don’t know how you installed Home Assistant and on what platform. For example, I have Home Assistant installed over Ubuntu / Docker on an i7 NUC. Performance is most certainly not an issue. That said, I have an i7 so it can also record multiple 4k resolution CCTV cameras on motion detection without breaking a sweat.

If you followed these install instructions, then you already have a Docker installation, so no need to worry about it being a burden on your system. It’s done.

Nope. Each add-on gets it’s own container.

Seriously, just install the add-on I linked and give it a try. If you don’t like it, remove it. Simple. Far easier than writing response posts about whether or not it will / won’t work.


Thanks Dave.

My hardware is a raspberry pi3b+. The pi4 has hardware issues and the pi3 includes bluetooth on the board. It’s much less capable than your NUC. It seemed well suited for this application as long as your expectations aren’t that high.

My understanding is that “” is the RPi packaged version of the “Home Assistant OS” which you have on Ubuntu.

Confused is definitely the word.

The RPi is fine for Home Assistant. I ran it that way for 2 years. My upgrade to the NUC was for the CCTV. HA ran perfectly on the RPi.

Not quite. HassIO (now just called Home Assistant) is simply Home Assistant (core) with a supervisor. Home Assistant Core runs in one Docker container, the Supervisor runs in another, Add-ons run each in their own containers as well. The Supervisor keeps everything under control so to speak.
Home Assistant (old naming being HassIO) can be run on hardware other than a RPi. I used to run it on a NUC using the native image for a NUC but then changed to running it over the top of Ubuntu. At the end of the day, I’m still running Home Assistant (HassIO).

This was previously called HassOS. Similar naming, but not the same thing. HassOS was/is one of the operating systems that Home Assistant (HassIO in the old naming) can be run on, but doesn’t have to be. ie: I’m running Home Assistant (HassIO) on Ubuntu.


Buster is the latest version of Debian on Raspberry Pi.