Count people that are home

for what its worth,
ive debugged some of the automations, and found some listings that consisted of only one time, but still had the - in front of them.

changed that into this for example:

  - alias: 'Profile change'
    id: '1511601479005'
    hide_entity: True
    initial_state: 'on'
      platform: state
      entity_id: input_select.ha_mode
    condition: []
#      service: script.refresh
      service: python_script.summary

And working perfectly and instantaneous now. Will try the other automations with this approach and see what happens.


same goes for activity now, changed it like this:

# Sensor update
hass.states.set('sensor.activity_badge', state_value, {
    'friendly_name': ' ',
    'entity_picture': '/local/activities/{' '}.png'.format(state_value.replace(' ','').lower()),
    'unit_of_measurement': 'Act'


HI, doing some serious training here, thanks to your wonderful scripts!
For my assurance i would love to have a thumbs up in place of the Bug, when all devices are ok. So i cn be 100% positive the scripts and automations are working as they should.
What would i need to change in the groups_badge definition to get that to show up?
Please have a look how we can do that.



1 Like

Yeah, not ideal, but I don’t want set each entity in automations… But now I think that I found a generic way, trying later on…

I’ll try this, but in a nutshell here is the idea.
groups_badge_pic = [‘’, ‘’, ‘ok|bug|error’] # a list of images to mach the count, for 0 use ok, 1 bug, 3+ error…
groups_min_show = [1, 1, 0] # a new array with minimun count to show

I’ll create a new thread for the Summary script.

That would be wise;-)

I for one would like to accomplish the text below the Badges, i cant get it to happen…

btw, adding the customization to these badges doesn’t do anything in my setup, with or without, they show as attached:

# Summary
#  state_card_mode: badges
#  state_card_mode: badges
#  state_card_mode: badges
#  state_card_mode: badges
#  state_card_mode: badges

I’ve checked again, and although in the documentation is pointed out this should work, and a state change for the entities in the group should cause the automation to trigger, it actually doesn’t. And when i check in the <> developers state inspector, that seems correct, for the group is stated Home, even when members are not home …

Hence i tried this:

# Call Summary after Family Presence change
- alias: 'Sense Family presence and update'
  id: '1511601478031'
#  hide_entity: True
  initial_state: 'on'
    platform: state
    entity_id: device_tracker.marijn,device_tracker.wijke,device_tracker.frederike,
  condition: []
    service: python_script.summary

And with immediate succes.

Leads to the next desire: to have an automation dynamically be created for group members of the focus groups in the Python script Summary:

definitions Summary right now:

# Entities summary by group name
groups = ['', '', 'group.imac']
groups_format = ['{} at home: {}', '{} in use: {}', '!{} offline: {}']
groups_filter = ['home', 'on|playing|home', 'off|idle|not_home']
groups_badge = ['Home', 'In use', 'Alert']
groups_badge_pic = ['', '', 'bug']
groups_desc = ['Nobody in home', '', '']
groups_count = [0, 0, 0]

So automation should be created for members of,, group.imac.

Is that possible, preferably in 1 automation? That would catch all issues left.


New topic for the summary: Summary card and badges for people, devices and status (with python script and custom card)
I found a way to call the summary only when needed (for scripts and switchs at least). For people I set a 1 minute interval automation…

Please help
Error when restart home assistant:
the following components and platforms could not be set up python script

What this error means:

expected an indented block in on statement: state = hass.states.get(entity_id)

Hi, very good python script.
Is it possible to filter some people by the friendly_name ?

Found it by myself

for entity_id in hass.states.entity_ids('device_tracker'):
  state = hass.states.get(entity_id)
  if == 'XXXXX':
  if state.state == 'home':
			home = home + 1	

You can also use the persons:

home_count = 0
home_desc = ""
inuse_count = 0
inuse_desc = ""
summary = ""

for entity_id in hass.states.entity_ids('person'):
    state = hass.states.get(entity_id)
    if state.state == 'home':
        home_count = home_count + 1
        home_desc = home_desc + + ', '

if home_count > 0:
    home_desc = str(home_count) + ' Personen: ' + home_desc[:-2]
    home_desc = 'Niemand zu Hause'

summary = home_desc

hass.states.set('sensor.people_home', home_desc, {
    'friendly_name': 'Personen zu Hause'
1 Like

o dear this has been a long time…

evolved from the summary script quite extensively, and, using the people counter has become this in my setup:

