[Custom Component] Alarmo - browser managed alarm system

Yes, I have them set like this:


Recently, this stopped working and I am getting ~12 seconds for entry regardless of the setting.

I have seen the countdown in the alarmo card being off by 1-2 seconds. If it shows 12 seconds instead of 30 that is quite a larger problem. Regardless of this countdown, alarmo itself should stick to the configured times. Please create a bug report (either for alarmo or alarmo-card) and share your findings.

I just released v1.8.6 which contains several fixes to restore compatibility with HA 2022.3.
Note that it is not backwards compatible with older versions of HA, so I advise only to update in case you have updated HA as well.


@neliss I saw you had released the 1.8.6 which worked with HA2022.3 so I updated both. In doing so, my countdown issue with Alarmo went away. Not sure what happened, but I can’t reproduce it now.

Hmmm How do you run a script when the alarm is triggered? Anybody knows?

Go to “Actions” tab and create a new action.

Follow these 3 steps:

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Thank you neliss.
For some reason it wasn’t running 2 weeks a go now it seems to be running fine.
My heimann siren works perfect and now i have to find a good external siren.

Does anyone know if it’s possible, like with BWAlarm, where the different sensors behave differently in the different modes? e.g. in “armed_away” with BWAlarm, my kitchen PIR is on a ‘delayed’ trigger whereas in “armed_home” it’s on an instant trigger. Does that make sense?
I know that the sensors can have different settings, but I don’t know if they can have different settings based on the type armed state, night, home, away, custom.


In Alarmo the delay settings are linked with the arm modes, not with the sensors.
You can set an exit/entry delay for ‘armed away’ mode, and per sensor you can choose whether it uses the delay or it should act immediate instead.
If you find that some sensors need completely different timings than others, it might be helpful to split the configuration in multiple areas (which can be armed separately). This function is intended for separate areas of your home like upstairs/downstairs/garden/garage.

Just started using Alarmo and it’s it’s really good! One thing I’ve noticed is that sensors without an entry delay will trigger the alarm while the system is in the pending state that was activated by another sensor that has an entry delay. Example situation where this caused an issue:

  • entered through the front door (door contact sensor has entry delay)
  • alarm goes from Armed Away to Pending
  • while I’m in the process of disarming the system my partner has already gone into the kitchen which activated an interior motion sensor (without any entry delay)
  • alarm has now been triggered while I’m in process of disarming the system

Is it possible to have sensors without an entry delay not trigger the alarm while the system is pending from the entry delay of another sensor?

The current behaviour is what I would expect - . Anything different should be an option IMHO. If someone breaks into the house I want the alarm to go off if they go anywhere other than where the delay is

Is it possible to get a delay on environment sensors? Every now and again my smoke alarms trip for a second or so - this triggers the alarm but I’d rather the alarm not triggered unless it has been active for 3 seconds for example. Did so at 2a.m. the other day which was not fun :frowning: Is this possible?.

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@rah, the behaviour is described in my post above:

I think the current functionality should cover your use-cases.

@sm250 see here.

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As stated already, that’s how an alarm system is supposed to work.

You have two options:

  1. Don’t let your partner in until it’s disarmed
  2. Set the kitchen motion sensor to also be part of the entry delay

I have a question.
When I arm an alarm with an open window, the alarm is armed and changing the state (open->closed->open) of this window does not activate the alarm, there is no information from Alarmo that the window is open so the alarm cannot be armed. The window sensor settings are correct but operates as if the bypass had been set. Is this how it is supposed to work or maybe I am doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance for the answers and sorry for the poor English :slight_smile:

EDIT : Problem solved, I had checked the option to force arming.

I have been having issues with Alarmo. i upgraded to the latest version of home assistant and then when i click the arrows under home and away i do not see options to set delays. I reverted back and just upgraded alarmo and not home assistant.

The HA 2022.3 update came with changes which breaks some of the items in the configuration panel (dropdown lists, sliding panels etc).
If you update Alarmo to 1.8.7 this should be resolved.
My guess is that you still have an older version of Alarmo in your browser cache. Please check the version number in the top-right corner in the configuration panel of Alarmo. If it is outdated, clear your browser cache.

Hi, just saw that alarmo arm service doesn’t have the vacation mode option :

Is it planned ? It’s not a big deal i know since we can use alrm_control_panel.alarm_arm_vacation

Thanks for your amazing work, use alarmo and scheduler everyday, life changer !

I’m unable to add or edit Areas or Users. The text fields aren’t being rendered and can’t be navigated to via keyboard or mouse. Tried on my iPad, iPhone, and Windows desktop running Firefox.


Home Assistant Version: 2022.2.8
Alarmo Version: 1.87
Installation Methods: HACS 1.24.0

@strangehadron well spotted!
Actually the arm service already supports this, but it is not shown in the HA services panel when using UI mode. I just fixed this, next Alarmo release will have this change included.

Please mind the release notes:

This release requires HA 2022.3. Things may break for you in case you run an older version.

That is exactly your problem, please update HA or go back to older Alarmo version (I cannot keep things backwards compatible).

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