[Custom Component] Alarmo - browser managed alarm system

I got a question; we use alarmo, and because we have wall panels, we needed to set a pin code on disarm. It would be a little silly for a burglar to be able to just press “disarm”.

OTOH, its also a bit silly we have to enter a pin code to disarm on our phones, given that our phones already require a pin code (or biometrics…).

Id like to avoid using different dashboards on the panels and phones, because the interface is under constant development. The panels do have their own user. Can I use that somehow? user X has to enter a pin code, but users Y and Z do not?

I would like to differentiate the triggering when the alarm is away and the night alarm.

Currently my away alarm when the alarm is triggered, the google home speakers sound and the outside alarm sounds.

For the night alarm I would like a night-triggered.
This would allow me to differentiate my alarm away and my night alarm, for the night I could trigger only the google home and not the outside siren.

Currently if I set alarm away or alarm night the outdoor siren and google home are triggered I would like to be able to choose a different triggering at night and I don’t know how to do it.
Thank for your help

After setting everything up I came back to the topic to say thanks. Very nice an overall intuitive integration @neliss :muscle::+1:

I’m having a bit of trouble with this. I am testing at the moment with a single motion sensor. I have this sensor enabled and only set to the away mode. However it triggers the alarm on all modes (home, away, vacation, custom). It even triggers on all modes after I have disabled it. I’ve tried setting it to different device types, even removing the device type, with no effect. Any help would be appreciated.

Hello. Tell me how to configure the configuration correctly. I use a dimmed light bulb as a light signal. When switching to the security mode, the light bulb is lit at 100%. How to make the light bulb burn at 5%.

The second problem. After disabling the security mode, the light bulb continues to burn!


i installed alarmo and its great. But it is possible to make a delay for 20 sekunden before i trigger my sirene? Is that possible over the alarmo settings? Or must i make a automation or a skript for this???

And second Question, i trigger a echo dot with and he say the police where informed, can i set it in the alarmo panels for repeat?


Love the Alarmo integration. I’ve set up some Google TTS actions for notification but it always uses the speakers last volume. Tried to include a volume set in the action prior to the message but won’t let me. Anyone had a similar problem and figured that out?

In the General setting area, you can select the timing for events in each of the various arming modes.

Exit delay determines the amount of time before the alarm is actually armed while leaving the home
Entry delay determines the amount of time before the alarm is triggered when arriving at the home

You can adjust the Entry delay up to 180 seconds.

For the announcement part see my comment below to trigger an automation.


You can create an automation that fires when the Alarm is triggered. Then you can do pretty much what you want.

Looking at adding Alarmo to my system and was wondering if it would be possible to have an area of the home, in this case Garage, that I could automatically disarm the alarm for x hours on weekdays? I want to set up my garage door to allow a code for my UPS delivery for specific hours which is possible with my UBolt locks and not set off the alarm for the same hours as this access. All while still alarming for any other events at any other area.

HI I have been using Alarmo for a while now with no issues. But a while ago I needed to change my notifications for some new phone, which also working fine.
I removed the old devices and changed the notifications and confirmed they were gone
But I get an error in the log for the old notifications to devices that don’t exist anymore ie First occurred: 7:33:46 AM (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 7:34:05 AM
** Execution of action 1616123563 failed, reason: Unable to find service notify.mobile_app_mi_9*
** Execution of action 1616039584 failed, reason: Unable to find service notify.mobile_app_paulette_app*
As mentioned I can confirm that the these devices and the notifications no longer exist

I noticed that after the last update of Home Assistant, the Dutch translation of the Alarmo notifications no longer works. Has anyone else noticed this too?

{% if state_attr(‘alarm_control_panel.alarmo’, ‘bypassed_sensors’) == none %}
Het alarm is ingeschakeld op {{arm_mode|lang=nl}}.
{% else %}
Het alarm is ingeschakeld op {{arm_mode}}. Genegeerde sensoren: {{bypassed_sensors}}
{% endif %}

Hopefully someone can tell me if this is an issue within Home Assistant or Alarmo? :crossed_fingers:t2:

@neliss Thanks for the fix and update v1.9.9. The language problem is solved.

Rather new to HA/Alarmo, so hope this is the right place to ask this question,

I have Alarmo all setup with door and motion sensors. I am working on integrating an Xfinity Keypad. I am able to capture the zha_events and have automations to set Alarmo based on the mode description of the keypad. Arm and Disarm work fine. But Arm is really Arm Away. I need the Alarmo Service call for Home Away.

Here is example code I have for Arm that works. Similar code for Disarm works with alarmo.disarm. Anyone know what Alarmo Service call I need to use for Arm Home?

- id: '1681841666611'
  alias: Alarm KeyPad Arm Away
  description: ''
  - platform: event
    event_type: zha_event
      command: arm
        arm_mode_description: Arm_All_Zones
  condition: []
  - service: alarmo.arm
      entity_id: alarm_control_panel.alarmo
      code: '{{ trigger.event.data.args.code }}'
  mode: single

This code has been working for me. Make note of the service that is being called. I am using the alarm_control_panel instead of alarmo.arm.

  - service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_home
    data: {}
      entity_id: alarm_control_panel.alarmo

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The service call looks fine.
You can extend it further to set the desired mode:

  - service: alarmo.arm
      entity_id: alarm_control_panel.alarmo
      code: '{{ trigger.event.data.args.code }}'
      mode: home # can be any of away/home/night/vacation/custom

Note that a blueprint exists for connecting the Xfinity keypad to alarmo, see here: Zigbee2MQTT - Control Alarmo via keypad - #25 by gremblin.
It is written for zigbee2mqtt so all mqtt related lines would have to be modified, but perhaps you can use it as starting point.

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Thanks very much for your response. Works great.

Thanks for the response. This approach keeps all my Alarm Automations same format. Adding the one lines works!

I saw the Xfinity zigbee2mqtt blueprint, but looked like a lot of changes for ZHA, but maybe I will give it a shot. I suspect there are a few people running ZHA that have gotten this device.

My next step was to update to the Custon Alarmo Card described in the Alarmo Document. I was looking for the added features of bypassing open sensors, resizing and scaling. I was able to do this on my PC. Here is the YAML code:

type: custom:alarmo-card
entity: alarm_control_panel.alarmo
button_scale_actions: 1
button_scale_keypad: 1.1
use_clear_icon: true
keep_keypad_visible: false
name: 4_24 Alarmo

So this works great on my PC HA. But when I look at it on my phone it has an error that custom element type: custom:alarmo-card doesn’t exist. I have tried restarting PC and Phone and different approaches but all fail the same way. Am I missing something? Thanks

Update: Update Alarm in HACS from v1.98 to v1.99. Works same on PC and Phone!

Is it possible to change the color of the status icon? In the .yaml file of the theme I can’t find references (Google Dark theme ), I use the custom Alarmo card…
