Create recurring Todo tasks that warn of upcoming due date's via persistent notifications

With To-do’s being rolled into the 2023.12 releases, I’ve been excited to use it to track regular household maintenance items. My use cases have been centered around remembering to change the various air, water, and dust collection filters that I have-- but I’d imagine there will be other uses.

I imagine as development continues on Todo that this may be irrelevant, but it was fun putting together. Hope it helps.

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

The blueprint is triggered every hour (very arbitrary, I know) and…

  • looks to see if the task exists and creates it if needed
  • sets a due_date based on the occurrence that you set (in days)
  • compares the due_date and warns you X days in advance (you pick)
  • sets up persistent notifications to remind you that it’s almost due or overdue


  • Tasks won’t be created until the automation runs for the first time. Manually trigger it or wait an hour for the next execution. If anyone has any tips; I’m all ears!
  • Use the todo.update_item service to change the due date for any tasks that need to be addressed sooner than when you created the task via blueprint (ex. my filter needs to be changed sooner than the 90 days that the newly created task suggests)



Notifications will show the task name, due date, and the task description. I use it to point to the item in Amazon for easy re-ordering. The persistent notification will overwrite each time the automation is triggered (hourly).

Task list


(Reoccuring Todo · GitHub)



This is greaty! Can you add the possiblilty of optionally making them actionable notifications as well including a button that make them no longer recur?

you could adapt and use what was posted here

I might add the ability to have a task expire and self remove without giving a warning. Some tasks I don’t want to be bothered with unless I’m home and manually check my todo list. I was about to write a very similar Blueprint but you did a great job. I just need a few little mods. I’ll be sure to share my results.

Glad I Googled before I started writing my Blueprint!