Crestron TSW 1060. POE HA dash for $30. Firmware

That’s unfortunate. It sure would be nice if they would just freely distribute these files on a non-commercial use basis. That way, they could, y’know, eliminate the need for sending DMCA takedowns to randos.


I agree, they would save so much money in legal fees, hurt nobody, and in fact, their community and software would only benefit from it !


Per Crestron’s request, the FTP is now down :frowning:
If anybody still needs assistance resurrecting their failed touch panels; get in touch and I can refer you to an “affordable” “authorised” crestron technician

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Sad. But at least few of us have full download.
And we still have PM if someone wants copy…

And remember, Creston themself are publically hosting many of the files anyway;
You can google this URL to find other files on the public crestron share
and get many firmware versions here.


In case anyone is looking for the reserved joins supported by the x70 Series, these may be of interest:

Reserved Joins for LED bar:

Digital Joins
30022 - reports if LED accessory is connected
30025 - RedLedControl
30026 - GreenLedControl
30027 - BlueLedControl

Analog Joins
33350 - Red LED Blink Time (x 100 ms, so 10 = 1 second blink cycle)
33351 - Green LED Blink Time (x 100 ms)
33352 - Blue LED Blink Time (x 100 ms)
33354 - Red LED Brightness (10% increments)
33355 - Green LED Brightness (10% increments)
33356 - Blue LED Brightness (10% increments)

Miscellaneous System Reserved Joins:

Digital Joins
17216 - LCD Backlight Brightness up by 1%
17217 - LCD Backlight Brightness down by 1%
17218 - LCD Backlight Brightness to HIGH
17220 - LCD Backlight Brightness to LOW
17221 - LCD Brightness Auto Mode ON
17229 - LCD Backlight ON
17230 - LCD Backlight OFF
17231 - Standby Timeout UP by 1 minute
17232 - Standby Timeout DOWN by 1 minute
17295 - LCD Brightness Auto Mode OFF
17296 - LCD Brightness Auto Threshold UP
17297 - LCD Brightness Auto Threshold DOWN
18358 - Proximity Sensor Active (getdigitaljoin 18358)
18436 - System Media Volume UP
18437 - System Media Volume DOWN
18438 - System Media MUTE
18439 - System Media UNMUTE
27323 - LCD Day Mode
27324 - LCD Night Mode

Analog Joins
17201 - LCD Backlight Brightness value
17203 - Standby Timeout in Minutes (0-120)
12718 - LCD Brightness Auto Threshold Value (0-100%)
17219 - Report Light Sensor Value (getanalogjoin 17219)
18273 - Wifi RSSI
18275 - Wifi Link Status

Serial Joins
17300 - System Ethernet IP Address
17309 - System Ethernet MAC Address
18226 - System WiFi IP Address

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howdy, all!

i recently came across a small lot of these Crestron tablets, the TSS-752-W-S specifically. i have seen where they are supposed to be scheduling specific, but i was able to push @CountParadox’s browser project onto one of them with limited success (it just stays at the Crestron startup screen but has a blue box to the top left of the display that takes up about 40% of the total display). i think i’ve discovered what the latest FW is (1.004.0014.001) but haven’t had much luck figuring out how to actually go about downloading it without having a partner account with Crestron, as it doesn’t seem the firmwares listed in that touchscreen.txt file apply to our devices.

anyone happen to have any ideas on other things to try? thank you in advance!

Just wanted to let people know that I have been probing into these as well. I think trying to make the most of the Crestron firmware is a good start but digging into the Android underneath will be more rewarding in the longer term I suspect. Looking at the FCC documents it looks like most if not all of the panels of this generation use the Amlogic S812 SOC. Amusingly this chip was most famously used in cheap TV media boxes like the M8S+, you are paying the markup for the better housing and the added software with Crestron.

A microSD card is used for the storage, you can get inside and get to the card without much effort as documented here: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
You can mount this card readily under Linux and poke around inside the different partitions.

I have done some experimenting with trying to get the image closer to stock but I’m very new at modifying Android roms. I was able to get to a different launcher on one of my TSS-760’s by replacing the Zoom client APK with one for a different launcher but this only worked once, after a reboot that microSD card just hangs on boot, I suspect the Crestron software is trying to launch Zoom which isn’t actually there.

Crestron actually has the BSP for those devices up on their website, , but I’m not sure how much use it will be directly. Looking at the build scripts it pulls down a lot of files from AMLogic that they are no longer hosting.

If I make any more progress I will share it here.

I think the x50-x52 series’ webview might be too old for HA.

Strongly recommend x60-x70 series panels as they have a much more recent Chromium version.

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do you happen to have the uncompiled code for this? i was able to run it in XPanel, but i think it’s asking me to authenticate to your HA…

BTW, browser mod works just fine with my 770s running Crestron General Web. Looking at some javascript tricks for the LED bars.

whats crestron gneral web ?

It’s the embedded browser app on x70-series panels; you just have to put the URL on the config page like you would for EMS on older panels. No need to upload a project.

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Would you help me in somehow getting those files over here either by torrent or ftp? I work for a none profit organization and we here were donated around 20 TSW-760’s as well as lots of other Crestron devices which we would love to tinker around with but cant :frowning: . Ill happily seed them files too!

Unfortunately Crestron hates you and non profits :frowning: I’ve been forbidden from sharing the fikes at threat of legal action…


Yea they made me aware of that after I’ve sent them an E-Mail once myself :frowning: Do they per chance have some sort of implementation in their software that calls back to their servers to see from who their Project Building tools have been downloaded from? If not I can be reached both on telegram and discord with the username kablersalat if you feel safer talking about this manner in private.

You need MasterInstaller which requires a valid Crestron login. I’m not sure you can install the software without MasterInstaller.

If you need firmware for your TSWs, that’s a different story as the URLs are publically accessible.

I’m able to get to the web interface on my TSW-1060, but it’s on version 1.000.0037 and refuses to update to 3.0+ via the web browser. Is there another way? What is the default FTP/SFTP/SSH to login?

Step by step update.
One of my 1060 was same problem.

Are the 2.0 updates available on their site somewhere? The 3.0 was easy to grab with the link provided earlier in the thread