Create a generic_thermostat in HA to control a Broadlink thermostat


I’m trying to figure out how to set up my auto heating. I have a “smart” thermostat, which can be integrated with the Broadlink integration. This thermostat can be turned off/on, set to manual (heat) and auto (heat). Auto meaning it uses the timeslots and corresponding temperatures that are set in the native (Computherm) app.
Now my problem is, that this thermostat measures temperatures very inaccurately and only on one point in the house.
I have Xiaomi temperature sensors in every room, and I want to use their average temp to control the heater. I have set up an average sensor already.
I want something like robi’s project, because it is almost applicable for my use case.

I see that he is setting up a generic_thermostat, which toggles a switch that is for his heater. I would like to turn on/off my Broadlink thermostat instead of his switch.heater. My problem is, that there are no separete entities of my thermostat, I don’t know how to configure it so the generic_thermostat switches my Broadlink thermostat on/off.

Only entity is:

I would be extremely thankful for someone to point me in the direction where I can start with this.


Could be this integration my solution? This offers to set an off mode.

VERSATILE THERMOSTAT may do what you want. It is a custom component for HACS. See GitHub - jmcollin78/versatile_thermostat: A full featured Thermostat for Home Assistant: presets, window, motion, presence and overpowering management