Cube (AQARA) visible in Log, but not executed

using: brent/zha-aqara-magic-cube-57-actions.yaml
with the following HW:

IEEE: 00:15:8d:00:04:87:8b:ef
Nwk: 0x6466
Device Type: EndDevice
LQI: 220
RSSI: -45
Last seen: 2023-11-15T16:41:53
Power source: Battery or Unknown
Quirk: zhaquirks.xiaomi.aqara.cube.Cube

I have created some TEST automations and in the LOG they are executed, but nothing is happening.

The following code is written by the Blueprint:

alias: Cube test tuinhuis buitenlamp aan
description: knock side 1 Vlaggemast uit
path: brent/zha-aqara-magic-cube-57-actions.yaml
remote: f5f8d3f88cfaa53904fde2f22c2e3966
flip_90: false
- service: light.turn_on
data: {}
device_id: 4b864183cb942a9001e97e19e9c3e7dd

Is what it looks like in when using the visual editor

In the log it says EXECUTED

However the light does not turn on.
I guess the data to actually switch on a device is missing?

Do I need a newer version of the Blueprint? and if so, please post a link

Have you checked that the expected Aqara Cube events are triggering via “Developer tools” - “Events” - “Listen to events” - “zha_event” - “Start Listening”?

Based on my experience with the Aqara Cube, the issue is more likely to be that the expected event isn’t triggering, and either some other event is triggering or none at all.

The “Executed” you see could be referring to some event triggering the overall blueprint, but not necessarily the one you have configured to turn on your light (i.e. “Knock - Side 1”).

You realize the OP did not tell us what BP they were using or provide usable code. Also you realize they asked the question 7 months ago. Thanks for responding, but it is most likely that they solved their problem or gave up months and months ago.

They did mention the blueprint they are using - it appears to be this one:

But of course you’re right that they have likely solved it or given up by now - I responded to help others who may have stumbled upon this thread as I did while trying to work out why their Aqara Cube actions were not working as expected. I originally suspected something to do with the Blueprint but it turned out that the issue was more with the hardware and/or ZHA, which looks very similar to the issue the OP was facing (no pun intended :upside_down_face:).