☀️ Cover Control Automation (CCA) - a comprehensive and highly configurable roller blind blueprint

Yes, it would be great to have such a functionality with the possibility to set a delay for waiting until the window is closed.

Sorry, but currently only the “current_position” attribute is evaluated. And differences are needed here in order to recognize a status change.

Regarding my post before. Would a second helper for tilt, where we can decide which one to use, help here ?

Thank you now it works.
I just don’t know yet whether the shading works, I haven’t been able to test it. Because it just rained yesterday.

hi, i have actually set the roller blinds not to open after shading. Nevertheless they do.

alias: Rollo_Balkon Test_Fork_CCA
description: ""
  path: hvorragend/cover_control_automation.yaml
    blind: cover.rollo_balkon_2
    drive_delay_fix: 50
    position_tolerance: 2
    time_up_early_non_workday: "08:30:00"
    time_down_early: "16:30:00"
    time_down_late: "21:50:00"
    workday_sensor: binary_sensor.werktagsensor_test_2
    default_brightness_sensor: sensor.hm_sen_li_o_peq1447851_lux
    brightness_up: 20
    brightness_down: 10
    sun_elevation_up: -1
    sun_elevation_down: -3.9
    auto_shading_options: auto_shading_enabled
      - condition: state
        state: "off"
        entity_id: binary_sensor.werktag_ferien
    time_up_early: "06:45:00"
    time_up_late: "08:00:00"
    shading_cover_position: 20
    shading_azimuth_start: 180
    shading_azimuth_end: 295
    shading_elevation_min: 10
    shading_temperatur_sensor1: sensor.ifeuch12_temperature
    shading_min_temperatur1: 22
    shading_brightness_sensor: >-
    shading_sun_brightness_start: 4800
    shading_sun_brightness_end: 5
    shading_forecast_temp: 21
    cover_status_options: cover_helper_enabled
    brightness_time_duration: 120
      - auto_down_enabled
      - auto_brightness_enabled
      - auto_sun_enabled
      - auto_up_enabled
      - auto_shading_enabled
    auto_global_condition: []
    check_config: false
    check_config_debuglevel: critical
    drive_time: 30
    cover_status_helper: input_text.rollo_position_balkon
    time_up_late_non_workday: "08:45:00"
      - prevent_forecast_service
      - allow_shading_multiple_times
      - prevent_shading_end_if_closed
      - prevent_higher_position_shading_end
    shading_waitingtime_start: 200
    shading_weather_conditions: []

Here is also the trace:

Hi, short question regarding the ventilation mode. After upgrading from 2024.05.03-01 to the latest version the cover does not go to ventilation position if the window is open. I have a helper in place and the sensor is also fine.
Is it possible that the comparison between the current_position and the ventilation_position is mixed or did I miss something?

Trace: { "trace": { "last_step": "action/3/choose/1/sequence/1", "run_id": - Pastebin.com

You can only prevent the system from starting up when the shading is ended via the condition. I don’t see that in your config.

You have activated some other features that are not for this.

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That is a very special and individual request. And I would have to incorporate this in several places. It’s not difficult, but I can’t consider every single request. That would require several people.
Until then, I suggest that you fork my code and add your features.

You have shown me a trace that includes the closing of the roller blind in the evening.
Do you mean that the roller blind does not move to the ventilation position when the roller blind is closed? (And the contact is open)

in this case it was a bug i also had, with the correction from you, the thing with the hourly forecast would be senseless!

yes correct. If I close and reopen the window it will move to the ventilation position.

I just went through your trace and you’re right. This is a bug. I will fix it. Thank you very much!


Ok, thanks for the response. Good blueprint anyway :blush::+1:!

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Hi, there is also a bug with the Individual Configuration (the underscore infront of the prevent_close_after_lockout).

Line 1731

  prevent_close_after_lockout: "{{ '_prevent_close_after_lockout' in individual_config }}"
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Perfect. Thank you.

Can I somehow prevent roller blinds from being closed by the time control when they would actually be opened by the ventilation? It would work via the lockout prevention, but then the shading would not work either.
Perhaps I have configured something incorrectly.
In my case, the blinds close at 22:00, even if windows are open. If I then close a window and open it again, the blind moves to the ventilation position. I would prefer the blind to move directly to the ventilation position at 22:00 instead of moving to the closed position and then to the ventilation position after closing and opening the window.

Hi there,
I’m new to this blueprint and would like to use it for shading. I set settings up as I think they should be, but unfortunately the covers don’t move although the options to trigger actions should have matched.

 alias: Verschattung Straße
 description: ""
   path: hvorragend/cover_control_automation.yaml
     blind: cover.rollladen_strasse
       - auto_shading_enabled
     shading_position: 28
     time_control: time_control_disabled
     shading_azimuth_start: 90
     shading_azimuth_end: 155
     shading_elevation_min: 23
     shading_temperatur_sensor1: sensor.boiler_outdoortemp
     shading_forecast_sensor: weather.forecast_home
     shading_forecast_temp: 21
       - sunny
       - partlycloudy
       - clear
       - cloudy
       - condition: state
         entity_id: input_select.jahreszeit
         state: Sommer
         enabled: false
       - condition: or
           - condition: time
               - sat
               - sun
             after: "06:00:00"
             before: "09:59:00"
           - condition: and
               - condition: state
                 entity_id: calendar.feiertage
                 state: "0"
               - condition: time
                 after: "06:00:00"
                 before: "09:59:00"
           - condition: and
               - condition: state
                 entity_id: switch.urlaub
                 state: "on"
               - condition: time
                 after: "06:00:00"
                 before: "09:59:00"
     shading_min_temperatur1: 16

Sun.sun is active and I tried some things like disabling entities for temperature or deactivating end conditions, but that doesn’t help.
Any ideas where I could be missing something?

Can this perhaps be realized via the additional conditions by querying the door contact boolean?

This is currently a bug and will probably be fixed today.

The sun protection requires a Cover Status Helper, which must be created beforehand and must also be configured in CCA.

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Okay thanks, I wasn’t aware of that. I created that helper for a cover and will see what happens tomorrow