[Custom Component] Alarmo - browser managed alarm system

@atburgoyne It looks like you made a typo.

It is not arm_night but armed_night same for arm_arway, should be armed_away.

{% if is_state("alarm_control_panel.alarmo", 'armed_away') %} 
  {% endif %}
  {% if is_state("alarm_control_panel.alarmo", 'armed_night') %} 
  {% endif %}
  {% if is_state("alarm_control_panel.alarmo", 'disarmed') %} 
  {% endif %}

  {% if is_state("alarm_control_panel.alarmo", 'disarmed') %} 
  {% else %} 
  {% endif %}

If you want to put it in 2 lines, then this could also be a solution:

{{ states('alarm_control_panel.alarmo') | replace("armed_away", "mdi:shield-home") | replace("armed_night", "mdi:shield-moon") | replace("disarmed", "mdi:shield-off")}}
{{ iif(is_state("alarm_control_panel.alarmo", "disarmed"), "green", "red")}}

Thanks for that catch!

Do you have any ideas how I can trigger this Alarmo popup in the tap_action section?

Do you mean via an automation like this?

How can I create an automation using the ā€œEntry delayā€ or ā€œExit delayā€ states from outside Alarmo (for more customization of actions)?
I cannot find those states and would like to add some broadcasts when the alarm gets into the entry delay period.

Edit: found it. Itā€™s the pending state.

I have been running Alarmo for several months, working great. Recently I had a couple instance of Alarmo arming Home without any reason I can find.

The most recent occurred this morning after disarming it a couple hours before. No automations or Scripts had run at the time of the occurrence.

The logbook had:

2nd New Alarmo changed to Arming triggered by service alarmo.arm
7:30:51 AM - 31 minutes ago - John McClelland
Time changed to 07:30
7:30:00 AM - 31 minutes ago
Time changed to 07:29
7:29:00 AM - 32 minutes ago

The System Log had:

This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: custom_components.alarmo.alarm_control_panel
Source: custom_components/alarmo/alarm_control_panel.py:361
Integration: Alarmo (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 7:30:51 AM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 7:30:51 AM

Cannot go to state armed_home from state arming.

Not sure how to chase it down any further. Help appreciated.

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I canā€™t seem to get the alarm to trigger. I have set it to send a notification to my phone just to test. When I do ā€œtry itā€ on the notification action I get the notification. I have motion sensors assigned to the ā€œNightā€ mode. I turn the alarm on using Alarmo Card, go to the Sensors tab in Alarmo and wave my hand in front of one of the sensors. I can see the icon for that sensors change on the Sensors tab. However, I never get the notification on my device. On the history dashboard I can see where the alarm is being armed and disarmed but there is never any trigger actions happening. Any idea how I can resolve this?

Yes! Iā€™m not going crazy. Iā€™ve been going over my few automations, as I recently had to redo my home assistant setup due to a backup failure.

I also have home assistant randomly set itself to arm home about twice every 24 hours.

You are the first I have found discuss this bug

For me it has not happened again. But still concerned that it happened at all!

Any recommendations for a ZHA compatible siren that I could use with Alarmo, please?

Thereā€™s a TUYA based one (Moes/Coolcam/etc) that I understand only works with Zigbee2MQTT. :frowning:

Just getting started with Alarmo, and so far it seems like a very slick implementation!

One request, though: Iā€™d like a system option to either set the default ā€œBypassā€ state to On, or to make the Bypass option sticky (so it doesnā€™t reset to off after every disarm).

Reason: My alarm dashboard always displays any open doors/windows, so I should be able to just ā€œArmā€ since I already know about any potential security holes.

Thanks for your great work!

Is there a way to expose / capture the name of the person who armed Alarmo? For use in an automation or template sensor?

E.g. a family member has a bespoke Alarmo code. Iā€™d like to track when this code has been used so that it affects other things in Home Assistant. Like lights working in different ways or certain automations that donā€™t make sense / confuse a family guest.

You can get the name from the changed_by attribute of the alarm_control_panel entity.

I must have missed that. Thank you.

Got up and running with Alarmo and very happy with it with a few little touches such as a hidden RFID sticker that me or my wife can ā€œtapā€ to change alarm modes.

Is there a way to automatically set the alarm to Alarm Away without the exit delay.

Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s also related to this; ā€œArm the alarm in forceā€ which Iā€™m not sure what this means?

Also is there a way to create an override notification on Home Assistant? Basically if my Home Alarm is going off Iā€™d like my phone to do more than a possible silent/hidden notification.

Would still be interested to know what ā€œArm the alarm in forceā€
Turns out that skip the exit delay is an option as soon as you set up an automation, which is nice.
Iā€™ve also worked out notification channels which have helped somewhat.

Hi Niels,

Iā€™m trying to install alarmo on a Debian 11 HA supervised installation following your manual installation instructions. I unzip all the alarmo.zip file in my config/custom_components and restart HA, but thatā€™s as far as I get.

Step 3 says ā€™ 1. Go to Configuration ā†’ Integrations and click the big orange ā€˜+ā€™ button. Look for Alarmo and click to add it.ā€™

Do you mean in the web browser attached to the HA server? If so, I donā€™t have ā€˜Configuration ā†’ Integrationsā€™ . Do you mean Settings->Devices & services->Integrations? If so the big button is blue and it doesnā€™t show up in that list.

It seems Iā€™m missing something pretty basic again :-(.



Never mind. Reading through this thread I find it needs to be in the ā€˜custom_components/alarmoā€™ directory.


Hi, Iā€™m using a Google Home mini which was lying aroundā€¦ :grin:

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Iā€™m using Alarmo for some time now and Iā€™m very happy with all the options. It works like a charm!!

Now lately I notices the following in HA logs:

This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: custom_components.alarmo.alarm_control_panel
Source: custom_components/alarmo/alarm_control_panel.py:354
Integration: Alarmo (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 14:36:46 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 14:36:46

Cannot go to state disarmed from state disarmed.

Is there some setting I have to change, because every time somebody leaves the house and someone is still at home, this happens.
Hope itā€™s something simple :crossed_fingers:

Iā€™m guessing you have an automation setup which is doing this. Find the automation and put a condition in it to prevent it trying to disarm the alarm if it is already disarmed.