☀️ Cover Control Automation (CCA) - a comprehensive and highly configurable roller blind blueprint

Ok ! Like this ?

so i’ve to check “use an external cover status helper” too ?

Exactly, then it should work

Hi, perfect Automation. Thanks a lot!
Working now for a few weeks, but shading is a little bit tricky to find the right settings.
Am i right that leaving Azimuth level will stop shading? That doesn´t work for me.
Same with elevation…when in shading mode and sun goes down (below elevation minimum) should the cover open? Doesn´t work for me as well.
Or work´s as designed?

This is because the same contact sensor is set for ventilation and lockout protection. Then the lockout protection wins and nothing happens.

Did you read all the instructions?
Just try it, be brave and ask again. :grinning:

“Fixed” in the next update.

Or you select “trace” and post the downloaded file here.

However, this is nothing typical of CCA, but is part of HA’s basic knowledge.

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No, unless you have deactivated it. Please show me your trace.

Yes I read but I m not fluent in english and translation via google is not good…
If I’ve understood correctly, this allows the minimum rise and set times to fluctuate according to the day?

How can i upload the trace? Here my config…

alias: "CCA - Rollosteuerung Ankleidezimmer "
description: ""
  path: hvorragend/cover_control_automation.yaml
    blind: cover.hm_lc_bl1pbu_fm_neq0082218
      - auto_up_enabled
      - auto_down_enabled
      - auto_sun_enabled
      - auto_ventilate_enabled
      - auto_shading_enabled
    open_tilt_position: 25
    time_up_early: "12:00:00"
    time_up_early_non_workday: "12:00:00"
    time_up_late: "12:01:00"
    time_up_late_non_workday: "12:01:00"
    time_down_early: "22:00:00"
    time_down_early_non_workday: "22:00:00"
    close_tilt_position: 25
    drive_delay_fix: 5
    position_tolerance: 3
    workday_sensor: binary_sensor.werktag
    contact_sensor: binary_sensor.hm_fensterkontakt_ankleide
    ventilate_tilt_position: 30
      - ventilation_if_lower_enabled
    shading_brightness_sensor: sensor.helligkeit_overall
    shading_sun_brightness_start: 15000
    shading_sun_brightness_end: 10000
    shading_tilt_position: 25
    shading_azimuth_start: 0
    shading_azimuth_end: 250
    shading_elevation_min: 20
    shading_temperatur_sensor1: sensor.hm_wds10_th_o_meq0832171_temperatur
    shading_min_temperatur1: 24
    shading_forecast_sensor: weather.forecast_home
    shading_forecast_temp: 24
    shading_waitingtime_start: 600
      - allow_shading_multiple_times
    check_config: true
      - condition: state
        entity_id: input_boolean.auto_beschattung
        state: "off"
      - condition: state
        entity_id: input_boolean.auto_beschattung
        state: "on"
    drive_time: 40
    time_down_late: "22:01:00"
    time_down_late_non_workday: "22:01:00"
    cover_status_helper: input_text.cca_coverhelper_ankleide
    cover_status_options: cover_helper_enabled

And I also send everything through the translator. :grinning:

Yes, that is correct. There was no other way.
And you have to divide the day into at least two halves with the input fields for the times.

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Please scroll up a few posts.
I already answered that yesterday.

Ist das denn richtig?
Could that perhaps be the reason?
Yes, that will be the reason. That doesn’t make sense.

No, I mean the following situation.
The window is open during the day and roller blinds close. I would have expected the blinds to go into the ventilation position, but they go completely down and stay completely down. If this is normal, I write another automation that intercepts this situation. I think that’s even better, that would also absorb the manual changes.

Just show me your traces and I try to help you.

quick question with this blueprint: would it be possible to sort of intercept the automation? Let’s say i manually change the cover at one window, would it be possbile that the automation would not interact with that cover for a predefined time? (if for examplei have azimuth activated?

Hello everyone,

I found this CCA for a few days. I think this is great tool. Thanks to the developer.
Unfortunately, I am a novice in this field and it just doesn’t work for me that my roller shutter runs via this automation. Have I set something wrong here?
Here is my YAML file… Maybe someone can help me and see if there is an error here.

alias: Rademacher_Rolladen_Blumenfenster_1OG
description: ""
  path: hvorragend/cover_control_automation.yaml
    blind: cover.blumenfenster_1_og
    drive_time: 23
    time_up_early: "06:00:00"
    time_up_early_non_workday: "06:00:00"
    time_up_late: "07:00:00"
    time_up_late_non_workday: "07:00:00"
    time_down_early: "18:00:00"
    time_down_early_non_workday: "18:00:00"
    time_down_late: "22:30:00"
    time_down_late_non_workday: "22:30:00"
    shading_brightness_sensor: sensor.helligkeit_wetterstation
    shading_azimuth_start: 135
    shading_azimuth_end: 225
    shading_temperatur_sensor1: sensor.wetterstation_temperatur
    shading_min_temperatur1: 20
      - sunny
      - partlycloudy
      - clear
      - cloudy
      - auto_up_enabled
      - auto_down_enabled
      - auto_shading_enabled
    shading_sun_brightness_end: 2500
    sun_time_duration: 30
    sun_elevation_up: 0
    sun_elevation_down: 0
    shading_sun_brightness_start: 35000
    shading_elevation_min: 30
    shading_elevation_max: 90
    time_control: time_control_input
    open_position: 100
    close_position: 0
    check_config_debuglevel: info
    check_config: false
    cover_status_options: cover_helper_disabled
    position_tolerance: 2
    shading_position: 25
    shading_tilt_position: 25
    shading_forecast_type: weather_attributes
    shading_forecast_sensor: weather.openweathermap
      - prevent_default_cover_actions
      - prevent_higher_position_closing
      - prevent_opening_multiple_times
      - prevent_closing_multiple_times

Thanks …


You have set “prevent_default_cover_actions”.
Is there a reason for this?
Because no actions are executed and I don’t see that you have installed your own services.


thanks for your response.
Yes… your right… I completely overlooked that. So sorry…

One more question: What services do you mean? I want to control “cover.blumenfenster_1_og”
This cover is working if I control it manuel:

Are there additional services needed?

Thank you! Maybe i misunderstand the option.
I deleted this setting and will test. Thanks!

today i tested again:
door ist open → automation got all neccessary information to start → statushelper said “lockout protection” → cover stays open. Until here all is fine!
I closed the door → NOTHING happend!!
As you said lockout protection wins over ventilation, BUT in this case the door is closed, for me the lockout protection is over, isn’t it? And than the the normal way of sun protection should go on!!
Is there a “cover close” value for the end of the lockout protection? If yes than this value should get the “close value” from the sun shading IF all conditions are true!
I put the trace when the door was open here: https://file.io/IeCivGh7vndS
and the 2 traces, when the door was closed here: https://file.io/6jyrQq9QHoI7

Maybe there is a problem with the status helper, because it wouldn’t set back to lockout protection = false!!!