Hi, summer has finally arrived here and I notice that my configuration does not seem to be working. Could you tell me what information i could send in order to take a look? I don’t use a light sensor at the moment but just the exterior and interior temperature for sun shading… thank you
I was using homematic but switched to Ecowitt GW2001 with gateway.
I have a resident mode in my beedroom and an Sun Shading when azimuth is >100.
When i am sleeping longer than the azimut >100 and i disable the resident mode, the cover will open, but won´t close again for shading since there is no azimuth > 100 trigger.
Is there any way to solve this?
I had a similar situation, added an extra condition to the blueprint.
Is someone can help me ? I guess settings are OK but it doesn’t work…
Please upload a trace of a roller blind movement that was not carried out and link to it. Then I can analyze the cause and also have your configuration directly.
Not at the moment because a trigger is simply required. I still have no idea how to change this.
But I’ve already made a quick note about it: Perhaps also trigger shading cyclically? · Issue #97 · hvorragend/ha-blueprints · GitHub
I have been using the following indoor sensors very successfully outdoors for years. Surprisingly, I have not yet had any defects.
Xiaomi Mi light sensor GZCGQ01LM
What do you mean by that?
Ventilation is taken into account when the blinds are closed in the evening. And when the blinds are closed, the contact is moved to the ventilation position when it is opened. That’s what it’s there for.
Or am I misunderstanding your question?
According to the trace, everything went correctly.
But not the way you would like it to be.
Because I can see in the trace that no shading has been activated yet(!). Why? I don’t see that there.
So the question is why the shading value was not activated in the helper beforehand. But I can’t answer that without further traces.
As an aside: The trace seems to be deleted after the first retrieval. However, I don’t save it temporarily, I just had a quick look on my smartphone. Now everything is gone.
This will be your hardware, which does not allow exact positions or subsequently changes them again. I have no influence on that. That’s what the tolerance specification is for. So you’ve done everything right.
But be careful if you set Ventilation to the value 100. This is therefore interpreted as “Open”.
By the way: Your traces are no longer available: “The transfer you requested has been deleted.”
Update: I don’t need traces. I still had the download in my cache
This is because you are using the same sensor for ventilation and lockout. We’ve had this here in the thread and in GitHub issues before.
Nothing has happened to you because lockout mode has priority. This also fits in with the content of the Helper.
The whole thing is somehow not yet so happily resolved. I need to revisit this topic.
That’s why there’s also this ticket: Check: Both contact sensors with the same entity · Issue #92 · hvorragend/ha-blueprints · GitHub
Do I understand correctly that your original problem was that you used the same door contact for ventilation and lockout protection?
I have created a ticket for this. I’ll have to think about how to solve that.
Please create a ticket on GitHub for this. Thank you.
Maybe just trigger when resident mode is disabled?
Ok, this is my configuration
id: '1708935494649'
alias: Gestion des volets arrière
description: ''
path: hvorragend/cover_control_automation.yaml
blind: cover.volet_angle
- auto_up_enabled
- auto_down_enabled
- auto_sun_enabled
- auto_shading_enabled
time_up_early: '06:45:00'
time_up_early_non_workday: '08:00:00'
time_up_late: '09:00:00'
time_up_late_non_workday: '09:00:00'
- service: notify.mobile_app_smartphone_tony
metadata: {}
message: Ouverture des volets
title: Les volets sont ouverts !
time_down_early: '17:00:00'
time_down_early_non_workday: '17:00:00'
time_down_late: '22:00:00'
time_down_late_non_workday: '23:00:00'
sun_elevation_up: 5
sun_elevation_down: -5
shading_position: 75
shading_azimuth_start: 90
shading_azimuth_end: 230
shading_temperatur_sensor1: sensor.openweathermap_feels_like_temperature
shading_min_temperatur1: 22
shading_forecast_temp: 22
shading_weather_conditions: []
- service: notify.notify
metadata: {}
message: Les volets sont fermés
title: Gestion des volets
drive_time: 40
shading_forecast_sensor: weather.fresnicourt_le_dolmen
- ignore_opening_after_manual
- ignore_closing_after_manual
check_config: true
cover_status_options: cover_helper_enabled
cover_status_helper: input_text.cover_status_helper
shading_min_temperatur2: 23
Yesterday the temperature was 26° and it didn’t work…
Could you tell me what you want exactly as trace please ? and where i can find it…sorry, i’m starting with HA
deleted, problem was misconfiguration
I’m still trying to get my automations to work… Only one seems to work even though I used the “duplicate” function. The settings are the same for all the shutters except the azimuth. Do you know why the others don’t work?
I still have one question that leaves me unsure. Is it essential to create a Cover Status Helper per section?
Hi, thanks for this great bluprint - I am using it on 2 shutters for some time for morning opening / evening closing without any problem.
Now I try to set it up for the shading optin only awning control with an Homematic HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM without success. If I understand the trace log correct it seems to send the closing command but nothing happens:
platform: template
value_template: |-
default_sun_sensor != [] and
state_attr(default_sun_sensor, 'azimuth') | float(default=shading_azimuth_start) > shading_azimuth_start and
state_attr(default_sun_sensor, 'azimuth') | float(default=shading_azimuth_end) < shading_azimuth_end and
state_attr(default_sun_sensor, 'elevation') | float(default=shading_elevation_min) > shading_elevation_min and
(shading_brightness_sensor == [] or states(shading_brightness_sensor) | float(default=shading_sun_brightness_start) > shading_sun_brightness_start) and
(shading_temperatur_sensor1 == [] or states(shading_temperatur_sensor1) | float(default=shading_min_temperatur1) > shading_min_temperatur1) and
(shading_temperatur_sensor2 == [] or states(shading_temperatur_sensor2) | float(default=shading_min_temperatur2) > shading_min_temperatur2) and
(shading_forecast_sensor == [] or shading_weather_conditions == [] or states(shading_forecast_sensor) in shading_weather_conditions)
seconds: 300
enabled: '{{ is_shading_enabled }}'
id: t_shading_start_1
on shading end noting is happening as well:
platform: template
value_template: |-
(shading_temperatur_sensor1 != [] and states(shading_temperatur_sensor1) | float(default=shading_min_temperatur1) < shading_min_temperatur1) or
(shading_temperatur_sensor2 != [] and states(shading_temperatur_sensor2) | float(default=shading_min_temperatur2) < shading_min_temperatur2) or
(shading_brightness_sensor != [] and states(shading_brightness_sensor) | float(default=shading_sun_brightness_end) < shading_sun_brightness_end) or
(shading_forecast_sensor != [] and states(shading_forecast_sensor) not in shading_weather_conditions) or
default_sun_sensor != [] and
(state_attr(default_sun_sensor, 'elevation') | float(default=shading_elevation_max) > shading_elevation_max) or
(state_attr(default_sun_sensor, 'elevation') | float(default=shading_elevation_max) > shading_elevation_max) or
(state_attr(default_sun_sensor, 'azimuth') | float(default=shading_azimuth_end) > shading_azimuth_end) or
(state_attr(default_sun_sensor, 'elevation') | float(default=shading_elevation_min) < shading_elevation_min)
seconds: 300
enabled: '{{ is_shading_enabled }}'
id: t_shading_end_1
any hint on how to get it running? Many thanks in advance
Is it possible to configure the sun shading position based on a template? I’ve got a roof window for which I like to configure the position based on the Azimuth of the sun (e.g. 125°-170° = 75%, 171°-250°=25%, >251°=75%).
Can I achieve this with additional actions for the sun shading? Are they triggered every time the Azimuth changes or are the only triggered once when shading begins?