Custom card: Room Card

I have managed to get something a little similar using stack-in-card, mushroom card, button-card and card-mod.

type: custom:stack-in-card
  - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
    primary: Living Room
      style: |
        ha-card {
          border: 0
    secondary: >-
      {{state_attr("climate.zone_1_lounge","current_temperature")}}°c {% if
      states("climate.zone_1_lounge") == 'heat' -%}
      {{state_attr("climate.zone_1_lounge","hvac_action")}} Target

      {%- endif %}
    icon: mdi:sofa
    icon_color: >-
      {{"yellow" if states("binary_sensor.living_room_occupied") == "on" else
    multiline_secondary: true
    badge_icon: mdi:radiator
    badge_color: >-
      {{"grey" if state_attr("climate.zone_1_lounge","hvac_action") == 'idle'
      else "red"}}
      grid_columns: full
      grid_rows: auto
      action: navigate
      navigation_path: /lovelace-yaml-rooms/living-room
  - square: true
    type: grid
      - entity: light.wall1
        type: custom:button-card
          action: toggle
        template: trans_button
      - entity: light.wall2
        type: custom:button-card
          action: toggle
        template: trans_button
      - entity: light.centre
        type: custom:button-card
          action: toggle
        template: trans_button
      - entity: switch.tv_power_localbytes_plug_1
        type: custom:button-card
        state_color: true
        icon: mdi:television
        name: TV
          action: call-service
          service: script.toggle_sony_tv
        template: trans_button
      - entity: media_player.sony_xr_65a80k
        type: custom:button-card
        name: Sony
        state_color: true
        template: trans_button
      - entity: switch.jane_laptop_charger
        type: custom:button-card
        name: J
        icon: mdi:laptop
          action: toggle
        template: trans_button
      - entity: switch.stephens_laptop_power
        type: custom:button-card
        icon: mdi:laptop
        name: S
        state_color: true
          action: toggle
        template: trans_button
      - entity: light.notify_bulb
        name: Notify
        type: custom:button-card
          action: call-service
          service: script.notify_toggle
        state_color: true
        template: trans_button
      - entity: climate.zone_1_lounge
        type: custom:button-card
          action: more-info
        state_color: true
        name: Heating
        template: trans_button
      - entity: switch.living_room_chair_power
        name: Chair
        type: custom:button-card
        state_color: true
        template: trans_button
      - entity: switch.ls2
        name: Usb
        icon: mdi:usb
        type: custom:button-card
        state_color: true
        template: trans_button
      - entity: switch.ls3
        name: Fan
        icon: mdi:fan
        type: custom:button-card
        state_color: true
        template: trans_button
    columns: 6
      grid_columns: 4
      grid_rows: 2

The button card templates are

      action: toggle
      action: more-info
        - font-size: 0.6em
        - font-size: 0.6em
        - background: none
        - border: none
      action: more-info

From what I can tell, another user requested that the repository was removed:

To me it seems like @marcokreeft87 was asking for help and @lennnon101 kinda forced him to choose to fix it right away or archive.

that’s just great… that was a really minor issue but he had to have his bug fixed…

I saw this too! It kinda feels childish that he went and requested it to be removed just because he wasn’t getting the support he was expecting from the author.

I don’t think that’s quite the order of things that happened. It looks like this person might have been the last straw for the original author in terms of wanting to spend time supporting the card. The author then archived the project, and then the problem person went ahead and requested its removal from HACS (which absolutely could have been out of spite, but who can know). Once the project was archived, it’s a very normal thing for it to be removed from HACS.

I’m not saying this isn’t a sad end to a good card, but the HACS folks don’t take random requests to remove items. They even say in the removal request that you can’t request a removal because of a bug. The project must be archived by the original author to be eligible to be removed from HACS.

lennnon101 was kinda rude, telling the author what to do… and then the owner archived it, to which lennnon101 immediately asked for it to be removed. You’re probably right in the sense the owner had enough - hence why they chose to archive it. It was lennnon101 who then immediately asked for it’s removal - out of frustration no doubt!

That’s very bad. I had a lot of screens build up with this card, lots of work, but working perfect.
To say friendly: that sucks.
Is there any change of coming up this card again?
How long is it still usable you think? (no updates are coming, but for me that’s also not needed)

It doesn’t look like anyone has stepped up to take over the card, and I think every day that passes that someone doesn’t it’s increasingly more likely nobody will.

In terms of how long it will work, that’s really hard to say. I think it will depend very much on how the core UI is changed. Given all the new changes regarding layout options and sections, this card will certainly never get updated to support those. My bet is that within the next six months something will change in a UI release that will break this card. Maybe not completely broken, but certainly it’ll be harder and harder to use it in the new layouts. If you don’t update core Home Assistant, the card should keep working pretty much indefinitely.

I write the comment for @ludeeus on github about that.
Possible it helps to return room-card to HACS.
But 1 comment is not enough, need your support guys.

A quick workaround would be to just add the repository (or one of its forks) as a custom repository in HACS. That got my dashboard back up and running for now.

Hm, I just noticed it really needs to be one of the forks, the original repo doesn’t seem to work.

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Hey guys, its me, the ‘owner’ haha. You guys are right, i was sick of all the same questions without people reading the wiki first. And Im not talking about here on this community. It were direct emails that did the trick.

The card should work fine if you add it manually.
Its HACS that removes the card if the repo is archived

How to add manually:


Hi Marco,

Thanks for clarifying. I can understand that, must be exhausting to handle all these.
Maybe just ignore all and remove the email from your repository.

Anyhow thanks a lot for this card and the work you have done to keep it working with the changing dashboard so far.
Hopefully the new dashboard will get something like this if we can use the new widgets in the standard cards. I doubt it will be as flexible and info-dense as yours but we will see, for now yours still works and I intend on using it as long as possible.

Hey guys, hi Marco,

first of all, huge thanks to you for the work you put in. To put it in writing specifically. It was your card, that made me realize: Yes, you can build, what you envisioned for your smart home display (screenshot attached).

What are your thoughts to move forward. Are you interested in further development or is that out of the picture at the moment?

I have great interest in keeping the card alive and thought about forking it. Are there any thoughts you can share regarding that. Yes, I can read the code, but what is your sentiment about the past and the future of the project?

I want to keep the card alive but there werent much changes in the last year. So it might me all we needed? I will unarchive it. Lets see what happens.


Thank you for your fast answer. I think that is perfect. No one is looking for a fast or immediate dev cycle in a side project.

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Thank you for restoring it.
And please remember, there are many thousands of grateful and happy people that use your work and only a few loud trolls.

Thank you very much for this great card.
I suppose it does not need any change until some future Home Assistant release breaks it by changing a dependency.