It relies on state info to enable/disable up and down. But you don’t have any state info. You specified ‘optimistic’ mode…so it’s going to try to maintain the state for you. Thus, if you push ‘close’, it will assume it’s closed and only allow the open button. Likewise, pushing ‘open’ will only allow close next.
But keep in mind, it will say your state is always 50.
In an ideal world, you’d have some other sensor you could use to determine your position state. But sometimes you just don’t care and want to make it go up/down.
I’m having the same problem with “template” type of covers…HA ignores the “optimistic: false” (which is actually the default for template covers) and tries to track state, resulting in only one button at a time being enabled in Lovelace.
The other side effect here is that my cover groups are behaving the same way as the default template covers (e.g., only one button enabled at time), and thus far, I haven’t been able to find a workaround for those. Even if all the entities in the group have the position_template hack, the cover group doesn’t display properly.
In my case, the assumed state is generally correct - so I do not want to turn it off. Nevertheless, I do not want the “down” button to be grayed out when the assumed state is “down”, as I want to be able to send that command to the blind anyway. The main reason is that if I have adjusted the tilt angle when the cover is down, I want to be able to reset it to “down and fully tilted”. Is there any way to do this (ie disable the graying out of the “down” button?