☀️ Cover Control Automation (CCA) - a comprehensive and highly configurable roller blind blueprint

my home is near Hannover (Germany) :wink:
In winter i use the daily open/close and the sun elevation control, so thet the covers will close in the evening and open in the morning.

In the summer i actually use the sun shading and sun elevation control.
For the shading i use the azimuth from 130 to 276 and from 240 to 290.
The values for sun elevations are above 20 for opening and below 30 for closing. But im not sure if this is usefull, because only in spring or autuum the azimuth will be the first value reached and than the elevation could be neccassary!!
Maybe i should try the summer automation without the sun elevation!

Let’s discuss this in German in a personal chat.

Such a pity, this way CCA cannot be used for Shelly 2.5 devices controlling more than one shutter.

For others having the same issue: I created a workaround by setting up a master/slave structure. I use another CCA instance (controlling a different shutter) with a valid position to trigger a Boolean (via “additional actions after opening/closing the shutter”) that triggers the slave (CCA instance without valid position) via “force open/close”.

Do all Shellys have no position information? How unattractive is that? How do you then move the device to 50% using a slider?

Can you show me everything from a Shelly device in the dev-tools?

And why do you say “more than one shutter”? Does that have a special meaning? Isn’t there a shelly for a roller blind?

And one more question:
Why do you need CCA at all if you force the journeys via Force? What added value does the Blueprint still have?

It looks like this is a Shelly 2.5 issue:

Then unfortunately I have to pass. It doesn’t work without an attribute. I would have no problem taking other attributes into account. But it looks to me as if the 2.5 is simply the wrong device for a roller blind.

Normally they have position information. But to have position information a calibration is required in the shelly app, which is only possible in case the Shelly controls a single shutter. Reason is as follows: During calibration the shutter is switched up and down multiple times and the shelly measures the power consumption. This way the runtime for up/down is determined. In my case I have to control multiple shutters with one shelly, with each shutter being controlled via a shutter relay. This way the shelly device is not able to measure any input power and the calibration fails. Calibration cannot be done manually, but this would anyhow not make much sense since the shutters have different runtime. So for this Shelly I can only control 100% and 0%, which is fine for me (better than nothing).

I really enjoy the combination of time and sun angle control (which is not possible with the Shelly App). In addition, for the shellys that have position information I use the blueprint for shading in summer. With my hack I am at least able to use the combined time/sun angle control such that all shutters are opening/closing in the morning/evening at the same time, determined by the blueprint. So thanks for your work, happy that I found a way to have the intended behaviour.

Shelly 2.5 is quite often recommended for shutters and working perfectly and also delivers position information.

Okay, then it’s probably the relay.
I use Homematic devices - some with cut-off relays. The only difference is that Homematic Bidcos are calibrated based on time. Homematic IP and Z-Wave Fibaro also do this via the power consumption. However, I have not installed a cut-off relay there.

I couldn’t imagine that either. I also knew that you use Shellys.
But you always lose the connection to the integration, don’t you?

Good morning all.
I have a problem that with a (as far as I believe) very simple config, the automation is closing the cover but not opening it anymore.
I simply moves into the “default” section" and every if check is “false”.

Here is my blueprint config, as the automation config is fairly long, you can find it here: trigger_variables: blind: cover.terrasse open_position: 100 close_posit - Pastebin.com

id: '1717187358789'
alias: Cover Control Terasse
description: ''
  path: hvorragend/cover_control_automation.yaml
    blind: cover.terrasse
      - auto_up_enabled
      - auto_down_enabled
      - auto_lockout_protection_enabled
    open_tilt_position: 25
    time_up_early: '07:15:00'
    time_up_late: '07:20:00'
    time_up_late_non_workday: '07:20:00'
    time_down_early: '23:00:00'
    time_down_early_non_workday: '23:00:00'
    time_down_late: '23:05:00'
    contact_sensor_lockout: binary_sensor.cover_lockout_helper_wohnzimmer_terasse
    time_up_early_non_workday: '07:15:00'
    time_down_late_non_workday: '23:05:00'
    check_config: true
    check_config_debuglevel: debug
    cover_status_options: cover_helper_disabled

any help in figuring out why it’snot working as epxected is highly appreciated, I’m fairly new to HA so I’m having trouble identifyin the reason in the trace.


Your trace is shortened. Something is missing.

I have no clue how to export the complete trace (sorry). I can only see what happened step by step. The output above is from the Blueprint config.
The automation config is at the link posted (pastebin)

EDIT: found it (the three dots are magic :slight_smile: )

See the complete trace here: { "trace": { "last_step": "action/3/default/1", "run_id": "1825b540 - Pastebin.com

This is the wrong trace. I need the one before it.

Here is the one at 7am where the cover should have actually opened

I have no sun, shading, weather, etc enabled, so I doubt (but absolutely no clue) that this might be relevant?

Your don’t use the Cover Status Helper, so the previous position must be defined.
Your current position is 16. And 16 is not closed or another position value.
Could it be that you have changed the blind manually.

I have seen the “cover status helper” mentioned but didn’t understand completely as the entity itself has the current position as attribute, so I thought it’s not required.
No, I have not changed it manually from 23:00 where the automation closed it correctly and the morning at 07:00 where it should open the cover but didn’t

I read the whole documentation again and I see it a bit clearer now in regards to the “status Helper” but still struggling to understand how to create it with which value as the current status is known as attribute within the entity itself:

can someone share the config of a “Cover Status helper”?

It is an empty input_text helper.

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I’ll do some further testing. I’m assuming I need one helper per cover, right?

Just for me to understand: why is reading teh attribute of the cover (current_position) not sufficient?