[Custom Component] Alarmo - browser managed alarm system

Thanks for your help @anon36468094 , very much appreciated.
Looking forward to implement the new code :slight_smile:

Hey @neilasiii first of all awesome alarm system, really easy to use! I have written some automations for it so I was hoping to contribute back to the project if I can get them in a much easier format.

Here is what I have done…

Frequently either myself or partner will forget the alarm is on and open a door or window on the ground floor of the house triggering the alarm. So instead of a great big loud siren where is what I do.

  1. When the night mode alarm is triggered it takes the triggering sensor and works out which area it is in.
  2. Passes this area name as a string parameter into a script which constructs an e.g. light.[area]_ceiling and uses it to flash the lights in that area for 60 seconds before sounding the alarm.

In my opinion its too clunky for general use. The user would have to create an light group for each room with specific naming to be able to use it.

So I have a bunch of questions:

  1. Do folks think this is useful or is it just my use case?
  2. Anyone got any ideas on how to make this easier for folks to setup?
  3. Would you @neliss want it contributed into Alarmo?

Hope that makes sense

LOVE!!! the integration. I was using the manual alarm until I found this. Now I have a question. I have a entry/exit delays setup that use media player to make a sound during the delay periods. but the sounds are short files and I need to repeat them until the delay ends. Did I miss an easy way to yaml repeat??? Thanks again!

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Is there a way to temporarily disable a sensor? I’ve read some people trying to do a similar thing but haven’t found anything clear about whether there’s a feature that allows doing that or not.

How about having a script as the action for when the ‘night mode’ alarm is set which does the flashing light, wait, trigger siren, then for the regular ‘away’ alarm you simple fire the siren as the action. It’s bene a while since I looked at the Alarmo options to know how easy /if it’s possible to have different actions for night vs away alarm modes.

In the sensor setup GUI you can do this.

Are you referring to manually? I mean automatically.

I used a script which is then run by an automation once the alarm state changes. This script checks the state and then repeats the sound:

alias: ALARM_Beep
  - repeat:
        - condition: or
            - condition: state
              entity_id: alarm_control_panel.master
              state: arming
            - condition: state
              entity_id: alarm_control_panel.master
              state: pending
        - service: media_player.play_media
            entity_id: media_player.kitchen
            media_content_id: media-source://media_source/local/Beep Short .mp3
            media_content_type: audio/mpeg
            title: Beep Short .mp3
            thumbnail: null
            media_class: music
            children_media_class: null
              - {}
              - media_content_type: app
                media_content_id: media-source://media_source
        - delay:
            hours: 0
            minutes: 0
            seconds: 1
            milliseconds: 0
mode: single
icon: mdi:alarm-panel

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I used browser mod in an automation to show the keypad on our wall tablet in this situation:

type: custom:mushroom-alarm-control-panel-card
entity: alarm_control_panel.master
  - armed_away
name: Enter your code please
fill_container: true
show_keypad: true
layout: vertical


Hello. I have translated into Russian, where can I send the file?

In the sensors tab, there is an overview with all sensors with a toggle switch next to it.
If the toggle is moved to the left, the sensor is deactivated.

Otherwise there is the option to arm alarmo via the alarmo.arm service with the option to bypass open sensors. In this case the sensors that prevent the arming will be ignored until the alarm is disarmed again.

I think the idea is very good, but I would prefer a more user friendly solution.

One way that comes to mind is expanding the GUI in alarmo with the option to create a rule for turning on a light/siren etc if alarm is triggered by specific sensor (or list of sensors).
The ‘by sensor’ part would have to be added as a condition that the user can configure.

Another way would be to create a blueprint where the user can mark which device need to be switched and in case of what/which triggered sensor(s). In a blueprint users can pick from a drop-down of available options (i.e. list of all binary sensors).

Third way, which is currently already possible, is to split the alarm in separate areas with their own sensors. Within alarmo you can make a rule for switching a device in case an area is triggered.

What about defining a “Stage 1” action followed by a “Stage 2” action? In Stage 1 we could blink lights (or play an audio warning, or whatever) for X seconds, then if not disarmed, Stage 2 would trigger where we could have the actual alarm….

I ended up using the custom alarm mode to disable some sensors that I automate switching in and out of as necessary.

Hi All,

I just installed Alarmo and it was working perfectly and now all of a sudden my keypad has disappeared and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get it back. I deleted the Alarmo custom card, reinstalled it. Deleted my browser cache (Firefox) and even tried Chrome. I can enter codes using my physical keyboard and the alarm still works.

Hoping someone can point me in the right direction as I really want this to work

Thanks in advance for any help

Open the console log of the browser and check if there is a badge ‘alarmo card’ with the version number.
If not, the card (code) is not loaded/installed correctly.
If yes, check in the same logs for any errors. Without errors it should show up in the UI (e.g. for adding as new card).

Thank you for the reply,
I actually found out what had happened last night, I hadn’t had time to update my post.

For some reason in the Alarmo settings the Pincode had changed to Password which is why the keypad disappeared. Once I found this I changed it back to Pincode and reloaded the Alarmo card and everything was back to normal.

Thank you for creating such a brilliant addon, I now have a fully operational home alarm system which even impressed my wife and it was so easy to setup.

Did anyone encounter this? I have “arm home” mode disabled but it still shows up in this view (a button on the dash). Any way to remove it there?

When using the custom card everything looks good

I just set up Alarmo. I intend to use it with Konnected primarily, but I also have numerous Wave sensors throughout my house on ZwaveJSUI.

When I pick a zwave motion sensor as a sensor in Alarmo and Arm the device, once fully armed, I trigger the motion in the room but Alarmo doesn’t react. The sensor state shows as changed from off to on in home assistant but the alarm does not trigger.
Using the same exact method, I use a zone one door alarm on the Konnected pro and it triggers the alarm no problem…any ideas?

figured it out…had to pick a different entity, not the base device…got it working!