[Custom Component] Alarmo - browser managed alarm system

Actually, there’s a way to ignore sensor in current mode.
You can exclude the sensor from modes in sensor settings in Alarmo.

I’am only askig of changing mode name to more recognizable for other family members when arming.

Supported modes in Alarmo are limited to the ones which are defined by HA, see developer docs.
I see a armed_vacation is now added, but I doubt it would be helpful in your situation.


I’m looking to switch to Alarmo from the standard Alarm Control Panel. Can you tell me how to configure multiple actions for each trigger? I want to do more than just send a message and am happy to edit yaml if that works.

Here’s an example of my current Alarm Control Panel setup:

# Arm alarm
- alias: Alarm - Arming notification

    - platform: state
      entity_id: alarm_control_panel.alarm
      from: 'disarmed'
      to: 'arming'

    - service: notify.telegram
        message: "Alarm - House Alarm has been activated and is now arming."
            - file: C:\Utils\HomeAssistant\www\media\images\AlarmArming.png
              caption: "Alarm - House Alarm has been activated and is now arming."

    - service: notify.notify
        message: "Alarm - House Alarm has been activated and now arming."

    - service: media_player.turn_on
        entity_id: media_player.family_room_speaker
    - delay:
        seconds: 1

    - service: media_player.volume_set
        entity_id: media_player.family_room_speaker
        volume_level: '0.60'

    - service: tts.cloud_say
      entity_id: media_player.family_room_speaker
        language: en-AU
          gender: female
        message: 'House Alarm has been activated and is now Arming. You have two minutes to reach minimum safe distance.'
    - delay:
        seconds: 10

    - service: media_player.play_media
        entity_id: media_player.family_room_speaker
        media_content_type: music

Your automation can be kept as it is, I see no reason why it wouldn’t be incompatible with alarmo (other than that the entity_id may be different).

It could help. It’s better than “custom bypass”, but sadly I don’t see it at Alarmo. Maybe it’ll come with some update.

I haven’t been using other notifications than telegram, but it works based on build in HA alarm function, so all the services should work the same.
Just remeber that Alarmo creats it’s own alarm entites, called Areas (for example area Home will create entity alarm_control_panel.home).

Is there a way to add a garage door to the list of sensors?

My use case scenario:

Armed home I arm my front/back doors but don’t arm the door from the house to the garage, because we go into the garage when home. But I want the alarm to trigger if the garage door opens.

Any binary_sensor can be added to Alarmo.
If you have a physical door sensor it should work the same as the rest.
If you have a cover entity for automatic opening/closing you could use a template binary_sensor to check against “closed” state.

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Does anybody has any nice solution for just clearing a Triggered state and put the Alarm back to the previous armed state without disarming? I see the Alarm Control Panel Card hasn’t got this option, but is there any card which does this? Or do you have any other solution?

I thought of a card which would be displayed only, if the state triggered and it would give a button to clear the triggered state like the timeout does. Nothing fancy with codes then, but if there is card or solution which supports this that would be better. Thanks for any answer!

You can do this by using conditional cards. Create a conditional card: for the card tab choose Alarmo. For entity, choose the Alarmo entity and the status you can whatever button should show up on the card, and for the condition only show armed_night, armed_home, or disarmed.

You will then create a couple more cards for each state

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Thanks @djbrooks022 for the quick answer. I just didn’t know the name for the card yet. Thanks!

Otherwise is there any custom card which does this including the keypad as well?

Oh my bad, I thought you were using Alarmo already which does show the keypad. Honestly, I would just setup Alarmo instead of using the default one. Super easy to setup and should give you the optimization you are looking for

Sorry, I might wasn’t clear.

I do use Alarmo. Actually trying it and I really like it. But the Alarm Panel card in HA has limitations. When the alarm triggered the bell turns red and flashing, that’s ok, but the panel provides the option only for Disarming and no option to put it back to the last state before the alarm triggered, basically to clear the triggered state.
One solution what we discussed to have a conditional card with an option to put it back to the previous state, but that would not have the option to ask for a code. I was looking for a complete solution with an arm code to put it back to the last state before the alarm triggered.
The only option is Disarm. Or am I missing something?

I could add a ‘clear alarm’ button to the alarmo-card.
It will require to enter the pin code though.

I’ve been having some occasional issues with MQTT messages not being detected between my hard-wired alarm system and HA / Alarmo. Today I have a look in the logs and saw this:

Logger: homeassistant.util.logging
Source: util/logging.py:105
First occurred: 9:36:50 AM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:36:50 AM

Exception in async_message_received when handling msg on 'paradoxdCTL/hassio/Arm': 'disarmed' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/config/custom_components/alarmo/mqtt.py", line 251, in async_message_received await entity.async_alarm_disarm(code, skip_code) File "/config/custom_components/alarmo/alarm_control_panel.py", line 322, in async_alarm_disarm (res, info) = self._validate_code(code, STATE_ALARM_DISARMED) File "/config/custom_components/alarmo/alarm_control_panel.py", line 283, in _validate_code if state == STATE_ALARM_DISARMED and not self._config[const.ATTR_CODE_DISARM_REQUIRED]: KeyError: 'code_disarm_required'

Any ideas what to do to try and fix this? Perhaps I need to log an issue on Github…

Ok, I think I missed yet the alarmo-card. I used only the alarm panel card.
I though of having the DISARM option and the CLEAR ALARM once the alarm is triggered.
I will have a look first for the alarmo-card. Thanks for the offer!

Ouch, that error looks quite bad.
It’s very strange to me that it happens only occasionally.
It appears to be caused by this line, you seem to be missing a parameter in your config object.
It would be helpful if you could open a bug report for this, and share the contents of your alarmo.storage file (in the .storage folder), or at least the relevant part containing the “config” definition.
I’m sure we can fix this one :+1:
Thanks in advance.

Thanks for the reponse, I have just filed an issue.

When I say that the issue is occasional, that was referring to the Paradox alarm not changing state based on Alarmo MQTT messages. I’m not yet sure about the error in HA, guessing that it comes up every time rather than occasional. In most cases my Paradox alarm does ‘see’ the MQTT messages and responds accordingly, it could actually be another issue causing the occasional problem.

Hi all,

This is pretty awesome, have to say.

Have it set up, I think
Modes enabled, sensors defined and added to modes and areas. Users added and codes set. And right now for testing only a notification to my phone on trigger (working from “try it now” portion of notification creation)

But when I add the custom card, I get no boxes for enable/ disable?


What have I done wrong?

The alarm master will only provide options for arming all areas together.
Which means, you need to have some arm modes (away, home, night, …) enabled which are in common for ALL areas, otherwise you cannot use the alarm master.