☀️ Cover Control Automation (CCA) - a comprehensive and highly configurable roller blind blueprint

Yes. I will check the traces later.

Thank you, another question. Can I simply copy the YAML code from a fully configured roller blind and then change it, e.g. only the entity that is different (Rollo, Status Helper, Contact Sensor)? I tried it but after I opened both blueprints they were no longer exactly the same.

Yes you can

Thank you, I just realized what my mistake was

Hello, would it be possible to install the following. I close my roller shutters in the evening according to brightness and sun elevation. However, only to approx. 35% so that our cat can still see out a little. From 23:00, for example, the roller shutter should close completely. I would like to do this with a single automation. If this is already possible, I would be pleased for a hint.

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Is it correct that the blind does not move to the ventilation position when the window is already open?

Can someone explain (with an example) the meaning of " Prevent the cover from moving to a higher closing position at the end of sun shading" ?

By the way @Herr.Vorragend the new collapsible feature is a game changer for editing the settings.

I have some covers (they are all configured in the same way), that today in the morging went to shading position but never gone up again. In the meantime its raining and getting very dark outsinde.
I’m not able to find the mistake. So, please someone could help me?

Here is my trace

Here is my config:

alias: CCA Rollo OG Schlafzimmer Ost
description: ""
  stored_traces: 10
  path: hvorragend/cover_control_automation.yaml
    time_up_early: "07:30:00"
    time_up_early_non_workday: "08:55:00"
    time_up_late: "08:30:00"
    time_down_late: "21:30:00"
    default_brightness_sensor: sensor.fassade_ost
    brightness_time_duration: 240
    brightness_up: 70
    brightness_down: 10
    sun_elevation_up: 0
      - auto_up_enabled
      - auto_down_enabled
      - auto_brightness_enabled
      - auto_shading_enabled
    workday_sensor: binary_sensor.wochentag_sensor
    drive_delay_random: 10
    position_tolerance: 20
    shading_cover_position: 20
    shading_azimuth_start: 72
    shading_azimuth_end: 190
    shading_elevation_min: 10
    shading_temperatur_sensor1: sensor.wetterstation_temperatur
    shading_min_temperatur2: 19
    shading_brightness_sensor: sensor.fassade_ost
    shading_sun_brightness_start: 28000
    shading_sun_brightness_end: 15000
    shading_weather_conditions: []
    blind: cover.schlafzimmer_ost
    time_up_late_non_workday: "09:30:00"
    shading_min_temperatur1: 10
    shading_waitingtime_end: 1200
    cover_status_helper: input_text.cca_og_schlafzimmer_ost
    cover_status_options: cover_helper_enabled
    drive_time: 90
    shading_position: 20
    ignore_after_manual_config: []
      - prevent_shading_end_if_closed
    workday_sensor_tomorrow: binary_sensor.wochentag_morgen_sensor
      - condition: state
        entity_id: input_boolean.rollo_automatik_an_aus
        state: "on"
    time_down_late_non_workday: "21:30:00"

EDIT: Problem solved by @Herr.Vorragend
Shading Position is 20. Close Position is 0. Cover Tolerance is 20. CCA ist not able to find the difference between shading and closing.

As already discussed with you personally, this is due to your position_tolerance with the value 20. So it cannot differentiate between close_position (0) and shading_position (20).

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I’m also a bit struggling with my shutters going down into shading although the weather-conditions outside are totally different. But i have set the tolerance to only 1. maybe something with openweater + get-forecast(s) is wrong on my side :frowning:

You can use the developer tools to run get_forecasts and look at the results for “Day 0”. With your last problems, the forecast was always wrong.

But mine sometimes too.

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Normally, the close position of the roller blind is always activated during daily closing.

However, if the roller blind is already in a shading position in the sun protection, this option can be used to prevent CCA from moving lower than the shading position.

I also had to think long and hard about why I did it this way. Difficult to understand. Also not so well described. :grinning:

I used to want to have it like this and had made a similar implementation in NodeRed. But my motors don’t like it in the long term. This causes them to break more quickly and I have removed it again.

CCA doesn’t have what you want.

Do you mean when the roller blind is already open?

Why should it do that? Then there is already enough air coming in. You would worsen the ventilation.


Over time, I have implemented many different requirements for ventilation and lockout protection. For some time now, it has also been possible to configure two different sensor fields.

First of all: I don’t use any of it myself. But somehow I’m not happy with the overall concept. At least that’s my guess.

Are your wishes fulfilled?
Or does it make sense to switch to three-way contacts (Tilt=Ventilation and Open=Open roller blind)? However, I was told that this can also be implemented very well using the Force functions.

How would you like it?
What needs to be changed?
Or is everything already correct?

I still want to make a few fine adjustments to the ventilation.

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Do we still have anything outstanding or has everything already been answered? I’ve been pretty busy for a few days.

for me its fine as it is…
only one think could be better, the weather forcast. Normaly the it uses the daily forcast which only shows one state of the day. Maybe it would be possible to integate the hourly forcast with a separate value for the forecast hour!
For example that we can set the forcast to 1 hour or 2 hours etc.
That would be more flexible i think! And maybe will open and close the covers if the weather changes a lot!!

Unfortunately yes, because it just doesn’t work and I don’t know why. Shading does not work in the same way as closing the blinds when a certain lux value is reached. I checked everything but can’t find the error.

I think I have found it.
All actions do not go to “True” because the time comparison fails.

This will be due to this:

time_down_late: "00:00:00"
time_down_late_non_workday: "00:00:00"

This entry is not valid because 0:00 is already the next day.

Have not read the trace yet as you advised me. Will try to do so later.

Just sharing this. Outside its cloudy and also under developer tools the forecast condition is “pouring”.

Nevertheless some shutters were driven at 8.00 into shading surprisingly.
