☀️ Cover Control Automation (CCA) - a comprehensive and highly configurable roller blind blueprint

Please re-import.
Strangely enough, I did not have the error with the same code base. But I was able to recreate and fix the error.

Thank you.

Done, it works

This is the traces of the position changes. I need the one before (I think).

here the one before https://pastebin.com/raw/d2UkJAX4

What exactly is not working?
According to the trace, opening it worked.

The roller shutter currently moves to the ventilation position when the handle is tilted. However, when the window is opened (handle sensor open), the roller shutter does not move to the lock protection position.

Edit: If the shutter was in the ventilation position, the window is then closed when the handle is in the open position.

Edit: In the course of the status helper, it is always displayed that the automation was triggered by the handle tilted.

Template (open)

{{ not is_state('sensor.og_3_f2_griff', ['closed','tilted']) }}

Template (tilted)

{{ is_state('sensor.og_3_f2_griff', "tilted") }}

@Herr.Vorragend have you maybe overread my question?

Thank you.


I have edited my post.
When I switch on the check in the automation and then start it manually, I get the following errors in the Home Assistant Core protocol

Logger: homeassistant.helpers.template
Quelle: helpers/template.py:2629
Erstmals aufgetreten: 08:22:22 (4 Vorkommnisse)
Zuletzt protokolliert: 09:10:03

Template variable error: 'dict object' has no attribute 'from_state' when rendering '{{ trigger.from_state.state not in ['unavailable', 'unknown', 'none', 'query failed'] }}'

Logger: homeassistant.helpers.script
Quelle: helpers/script.py:851
Erstmals aufgetreten: 08:22:22 (2 Vorkommnisse)
Zuletzt protokolliert: 09:10:03

Error in 'choose[3]' evaluation: In 'template' condition: UndefinedError: 'dict object' has no attribute 'from_state'


I’m sorry. I always try to keep track of things, but I really overlooked your post yesterday.

It sounds to me as if the shading had never been activated. And the opening of the blind was the normal daily opening of the blind.

But it’s difficult to answer if I don’t have a basis in the form of a trace. The configurations here in the forum are simply too different for that.

Maybe there was even a bug. But I can’t remember that. But shading is used by some users here in the thread without other features. That should work.

I don’t think we can currently achieve this via CCA. There are simply too many individual requests. But with the Force functions, you might be able to realise it from outside - i.e. with your own automation.

As I said, this should work. And in the worst case, you can prevent it with an additional condition of your own. CCA is quite flexible here.

That’s not a bad thing. This is simply because the code was executed manually. However, I have come up with a fix that will be included in the next version.

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There is no lockout position. There is a lockout protection, but it has no position. Nothing simply happens. The executing roller blind movement is simply blocked.

I am sorry. I don’t understand all this.
Would you like to send me a personal chat message in German?

That’s what it does. After all, it’s always the same handle. You have only interposed the templates. But HA sometimes notices this and resolves it.
I think we can ignore that.

And one more request:
I need traces. Otherwise it’s all really difficult for me.

New Update

  - Fixed: Preventing errors and warning on manual execution
  - Fixed: Incorrect time adopted if tomorrow is a working day and today is a weekend
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a short question/hint:
i use the sun shading in combination with ventilation. All works fine, but today i recognize the following: all over the day the conditions for shading where false. But everytime i close the door (ventilation stops), the automation was triggered. And i saw that the wifi-button for the cover tried to open the cover! but it was still open. It also happens outside the shading! I think this shouldn’t happen! Maybe you can find something in the trace! https://file.io/nSY8XKrGtLla

Sorry for my late response…
I hope this is the trace you want:

          "platform": "template",
          "value_template": "{{\n  default_sun_sensor != [] and\n  state_attr(default_sun_sensor, 'azimuth') | float(default=shading_azimuth_start) > shading_azimuth_start and\n  state_attr(default_sun_sensor, 'azimuth') | float(default=shading_azimuth_end) < shading_azimuth_end and\n  state_attr(default_sun_sensor, 'elevation') | float(default=shading_elevation_min) > shading_elevation_min and\n  (shading_brightness_sensor == [] or states(shading_brightness_sensor) | float(default=shading_sun_brightness_start) > shading_sun_brightness_start) and\n  (shading_temperatur_sensor1 == [] or states(shading_temperatur_sensor1) | float(default=shading_min_temperatur1) > shading_min_temperatur1) and\n  (shading_temperatur_sensor2 == [] or states(shading_temperatur_sensor2) | float(default=shading_min_temperatur2) > shading_min_temperatur2) and\n  (shading_forecast_sensor == [] or shading_weather_conditions == [] or states(shading_forecast_sensor) in shading_weather_conditions)\n}}",
          "for": {
            "seconds": 300
          "enabled": "{{ is_shading_enabled }}",
          "id": "t_si_1"
          "platform": "state",
          "entity_id": [],
          "from": "off",
          "to": "on",
          "id": "t_si_force"

i’m LOST here:
looking for best-practise for simply close my shading “Markise” based on Azimuth and/or time-window.

  • close technically means: open (100%)
  • opening is not required

should i better use “automatic open” or “shading” option?

I need the entire file. Not the first lines.

Moved to here: Catch the following situation · Issue #102 · hvorragend/ha-blueprints · GitHub

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I’m relatively new to home assistant and discovered this great automation. However, I’m currently stuck. I only to use shading for my sun cover in the winter garden. I wanted to use more complex options (tempreature, rainsensor etc.) but as it didn’t work I chose to begin with a simple task and adding more complex options later. Means: if brightness is above a certain level close the cover else open it. However it doesn’t close the cover although brightness level, azimut and elevation are met.

I added theses options:

alias: Cover Control Automation (CCA)
description: ""
  path: hvorragend/cover_control_automation.yaml
    blind: cover.markise
      - auto_shading_enabled
    cover_status_options: cover_helper_enabled
    cover_status_helper: input_text.cca_markise_cover_status_helper
    drive_time: 30
    shading_position: 10
    time_control: time_control_disabled
    default_brightness_sensor: sensor.wettersensor_helligkeit
    drive_delay_fix: 1
    drive_delay_random: 0
    shading_brightness_sensor: sensor.wettersensor_helligkeit
    shading_sun_brightness_start: 100
    shading_sun_brightness_end: 90
    shading_waitingtime_start: 1
    shading_waitingtime_end: 1
    check_config: false
    shading_azimuth_end: 275
    shading_forecast_type: weather_attributes
    default_sun_sensor: sun.sun

If run manually it seems to be stuck at the “trigger.id is defined” condition according to the traces.

I would very much appreciate any help!

today it works! Adding sensors one by one…

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Hello, does anyone have an idea how I can move the roller shutters to a certain position when the TV is switched on and then move the roller shutters back to the original position when the TV is switched off again?

I did it with the force feature and in principle it works. The only problem I have is when all the other roller shutters are down because it has become too dark outside, the roller shutter goes up even though it should actually go into the closed position.

As it says in the description: it is not possible to run the blueprint manually. But I’m pleased that it has now worked.

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