Create helper representing a floating point number

I am looking for a helper that can store a floating point number. It shall also persist this value.
The only helper which comes close is the input number helper. But this does not support floating point.
As a workaround I have installed the “var” add-on and defined various Vars.
But this keeps this messy. I have to fiddle again in the yaml files, cope with the inconsistent syntax.

Any idea?

Try input text

I have discovered that input number is supporting float, if you define the step size als a float, e.g. 0.001.
Now I am struggling to display the input number not as input field or slider in the UI but as pure number.
The only workaround I see is to define a second helper that is a template sensor which references the input number.
Is the a better solution?

Try input text

Hi, where in the UI? I know the header card will show number and I quickly tested Entity card as well:

I was ready to refute this but reading on I see you found it:

If by this you mean a read only display in an entities card,

Yes there is a better way:

Thanks for the tip. It is working.

I would be great if the input_number would support simple type via the GUI when the entity is defined in the helper tab. This would simplify the process and would avoid having to edit the yaml of each card containing the helper.