[custom card] Transmission Card

I wrote a custom Lovelace card for displaying torrents information from Transmission Integration. Available via HACS.



Nice. What about enhancing this with an “add torrent” field that calls the service?

I don’t have access to the Transmission web UI when away from home since the addon doesn’t support Ingress. This card allows me to see the status of downloads, but to add one I need to call the service manually from Developer Tools.

Thanks for this! I’m using it right now. Initially had an issue because my Transmission sensor entity IDs were not the default names, but I fixed that.

how i configure the card if sensor have non-standard name? (i have 2 istances so i have to have different names)

Use sensor_entity_id: my_transmission (replace my_transmission with the name of the transmission sensor without the sensor. part)

I tried but it doesn’t seem to work
I even tried to change the various sensor name in English according to home assistant documentation

As you can see it says no torrent but I’ve 5 of them

What is the name of the transmission sensor as shown under Developer Tools → States?

Here’s all the transmission sensor

After setting sensor_entity_id: transmission_desktop in the card definition please make sure you clear the browser cache and reload the page:

I have to edit the js files?
I don’t know how to find the right half of your screenshot

You’ll have to edit the yaml file of your transmission card definition.

The above screenshot is only about debug info showinfg that the card handles non-default sensor name displaying the torrents.

Sorry, my comment should have been:
After setting sensor_entity_id: transmission_desktop in the card definition the card displays the torrents. Please make sure you clear the browser cache and reload the page after setting sensor_entity_id: transmission_desktop:

it’s working
i think it’s because i rename the sensor status according to the docs “current status” but in your card js it’s only “status”
(I changed it back and it stopped working again so i think thats’s the problem)

Last question: do you know of any way to add a tap action to card like yours that don’t have this function built in?

I’m not aware of any solution for adding a tap action to a card that doesn’t implement it.

In any case thank you for helping me figure this out and for developing the card