Custom Button Card Entity Attribute State

Afternoon All,

I’ve recently disconnected Hive from British Gas and gone local with Zigbee2MQTT and got the boost functionality working happily (It sends the correct command to the receiver so the boost shows on on the thermostat)

I’ve created a custom card (Not exactly this one) and it works fine however what I’d like to do is show the status via the icon colour to show if a boost is already in progress. I’ve tried the variations below and can’t make it change colour when Hive reports “emergency_boost” as one of the attributes

type: custom:button-card
entity: climate.hive_reciever
icon: mdi:fire
show_label: true
show_name: false
label: Boost to 25C
  action: call-service
  service: script.hive_boost_to_25c_for_30_mins
show_state: true
  - value_template: {{ state_attr('climate.hive_reciever', 'system_mode') }} === 'emergency_heating'
    color: red
    icon: mdi:fire
  - value: climate.hive_reciever.attributes.system_mode === 'off'
    color: blue
    icon: mdi:fire
  - value: {climate.hive_reciever.system_mode == heat}
    color: rgb(3, 169, 244)
    icon: mdi:fire

These are from the developer states area incase it’s required.

Hive Reciever
heat	hvac_modes: off, auto, heat
min_temp: 5
max_temp: 32
target_temp_step: 0.5
current_temperature: 20.5
temperature: 19.5
hvac_action: off
linkquality: 72
local_temperature: 20.48
occupied_heating_setpoint: 19.5
running_state: idle
system_mode: heat
temperature_setpoint_hold: true
temperature_setpoint_hold_duration: 65535
friendly_name: Hive Reciever
supported_features: 1

What I’m really asking…is can it be done by pulling an attribute and I’m not seeing it?

The syntax is wrong, try

  - operator: template
    value:  "[[[ return entity.attributes.system_mode == 'emergency_heating' ]]]"
    color: red
    icon: mdi:fire

Thank you very much, it’s obvious now (as usual)

not work for me. See media player icon and state od media player. not attribute

type: custom:button-card
entity: media_player.moode_player
show_name: false
show_icon: true
show_state: true
  - operator: template
    value: '[[[ return entity.attributes.is_volume_muted == ''true'' ]]]'
    icon: mdi:fire
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If a state attribute’s value is true or false, use it without quotes:

value: '[[[ return entity.attributes.is_volume_muted == true ]]]'

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Hi, thanks for all the help here!
I’m still not getting to work, it always makes the upper statement true.
I also tried quotes around the number.

Anyone for help?

type: custom:button-card
  action: call-service
  service: script.nest_19_graden_eco_uit
  service_data: {}
  target: {}
  - operator: template
    value: '[[[ return climate.living_room.attributes.temperature != 19 ]]'
    color: grey
  - operator: template
    value: '[[[ return climate.living_room.attributes.temperature == 19 ]]'
    color: lawngreen
        - box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 3px rgb(18,81,219,100%)

show_name: true
icon: mdi:radiator
show_icon: true
name: '19'
icon_height: 20px

If you don’t use the entity variable, it’s states['climate.living_room'].attributes.temperature

(if the syntax hasn’t changed).


Thanks a million!! That worked!
(and i forget a third closing ] bracket at the end)


I tried the same solution, but it didn’;t work for me.
Now i’ve tried the yaml below and it still doesn’t work.
Any suggestions:

entity: cover.kantoor_raam_2
show_entity_picture: null
show_icon: false
show_name: false
entity_picture: /local/icon/silhouette_closed.png
    - height: 220px
    - padding: 1em
    - background-image: url("/local/icon/silhouette_closed.png")
    - background-repeat: no-repeat
    - background-size: cover
  - value_template: >
      {% if (state_attr('cover.kantoor_raam_2', 'current_tilt_position')|int ==
      100) %}
        - background-image: url("/local/icon/silhouette_open.png")
  - value_template: >
      {% if (state_attr('cover.kantoor_raam_2', 'current_tilt_position')|int ==
      0) %}
        - background-image: url("/local/icon/silhouette_closed.png")

custom:button-card doesn’t use Jinja (this is what you are using in your code below) but Java. There are multiple examples in the documentation and in the main community topic.
I cannot really debug your code because I don’t use it anymore.

I don’t know what jinja is. I just need to show a different picture depending on the attribute status