familyEntities = 'group.family_home'
daughterEntities = 'group.daughters_home'
familyColor = ['grey',  # count_home = 0 #808080
               'steelblue',  # = 1
               'saddlebrown',      # = 2 #00f
               'gold',   # = 3 #fbd229
               'darkorange',    # = 4 #ff8700
               'maroon',     # = 5 #ff0f00
               'green']      # = 6

familyIcon = ['mdi:account-off',      # count_home = 0
              'mdi:account',          # = 1
              'mdi:account-multiple', # = 2
              'mdi:account-multiple-check', # = 3
              'mdi:account-group']    # > 3

utc_offset = hass.states.get('sensor.utc_offset').state
timeDifference = float(utc_offset)

def CountMyEntities(hass, entity_list, entity_state=None, not_state=None):
    cnt = 0
    for entity_id in hass.states.get(entity_list).attributes['entity_id']:
        state = hass.states.get(entity_id)
        if entity_state is not None and state.state == entity_state:
            cnt = cnt + 1
        if not_state is not None and state.state != not_state:
            cnt = cnt + 1
    return cnt

count_home = CountMyEntities(hass, familyEntities, 'home')
count_away = CountMyEntities(hass, familyEntities, not_state='home')

daughter_count_home =  CountMyEntities(hass, daughterEntities, 'home')
daughter_count_away =  CountMyEntities(hass, daughterEntities, not_state='home')

def NameMyEntities(hass, entity_list, entity_state=None, not_state=None):
    global timeDifference
    names = []
    for entity_id in hass.states.get(entity_list).attributes['entity_id']:
        state = hass.states.get(entity_id)
        dt = state.last_changed + datetime.timedelta(hours= timeDifference)
        time = '%02d:%02d' % (dt.hour, dt.minute)
        if entity_state is not None and state.state == entity_state:
            name = '{} ({})'.format(state.attributes['friendly_name'], time)
        if not_state is not None and state.state != not_state:
            name = '{} ({})'.format(state.attributes['friendly_name'], time)

    return names

home = NameMyEntities(hass,familyEntities,'home')
away = NameMyEntities(hass,familyEntities,not_state='home')

daughter_home = NameMyEntities(hass,daughterEntities,'home')
daughter_away = NameMyEntities(hass,daughterEntities,not_state='home')

familyCount = count_home + count_away
daughterCount= daughter_count_home + daughter_count_away

daughterIcon = familyIcon[daughter_count_home] if daughter_count_home <= 3 else familyIcon[-1]
whichIcon = familyIcon[count_home] if count_home <= 3 else familyIcon[-1]

# the % symbol is mod, that means it will cycle through the list and never get 'Index out of range'
icon_color = familyColor[count_home%len(familyColor)]
daughter_icon_color = familyColor[daughter_count_home%len(familyColor)]

    'friendly_name':'Family Home?',
    'home':', '.join(home),
    'away':', '.join(away),

    'friendly_name':'Daughters Home?',
    'home':', '.join(daughter_home),
    'away':', '.join(daughter_away),

does a few more things, guards for None entities, checks the correct time using sensor.utc_offset and customizes (because python created entities cant be customized using regular ha customize: )


Isn’t this easier to just use?

{{states.person|selectattr('state', '==', 'home')|list|count}}

I did the same and actually it works quite fine for me… just counting the persons at home of course… YAMIL script works as sensor in my case, actually I would test a group with the “expand” function so that it would be easy to enlarge or reduce the group when necessary instead of listing person.person1…X in the sensor code.

I’d suggest, yes :slight_smile:

Thanks, saved me the effort of working this out :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Using a recent version of Home Assistant it is even easier, as zones now have a state representing the number of persons in it:

{{ states('zone.home') | int }}
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Thanks. That is great, but not intuitive as to what is being counted. It could just as easily be counting areas. If I came back to it I’d be wondering what that was :laughing:

But it is more efficient, especially when defining triggers on it. As the alternative template is iterating over states, I guess it reverts to polling to check for changes, whereas a single entitiy state is a simple event. And in the gui, it can be used without reverting to yaml / jinja.

As to intuitiveness, there’s not that much zones do, other then checking if persons enter it. So what else could it truely be? Area’s have no relation to zones.

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Well, it is in the document:
Zone - Home Assistant (

… also mentioned in the release notes, with screenshots and examples:
2022.4 - Zones now have a state!
It counts people, even when you have multiple device trackers tying to different persons.

Obviously one could still do complex templating and scripting to fit whatever specific needs - there are many ways to skin a cat.

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I’m old fashioned - I was taught that variables/states should have meaningful names like zone.person_home_count. But hey ho - the ‘modern’ way :frowning: