Custom: button-card

Is there a way to include a title above the icon when using a custom: button-card? I have only just begun to use this custom card (for my garage door) and co not see a way to include a title/label/name/some sort of text - above the icon.


By default the custom button card layout [1] does not provide this option.

But you may set show_icon: false, show_label: true and use the label to populate whatever layout and components you want., e.g.:

  type: custom:button-card
  size: 30px
      - font-size: 85%
      - height: 70px
  label: >
      var label = ""
      label = `my title<br><ha-icon icon=mdi:wrench"` +
                 `" style="width: 30px; height: 30px; padding-top: 7px;">` +
                  `</ha-icon><br>my footer`;
      return label;
  show_label: true
  show_name: false
  show_icon: false

[1] GitHub - custom-cards/button-card: ❇️ Lovelace button-card for home assistant

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Alternatively you can use button card grid-layout:

Some examples:

label on top:

    - grid-template-areas: '"l" "i" "n" "s"'
    - grid-template-rows: min-content 1fr min-content min-content
    - grid-template-columns: 1fr

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Thank you. The reason I’m using the custom:button-card is to give the ability to change the icon with the state of the garage door being open or closed. What I have works fine but I wanted to see if I could put a label on the card at the top. Not necessary, but all the other cards on my dashboard have labels. So I don’t believe the grid card will allow for the icon to change based on entity state. The solution above turning off show_icon and providing label as a var did not work for me. The only things that were visible were the “my title” and “my footer” text. I guess it’s possible to program change the label based on state in the custom:button-card but only if I get the icon within the label to show. Is ha-icon the right tag? It just doesn’t seem to pick up the icon.

Grid layout is part of custom:button-card.

I didnt realize grid was part of custom:button-card. That works very well. Thank you!


And the Garage Door - OPEN state:

Very nice!
The documentation is very large, so it can happen quickly to overlook something.

Could you share your lovelace snippet for this? I’ve been looking to replicate exactly this: a garage door button with hold functionality

EDIT: Got it working

type: horizontal-stack
  - type: custom:button-card
    label: Main Garage
        - height: 150px
        - grid-template-areas: '"l" "i" "s" "n"'
        - grid-template-rows: min-content 1fr min-content min-content
        - grid-template-columns: 1fr
    entity: cover.garage_door
      action: none
      action: call-service
      service: switch.turn_on
        entity_id: switch.garage_main_door_opener_2
    show_state: true
    show_label: true
    size: 40%
      - color: green
        icon: mdi:garage
        value: closed
        state: CLOSED
        name: (Hold to Open)
      - color: red
        icon: mdi:garage-open
        value: open
        name: (Hold to Close)

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How did you get the second line added to the card?

Hi, I had the same need (add a title above the icon in a button card. I see you succeeded, complete!!! Can you send or show the code you used? Thanks

Please post in English. See #0 in the link below

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