[Custom Component] Alarmo - browser managed alarm system

Thanks for the response @sparkydave
And, yes it’s called in a automation indeed. For now I failed getting it to work… :thinking:

Found what went wrong… :grin: There were some leftovers from an earlier setup :crazy_face:
Removed them, and the problem has gone!!

Hi everyone,

Looking for a way to change the colors of the Armed/Disarmed State badge, on the Alarmo-Card.

When Armed, it’s currently Green (see image)… and when Disarmed, it’s Gray.

I’d actually like to have it RED when Armed.

I have card_mod installed as well… but struggling for a way to change this badge color unfortunately.

Greatly appreciate any help with this.
Thank you!

(PS - Loving Alarmo so far - it is fantastic!)


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Add this to your alarmo card (if you have cardmod installed)

  style: |
    ha-card > div.header > div.icon > alarmo-state-badge {
    --state-alarm_control_panel-armed_away-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-alarm_control_panel-armed_custom_bypass-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-alarm_control_panel-armed_home-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-alarm_control_panel-armed_night-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-alarm_control_panel-armed_vacation-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-alarm_control_panel-arming-color: var(--orange-color);
    --state-alarm_control_panel-disarming-color: var(--orange-color);
    --state-alarm_control_panel-pending-color: var(--orange-color);
    --state-alarm_control_panel-triggered-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-alarm_control_panel-disarmed-color: var(--green-color)

Thank you sammyke007

I gave it a shot but it doesn’t seem to be doing anything? I’ll keep messing with it and hopefully it magically starts working! :smiley:

Now that I know roughly what the syntax looks like, i can keep searching for answers based on that. Thank you!

Try this complete card:

type: custom:alarmo-card
entity: alarm_control_panel.alarmo
states: {}
button_scale_actions: 1.5
button_scale_keypad: 2
use_clear_icon: true
keep_keypad_visible: true
  style: |
    ha-card > div.header > div.icon > alarmo-state-badge {
    --state-alarm_control_panel-armed_away-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-alarm_control_panel-armed_custom_bypass-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-alarm_control_panel-armed_home-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-alarm_control_panel-armed_night-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-alarm_control_panel-armed_vacation-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-alarm_control_panel-arming-color: var(--orange-color);
    --state-alarm_control_panel-disarming-color: var(--orange-color);
    --state-alarm_control_panel-pending-color: var(--orange-color);
    --state-alarm_control_panel-triggered-color: var(--red-color);
    --state-alarm_control_panel-disarmed-color: var(--green-color)

You might need a cache refresh. Try it from an incognito browser session.

Thanks for the suggestion sammyke007. I tried an Incognito window, and that didn’t make a difference unfortunately :frowning:

I’m able to do a simple card-mod change, like shown below… and that works fine.

So… not sure why the specific snippet you shared with me is not working. I’ll keep messing with it.

### Update: Success! ###

I think I had the snippet of code in the wrong place (outside of some vertical stack stuff), not right within the “cards” portion.

Once I added it in the right place, with the correct indenting (as shown in your complete card example), it magically started working.

Thank you sammyke007!!!

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How would you proceed to check how an alarm has been triggered afterwards? I am searching why the alarm just went off for no apparent reason. The HA-Logs dont give me an indication about any trigger - just about error messages etc.

We integrated alarmo with 15 KNX windows contacts, every contact was added as window to alarmo. If i arm, the value open_sensors is always null and open windows will automatically added to bypassed_sensors. We always arm with lovelace UI.

Option in Lovelace GUI to bypass open sensors is not enabled.

Why are the windows automatically added to bypassed_sensors and why does not the arming failes?

  - name: Kontakte FK W1 EG Wohnzimmer Gründach
    state_address: "6/2/0"
    device_class: window

I was replying on mobile, that caused bad indenting, sorry! :sweat_smile:

Did you try setting these color definitions in your theme instead?
I copied the color definitions as defined in HA in an attempt to make it easy for the user to customize the colors.

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Could it be that you use a code for arming and it is configured as override code (which forces the alarm to be armed)? Please review your settings.

Arm with force will ensure that the arming of the alarm will succeed.
Any (door/window sensor) which is still active at the time of arming will become bypassed (=ignored).

No… Is that directly in the configuration.yaml? Any example by accident please?

i only use the custom:alarmo-card

I’m replying to this old update because I have a question about an anomalous event between Alarmo and Homekit when switching between different alarm modes which is supposed to occur without going to disarm.

What I’ve noticed is that it is true that the Alarmo component does not create a disarmed event in HA when say going form armed_home to armed_night, HomeKit logs a state transition to disarmed and as well as additional events.

This HomeKit behavior does not occur when using the standard Home Assistant Alarm panel (because I just switched from the standard HA panel). You can see the log entries for each below where ‘start’ and ‘done’ are supposed to be the state transitions from night to home. Following that the HomeKit Controller gets a bunch of extraneous events one of which is a disarm before going back to the done state. I should note the state transition was started by the Alarmo/HA side via a service call, not HomeKit.



I was wondering if anyone else had noticed this behavior which is rather annoying if you have notifications on HomeKit. Is there a workaround or issue to avoid this odd HomeKit event?

Is there a way to size the keypad numbers without make the Buttons bigger? (Resize borders)

Good morning, I have alarmo installed with a motion sensor that, if it is not detected within a certain period of time, goes into deep sleep mode, so the sensor appears as unavailable.
I wanted to know if the alarm can work in some way when the sensor is in deep sleep state.
Thank you.

I have tilt/vibration sensors on a couple basement windows. Alarmo recognizes these properly as being of the “tamper” type however I would prefer to include these in the “Always” mode rather than just when the alarm is armed.

Is the only way to accomplish this to change the type to “environmental” ?


I don’t know much about homekit. I can confirm that for a state transition between armed_home and armed_night the disarmed state will not be passed.
If you believe something is wrong in Alarmo please create a bug report in github for this.


You mean in alarmo-card? No, there is only an option to scale the text, and the buttons are automatically resized by the text inside. You may be able to modify the buttons with the card-mod integration, but I have not tried this myself.


This is a bit strange behaviour for a sensor. The unavailable state in HA is intended for cases where the integration is unable to communicate with the device to determine its state. Sleeping is no such case, normally a device would wake up on every state change, so the integration can keep the last received state while the device is sleeping.

In alarmo you can set per sensor whether the unavailable state must be ignored or should trigger the alarm. By default, it is ignored (so considered same as ‘off’), so I guess your sensor should work fine in alarmo.


In alarmo the sensor types only determines which settings are pre-applied and which are visible. For your use-case I recommend to clear the sensor type and apply the ‘always on’ setting.

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@sammyke007 can you tell my what card_mod style i need to make the numbers bigger?